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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Coolio, hope you enjoy!

  2. Recieved your package yet?

  3. Phil Collins: 'Not banging those drums anymore are you Dairy Milk Gorilla!'
  4. I agree with Razz, and from your last few 'night out' posts, it sounds like you get led on quite easily 'Falcon. Think you need to be a bit more assertive, and you don't have to just go along with everything. If you're feeling shit, or things turn out crap, just call it a night... don't let yourself just sit their, have a bad time and watch your mates acting like jerks!
  5. haha, I'm up for a difficult challenge, but I want to be able to actually complete the game!
  6. haha, phew! thanks
  7. Is this some Professor Layton brain teaser?!... B did it! no A!... wait... C was lying, was it D?...
  8. What's your fav?For me... Chicken/Beef & Vegetables in BlackBean Sauce, Sweet & Sour Spare Ribs and Vegetarian ChowMein... and Rice!! Then the leftovers for lunch the next day!!
  9. hehe,
  10. yay! someone sent me a picture of them wearing one of my T's... EDIT: haha, sorry Ine, I had to reupload it, so these posts are round the wrong way!
  11. ROFL!... uhh you crazy fool!
  12. ^ Yeah with this and Super Mario Galaxy 2 taking their Top 2 places, expectations are certainly high for Nintendo in 2010!! Let's hope both titles greatly deliver!!
  13. Tbf RTD can do whatever he wants, it was his show, let him end his chapter how ever he sees fit. And also David Tennant is loved by SO many, for many viewers he IS Doctor Who and it's only right his send of is a very special thing.
  14. What a fantastic game!! Good on Leeds pushing right to the very end!!
  15. If you haven't seen the 'Caption thread' on the autosports forum, definately check it out it's hilarious!!...
  16. Hmm... seems to have a decent amount of experiece, but surely USF1 have got to try and get someone with F1 knowledge for their other driver!
  17. I just saw a guy carrying a couple of tied up rubbish bags, walk to the edge of a bridge and drop them into the stream below!! What an absolute moron!! I'd have said something but he was dodgy looking!
  18. ^ I can see what you mean, but as I said a couple of pages ago, I think the regeneration made a nice change...
  19. When's it start?
  20. OMG!!! Your collections absolutely amazing Yester'!!!! and you have the gold zelda statue and the lovely samus statue aswell!
  21. Only date I can find is on Shopto.net as June 11th, thought it was earlier than that?!
  22. A young dragon prince, decendant of Valoo, would be great. He could have heard of you (the Hero in green) through stories passed down through his family.
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