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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. They could ban them from using certain players. :awesome: "You're not allowed to use Yaya Toure, Kompany or Aguero EVER AGAIN." "Whuuuuut?" Imagine the fallout from that. Ahah. Or tell them that they can only score goals with their weaker foot. Proper playground/schoolboy stuff. "Only headers and volleys, brah."
  2. I am convinced that a full Pokemon RPG can be good, though. But, you have to make more than 48 Pokemon available in it. It won't work with 500 or so different types, but I could see it working with 151 at least. Oh my, a 3D remake of Red/Blue/Yellow?! Hnnnnngggggggggg. Hold me, somebody. Or, a 3D re-imagining.
  3. My Dad was a lot better yesterday. He was much more talkative and slightly back to his grumpier old self. Hopefully that's the worst of it over with.
  4. I remember the day I bought Colosseum. I was really craving Pokemon that day and knew NOTHING about the game. I assume it would be like Red or Blue but on the GameCube. Never again. It was just so boring. No soul. It's...such a pointless game.
  5. It may be slightly controversial, but I think I prefer the speed of Brawl to Melee. The characters seem to have a bit more weight to them. Although, I did enjoy Melee for its speed. That game was on crack. Can imagine people having panic attacks playing that in multiplayer. That idea of having final destination stages for each location is so genius. That idea never crossed my mind, but what a great idea it is. I don't like scrolling stages nor am I particularly fond of multiple levels. I just want somewhere flat, in a familiar location, with pretty visuals.
  6. I'd say that YOU'RE A DICK. On the whole, I'd say most football fans are genuinely ok people. Even the Liverpool fans are usually ok. () It's going to sound a bit mean, but I've never, ever met a Chelsea fan who wasn't obese or slightly overweight. By slightly, I mean very. Seriously. Most of the girls that I've known over the years who were into football supported Arsenal. Their team over the years has been sexy as fuck though. Thierry Henry, Dennis Bergkamp. Freddy Ljungberg.
  7. Hahhha, that sig, oh god. It's like we've gone back in time. Dat sig. Dat forum content. Dem usernames. I miss Cube-Europe. :'( Edit: FULL Pokemon RPG? Colosseum was horrible. One of the only times in my life where I've cried over the purchasing of a game. (not serious) ... (semi-serious)
  8. Ok, brahs. I've ordered the following: A controller extension cable - meaning that I can use my Dreamcast in bed. Hnnnngggggg. Space Channel 5. JET SET RADIO. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg. I tried looking for Samba De Amigo. The game is cheap but the maracas are fucking expensive. I cri, evrytiem.
  9. Oh My God...I think you nailed it. Hhaahahahahh. Damn. Edit: Most perfect gif for this moment ever.
  10. Power Stone looks really interesting. That's the sorta thing I mean. Sonic Adventure and Shenmue are games everyone knows about, but I want the hidden gems. I hear Silver is good?
  11. I've recently become re-united with my SEEEEEEGA DREEEEEAMCAST. I have also become aware that I've got fuck all for the system. Aware me on Dreamcast games, brahs. Notable games that I've got are: Crazy Taxi - hnggggggg. Soul Caliber - Hnnnggggggg Resident Evil: Code Veronica - Hnggggggg The rest are dross.
  12. Yeah, it's just a bit of a bitter pill to swallow. I honestly thought Nintendo would have nailed it this time, but I guess they haven't. I can live with the lack of third parties as long as the first party stuff is stellar. As for Mario Kart: I'm really concerned that people STILL don't know what the Wii U actually is. Speaking to my brothers this weekend: Him: "Do you have any new consoles? PS4? Xbox?" Me: "Yeah, I've got a Wii U now." *both brothers look at each other, with some uncertainty* *brothers start to laugh, again with uncertainty. Nervous laughter.* Him: "A...A What?" Me: "A Wii U." *brothers laugh a lot* Him: "You winding us up now?" Me: "No...it's the next Wii." Him: "hahaha...oh, you're serious?" Me: "yeah..." Him: "Ha..hmmm." That's one. The second is that one of my good mates started recently talking about Mario Kart coming out soon and how it would be a good thing. That seems fine on first glance...but he doesn't own a Wii U, has recently just acquired a son and I don't think he has a clue what the Wii U is. He seems to be under the impression that it's for the Wii. A new Mario Kart will grab people's attention, but I wonder how many actually realise it's for the Wii U and NOT the Wii. It's rather worrying.
  13. Sexy as fook, brah. I spent a lot of the day in the hospital, but recorded the Liverpool/City game as it was obviously going to be a cracker. 1-0, 2-0, Liverpool were bossing City. 2-1, 2-2, Milner had changed the game, Silva was running rampant, the Anfield crowd were silenced. 3-2, Coutinho, fuuuck. Proper rollercoaster. I gasped at the Henderson sending off at the end. Couldn't write this stuff. But, fuck, the ref bottled two massive decisions that might just have won Liverpool the league. City should have had a blatant penalty in the first half and Suarez should have been sent off for diving/play-acting. Had that been at the Etihad, he'd have gone. Edit: Three. Forgot about the Skrtel THUMP THE BALL AWAY FROM THE PENALTY AREA moment. That Liverpool/Chelsea game is biiiig now. Can't wait. Exciting. The one benefit from United not being in the Top 4 is that I can actually enjoy the title race as a "neutral". (neutral being that I don't support any of the other top 3 clubs, but I don't particularly want any to win, aha. )
  14. Cheers, brah. Yeah, the feeding tube bit is something he doesn't particularly take kindly, too. He's not a great fan of injections either. He was fine in the end, but it was a definite struggle for him to let us do that to him. It's alright. Everyone is just getting on with it and hopefully we can have some sort of normality soon. Could have been a much worse situation. It's going to sound terrible, but on the drive up, I had already convinced myself/prepared myself for the worst case scenario, which was that he wouldn't make it through the night. So, everything after that night has been a bonus.
  15. I've had a hectic few days. Slightly stressful. Basically, my Dad (he's actually my Granddad, I was raised by my Grandparents) hasn't been well for months, since before Christmas. He's been in hospital a few times with an infection. He's been given medication, but nothing has worked so far. He's also had problems eating, can't take the food and struggles to work up an appetite. To round it off, he's diabetic and it's thought that this has somewhat contributed to his problem. A few months ago, my Mum (Grandmother) took him to the hospital and they spent 17 hours in the waiting room before he received a bed. He was sent there on GP's orders. I managed to drive down the next day to see him and he was not in amazing shape. He's not really recovered since. Tuesday, he was taken in there again. I rang my Mum and told her that I'd come down later in the week on Friday to see him. On Thursday, my brother messages me to let me know that things are bad. Later on that evening (around 8), he rang me to tell me that my Dad's heart had stopped but they had managed to restart it. However, due to his age, it might happen again. If it did happen, the doctor's had agreed that they wouldn't restart it due to his age and health. So, that would be it. I drove the 3 hours or so back to Wales to meet them at the hospital, knowing that it might be the last chance I get to see him. Lots of family were there. My two brothers and I stayed overnight so that everybody else could get some rest, as they'd been there all day. We didn't leave the hospital til 9:30 the next morning. When the next day came, we went back to the house for a few hours sleep before going back to the hospital. He's a bit better now and was better yesterday. He's more awake and he's been taken for an MRI scan, but the results haven't come back yet. My Mum and I spent all day at the hospital waiting for the results, but nothing came. Earlier today, I had to hold him down on the bed whilst the doctor inserted his feeding tube. They tried inserting it earlier, but he wasn't having any of it and managed to pull it out. This time, I was around, so had to keep him down. It's hard striking the balance between forcefully putting him down so that he doesn't move or pull it out and making sure that you don't hurt him or anger/upset it. Never had to do anything like that before. We left the hospital at around 10:45ish or something like that. Nobody has really eaten for the last few days. We've all been eating toast and drinking coffee to keep us going. Tiring as fuck. Hopefully things should be getting better now that the tube is in place. It should mean that he can get some food/energy into his body and that in turn will help him fight off his infection.
  16. I do feel that the GameCube controller is seen through rose-tinted glasses. It was a bit on the small side and the d-pad was completely redundant. Mortal Fucking Kombat: Deadly Alliance...for some reason, that game didn't use the analogue stick and ONLY used the d-pad. Damn near impossible. Almost ruined the game for me. I couldn't go back and play it now. The controller is missing another Z button on the other side. that always bugged me. I need symmetry, dammit. Alsooooooo, I didn't like the feel of the C-stick. WiiMote and Nunchuk/N64 were both better for me, except maybe the N64's stick. One thing that annoys me slightly with the GamePad: I know it can't be helped, but it's a shame that the GamePad's screen doesn't completely reflect what is on the television screen in terms of visuals. I mean, due to the resolution and type of screen used. For example, playing FIFA13 (demo) is ok on the tv screen, but the images on the GamePad's screen are almost completely different due to little things like the colouring of the grass. It's quite jarring, it's almost like playing two completely separate games. It's similar for something like Need for Speed: Most Wanted. It would be nice if you had the exact same quality as your tv screen. If it did, imagine that...would be insane. It would jack the price up, for sure though. One final thing: The range. Imagine being able to put the Wii U in the living room and being able to play on the GamePad screen on the other side of the house. Would be fucking incredible. Gutted we can't do that. Imagine playing something like Need for Speed on the GamePad screen in bed. Hnnnnggggggg.
  17. If you have to enforce a "no technology" or "no computer day", you've already lost. I use my laptop a lot and I love my phone (it's new, my first smart phone and I'm at the stage where it's still new, wow, such phone, so amaze, etc), but I do have a limit. I don't use my phone when at the dinner table, or mid conversation with someone. I'll have it out if I'm in a waiting area (such as today) or if I'm by myself and I'm killing time. I'd be pretty pissed if I were on a date with somebody and the phone suddenly came out half-way through. Unless it was just for a moment to check something, like a missed call or whatever something important. Otherwise, keep that shit away.
  18. Dat feel when it is April and you have nothing to play for. I do not know dis feel.
  19. I don't think it was too early, but the worrying thing is that they perhaps delivered too much when they did show the game. Maybe what they showed perhaps wasn't something that they could deliver. It's a criticism of Ubisoft and one that they've had for years. Their trailers or first impressions/first looks aren't always representative of the final product. What's killed it for me slightly is the lack of buzz or content over the last few months. If they truly believed in this game, there would be so much more news, footage (in-game) or trailers about it. It just seems to have flat-lined.
  20. I don't think my posts have been trolling at all. I'd say the discussion has been decent and I've been enjoying it. In fact, take away a few of the "oh, this forum" posts, then I'd say it was a good advertisement of the forum. I'd also say that it sums up Nintendo at the moment; some things right (quirky titles like Wonderful 101, Pikmin, STRONG platformers), some things wrong (not enough variation, needs more third party games). Seems like a fair assessment.
  21. We don't know anything about this or how the GamePad will be used. If it comes, I'll be surprised. I doubt it's optimised for the Wii U, though. My head tells me that the PC version of this will be the best, but that the game as a whole won't be as it was originally touted for any system. Colonial Marines 2, if I ever saw it.
  22. For what it's worth, I love The Wonderful 101 and it's an occasion where Nintendo get it right. My problem, on the whole, is that those moments are too few and far between. Nintendoland had promise but for a multiplayer orientated game to feature what is now a standard multiplayer feature (online multiplayer) is scandalous, imo. Take out the online multiplayer in the next Call of Duty game and see how the fans react to that. It would have made the game more playable for me. Don't be so melodramatic, brah. :p I also made a positive thread in General Gaming about the Wii U which got like...5 replies? If you want positivity, there's plenty in there, too. I think the criticism is entirely justifiable. I do think the tipping point has come, as far as I'm concerned. I loved the Wii and could look beyond its flaws and appreciate what is was; a fucking great games console. The Wii U has potential but I worry that it's not getting realised. I understand why Nintendo are whoring the likes of Mario, because he's a cash-cow. They have to make their money somehow, so I get it. But, what I (me, as a gamer) need is something more. It's painful to see great games not appearing on the system, for whatever reason. The fact that Alien Isolation, for example, isn't seeing a Wii U release when it's stated to be on the PS3,PS4, Xbox360, One and PC is inexcusable. There are glimpses of hope and when Nintendo do get it right, it's great. Pikmin 3 was excellent, Wonderful 101 is great and 3D World is a nice game. But, for balance, there needs to be edgier games or games that can act as a parallel to what Nintendo offers with Mario and Donkey Kong, etc. The GameCube had Eternal Darkness and Metroid Prime, which were out-standing games. Wii had the likes of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Dead Space: Extraction, Cursed Mountain (under-rated, imo). There was variation there. That's all I want really, variation. If Nintendo (or third parties) can provide that, then brilliant, give it to me and I will lap it up. But, to see games not hitting the system or given sketchy release details (what the fuck is up with Watch Dogs?) doesn't fill me with confidence. I'm tired of not getting games that should be available, but aren't.
  23. Nintendoland has its own separate problems. I have played it a few times and didn't bother since I don't have that many people around for local multiplayer anymore. It's about five years too late for me. (no online killed the game for me) Lego City and Wonderful 101 are good steps in the right direction, for sure. But, these types of games always feel like an accessory, a back-seat to the likes of Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart. There's still too much Mario for me, considering we've already had NSMBU, 3D World, New Super Luigi, Mario and Sonic, and we'll be getting more Mario with Mario Kart and Smash Bros. Part of the reason I'm a bit apathetic is that at the start of the Wii U's life we were promised more third party games. As bad as Aliens: Colonial Marines turned out, I was excited that it was coming. However, that whole process of it being put on the backburner and then dropped has made me worried for the Wii U's future with games like Watch Dogs. We're not getting Arkham Knight, we didn't get Tomb Raider, Battlefield, GTA and we won't be getting Alien Isolation...which is probably the final nail in the coffin for me. I'm fine with having these Mario games if there is enough of the other stuff for variety. No Alien Isolation is a major blow to me, these are the sorts of games we were promised would be coming.
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