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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Mario Strikers was a fun game. But, what made it so replayable was the fact that I could go online and play other people from here, have tournaments, etc. It was brilliant. One of my favourite multiplayer experiences. When this was first shown, my first thought was "wow, the online will be fun, so many matches to look forward to." How has it gone from a Wii exclusive to this? Like Zech said, third party, and the Wii has gone from being the leading version to, well, this. Online, by this point, should be an absolute given by now. We shouldn't be saying "fuck yeah, it's got online." We should already know it'll be online as soon as we hear that it features some form of multiplayer. Tragic. Absolutely no chance of me buying this. In fact, I'm not buying it out of principle now. To go from exclusive to not exclusive as well as lacking the key multiplayer features from the other versions...unforgivable.
  2. To get the Youtube tags working, here's what you do: Take the url that you have ( ) and chop off everything from the http to the v=.) So you are left with ADB15SFW6hQ. Then, put that into the Youtube tags, which you can get into by either using this icon: Or by just typing it manually like this [YOUTUBE*] insert code [/*YOUTUBE] (without the stars.) Tadaa. So, in short, just use that end part of the link. Everything up to "v=" can be deleted.
  3. I've not got the game, but I imagine the sense of scale to be massive. So, I can forgive the loading times.
  4. Arcaduck! Abtoise. Pikapie! Edit: Hahahahaa. Pidgsprout!
  5. You're talking rubbish. As hot as she was, Natalya was a babe.
  6. Silent Hill and Dead Space: Extraction have both been outstanding for me. I got them and I just could not put them down, not even for a second. Little King's Story has to be up there somewhere. I got it, and it somehow manages to suck you in for hours.
  7. He isn't the hero of the advert. The guy at 19 seconds is. "Maaaybe even a hundred and fifty pounds!!!1" Gets me everytime.
  8. Music is so broad anyway. How can it be confined in one thread? We have seperate threads for films, so it makes sense to have seperate ones for music.
  9. Don't be ReZdiculous! I don't know whether I believe in this or not. I do believe that certain people are meant to meet and be together. Like, certain events have to take place in order for that person to find their "specific person." But, I don't know if that counts as a soul-mate or not. Also, could a friend be a soul-mate? If they can, then I would say that yes, I do believe in soul-mates. At some point in your life, you meet or will meet a friend who is different in many ways to your other friends. They stand out from the crowd.
  10. Yaaay, lovers of the song. Des'ree would be proud. What do I want from life? I want it to be a good one, a happy one, where memorable things happen and they're memorable for the right reasons rather than the wrong. If I can look back in 10 or 20 years time and smile at the things that have happened, then I'll have got everything I probably needed.
  11. He's only ever had 3 sending offs at Club Level. The same as Fernando Torres. Steven Gerrard has been sent off more at club level. Plus, when Rooney is pissed, he produces this:
  12. I'm hoping that the source is hugely wrong. In fact, I hope that this whole thing is a fabrication. I just don't know. I'm hoping that he takes out all his frustration on the pitch. It might happen.
  13. Somewhere inbetween SNES and NSMB visuals would be great. and Somehow cross-breed the two. Vibrant colours. Maybe tighten up some of the physics, again somewhere between the old and the new.
  14. Wesley says Happy Birthday, Wesley. Happy Birthday LostOverThere, also.
  15. If you want to go further back than the NES, Pookey, then you could try this: The videopac! Also known as the Philips g7000. I had one of these when I was a kid. I loved eet! That western game in the middle, with the cowboy type dude. I had that. It was amaaazing. Can't remember its name though. Hehe, pookey. A key of poo.
  16. You!


    Over there.


    The One Who's Lost.


    Happy Birthday!


    Waluigi says:




    Take eet easy.

  17. What do I want from life? I don't...want to see a ghost. It's a sight that I fear most. Rather have a piece of toast. Watch the evening news.
  18. The music thread is exactly the type that needs to go and stay away. It's the perfect example of a thread that many people felt too "threatened" or "reluctant" to post in. Huge page numbers, a straight conversation between 4 or 5 people, it was probably the most alienating thread on the whole forum.
  19. I've heard that there were 4 players doing that. Fucking hell, England.
  20. I tend to drift. I like knowing that there are people there, I find that comforting, even if we don't meet up for a while. This is especially true for my proper friends back in Newport and my Brighton folk. I don't get to see them much, but I know that they're there, and we can meet up every now and again and have a little catch up. Sometimes I'll be doing lots of stuff with friends, like meeting up and going out for drinks, or gaming fun. Then, other times, I'll go weeks without seeing anybody. There's always something for me to do, or something that I should be doing, so when I'm alone, I don't feel all that lonely. I enjoy meeting people and I'll just talk to anybody wherever really. You never know when you'll meet your next friend.
  21. Hope you're alright, Mr Seven. You need hot Brighton lovings to make you all better. I'll get your spongebath ready, avec doritos. The only time I've been to A&E was on a Saturday night after me and my brother had been playing basketball earlier that day. I had caught the ball awkwardly and managed to "bend" my finger back the wrong way. It seemed fine, but it swelled up like crazy a few hours later. So, off to the hospital we went. Me, my Mum and Dad. We were sat waiting for 5 hours, and I got really pissed off at the long wait, the pain and the fact that I wanted to be at home instead of in a hot and sweaty hospital surrounded by fools. So, I declared "Right, fuck this, I'm going home." Went home, then went back with my brother the next day. We both sat there, watching the FA Cup Semi-Final between Arsenal and Sheffield United, and we watched David Seaman make the greatest save I have ever seen, even to this day. I had my two fingers strapped together and in a sling for 2 weeks. It's about the worst that's ever happen to me, I've been relatively safe.
  22. I remember seeing that for the first time and thinking oh sweet jesus. If that ever happens here, like....PLEASE THANK THIS POST. I will go crazy and kill all of you. Even those too cute to kill. *looks at Coolness* *sniffs hair*
  23. That will never happen. It's not a big website neither is it a big enough forum for that to happen.
  24. The same Torres that was an Athletico Madrid boy (from an area of Madrid) and loved them. The same one that then left them for Liverpool, and now loves them? Torres wouldn't go to another Premier League team, out of respect for Liverpool. He also wouldn't go to Real Madrid, out of his respect and love for Athletico. If Barcelona came with a huge deal, he'll be off, in my opinion. Also, Liverpool's owners would have to be monumentally stupid to sell him to City, a top four rival. Or even Chelsea. As for Steven Gerrard, well...he should be serving a prison sentence about now.
  25. Another thing that makes me happy: Hearing songs that you haven't heard for a while. Song of the day is The Pixies - Where is my mind? So beautiful.
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