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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I missed Match of the Day last night. What was the Chelsea performance like? Were they hard done by or genuinely shite? I feel no sympathy.
  2. Unless you start up a PC-players team. I don't know if there are many on here who play that version, though.
  3. Alright, you've convinced me. I'll download it later.
  4. I've been mega-tempted to get it for ages and I probably should just jump in and do it. Hmm. Are you enjoying it? What would you rate it so far?
  5. @Eenuh and I are probably up for this, too. We both heart Rocket League. We are both incredible shit, though. She's better than I am and scores more goals. I'm more defensive and do lots of assisting.
  6. It's been a very topsy turvy week. My friend (a huuuuge Back to the Future fan) suggested to me about a week ago that we should see 1 and 2 in the cinema as they were doing a double bill in central Bournemouth. I thought that would be cool, but we should see all three somewhere if we could. I found out that Empire Cinema do it, so we looked at that but she didn't like how expensive it was. (£15, which is good, but she's a poor student) I got her to agree on Saturday...but...I then realised that I was actually working that day and had completely forgotten about it. I would be covering for somebody in the Nursery and there didn't seem to be anybody to swap with as the usual person would be away and a potential person would be on holiday. So, that was it. October ruined. Foul mood for the rest of the weekend. I went into work today and my boss offered to swap with me as she understood it was a big deal to see this on this particular day. I also found out that she's a closet Back to the Future fan. So, she offered to fill in for the final hour and a half, giving me enough time to get back home and get to the cinema on time. Had I completely my shift fully, I would be leaving work as the film started. Got home, ate, showered, collected Ine, picked up friend and just narrowly made it to the cinema in time for the start. It was immense. We were in the Studio, so there's only about 5 rows. Can only seat 50 or something, so it's small and intimate. The films were brilliant and it was insane seeing them all on the big screen in one go. I have a huge soft spot for the third film. It seems to be the one people know about the least, but I really like it. I don't actually know which is my favourite anymore. I thought it was 2 for sure, but now I'm not so sure! Best part of today: Learning that my boss is a hero, but also that Empire apparently serve tea at the cinema! Having a cuppa and watching Part III was just...soooo good. Happy Back to the Future Day!
  7. Unlucky. The only station I listen to is Studio Brussel and sometimes BBC Radio 1's metal show if I'm driving back from Wales. They play it reeeeally late on a Sunday and there's some great up and coming bands that get played on there.


    Bloc Party has always been about Kele, tbh. He's always decided the direction of the band. If you look back at the lyrics from A Weekend in the City and Silent Alarm, they're all based on him. His solo stuff is quite good, but it's different. I think they peaked when they did A Weekend, I don't think any album since then has been as good or varied. Such a brilliant album.

  8. I'm not a fan of Pro Evo and have never played an MGS game. So, I can live without those quite easily. But, I'll never forgive them for fucking us all about with PT. They teased us with a carrot and smacked us over the back of the head with a shovel.
  9. Great episode last night!
  10. Like @Sheikah pointed out, the WiiU already has a Blu Ray drive. I didn't actually know this. That's incredibly lame to have pretty much everything there except for the ability to play movie discs. It's a mixed message considering that you can stream stuff through Netflix on the system. If somebody were to ask you the question, "Can you watch movies on your WiiU?" you can't give a straightforward yes or no answer. If they're going to allow streaming, why not go all the way and allow us to use our physical movie discs, whether they're DVD and/or Blu Ray? The WiiU is giving/has given tons of mixed messages up until now and this is just another to add to that list. I still think it's a somewhat important point because if you were to only have the money to buy one console, you'd be placing each system side by side and be analysing what each one can and can't do. To some, (me, for instance) it's a valid reason to favour another system over the WiiU or at least give it some sort of edge. Maybe not by itself, but it's another reason to favour another system over this one. I don't really care that Sony and Microsoft are multimedia giants. I'm a gamer and a consumer. From my point of view, I'm looking for a games console that can fit my needs and will give me the most value for money. Nintendo are competing for the same space that Sony and Microsoft are, so they have to have a system that also competes or at least challenges its rivals in multiple areas.
  11. I would destroy both Chloe and Elena. Fuck choosing. They're both pretty hhhhnnnnnnnngggg. Woodbury/10 Speaking of Hnnnnngggggg: Uncharted 2 is sublime. I enjoyed the first, but I'm loving this. Maybe that's because I understand the mechanics and gameplay more after playing the first game? Or maybe because it's just a better game. It's fucking ridiculous at times, but I love that. Just plain silly. Give me moooaaaar.
  12. I can't agree with this, except for your part about streaming services. A big reason I bought the original Xbox was because it also doubled up as a DVD player. Having a Wii at Uni was fun, but it also meant that I couldn't play DVDs through it directly and had to have an additional DVD player alongside it, meaning your whole set-up has to change to accommodate an additional device. We bought a 3D BluRay player before getting a PS4 as we only had a WiiU...which couldn't play DVDs, let alone BluRays. We don't use that player at all now. I think it makes a lot of sense to have a single device that can do many things and it's actually more cost effective in the long run, plus easier on storage. Streaming is a big deal and being able to have NetFlix, Spotify and NowTV through a console is what I'd consider essential now. But, I still think having a DVD player/BluRay built in is still very ideal.
  13. It'll be a different album, but a good one. Bloc Party make good albums and they're all a bit different to each other anyway.


    I don't listen to the radio anymore. I just whore Spotify and get new music from there. There's a lot of good stuff out there.

  14. I still listen to Bloc Party. Listened to a bit of Silent Alarm the other day, actually. :p


    I heard the first minute of this song and thought "it sounds like the first track off a new album" and it turns out that it actually is. So, I guess that confirms my psychic powers. :D


    I quite like it. It'll get better on repeated listens. Chorus is quite nice.

  15. Excellent performance against Everton. The entire team played well, but Smalling is becoming an absolute rock at the back. Bossed Lukaku all game. 3-0 away from home against Everton is a fantastic result.
  16. Hnnnnng, the second game is awesome. I fell in love right from the introduction.
  17. I think I had a few kills like that. But, it's hard to tell if that was the case or if somebody was in a better position. I did it a few times to the enemy where they must have thought they were safe behind cover, but I had flanked them and managed to sneak a kill-shot in. Going to make a cuppa, eat some toast and start Uncharted 2. Let's see what happens next!
  18. I really enjoyed the criminal convoy and gang hideout missions. My favourite thing to do with convoys was to place an ied on the road or a series of them. Then, hide. When they'd approach, detonate the ied and instant win. Only just realised through youtube that you can detonate or shoot the ieds in midair to create a bigger blast radius. D'oh.
  19. We watched all of the first season this week in preparation for season 2. I can't believe how good season 1 is. I remember there being a fair few complaints about the finale, but I think it's absolutely stunning. It's unsettling, upsetting and bizarre at the same time. My favourite story is the one between Victor and Julie. In fact, they're all pretty great. I love the fact that the season is short, yet they cram so much in so that every scene in important. It's very, very intense. We couldn't watch the premiere of season 2 last night...we'll have to watch it tonight. It's killlliing meeeee.
  20. Yeah, I think it can be used legitimately and successfully. That thread we read was hilarious. It's quite useful as an entry way to get a person around to yours or their place, which can then lead onto other stuff. Also, @kav82, well done on new girl! She's very hot. Amazing scenes.
  21. I realised this a long way into the first game. I discovered the sniper and used it to take it those guys who had those red laser sights on their guns and could take you out from far away with one hit. It sorta went like this. Run into area, go into cover. Handgun, headshot, handgun, headshot, into cover, sniper, headshot, headshot, headshot, pick up shotgun, use shotgun, kill, kill, kill, switch to machine gun, clear map. I didn't realise quite how much weapon-play was important in this. It's a bit more shooting-orientated than I expected. I did quite like the cover mechanic and hopefully the next game is a bit more balanced than the first because I felt it became a bit too shooty-shooty at the end.
  22. Spurs vs Liverpool is the first match today. Also, Klopp's first game in charge. I wonder if Liverpool will have a case of new manageritis and will put a shift in to get a win. Going for a Liverpool 1-2 victory.
  23. It is a different game, buuuut the point is that lessons can be learned from it and there are mechanics or ideas that could be implemented to make a better game. It's exactly the same with Xenoblade. Xenoblade's overworld truly showed up Zelda big time and it is a far more engaging game as a result of it, at least in my opinion. I enjoyed that initial feel of walking around Skyloft, but I've often heard Skyward Sword compared with Mario Galaxy in terms of overworld and level design. It's...not that far off, tbh. I didn't feel like the world was one connected place and it often felt very disjointed. Imo, it didn't make for a truly engaging game. Xenoblade on the other hand was fucking wonderful. You could go anywhere you wanted, there were lots of things to see, each area felt different to the last, there were a large variety of environments and you had characters and quests in each area which were memorable. That's what I'm talking about really, I just want a more engaging world design. Twilight Princess was great at the time. I loved it, I was truly sucked in. It's still one of my favourite games. However, I understand the complaints and after playing games that have come after it, I agree with its flaws. Yes, the overworld is quite sparse and empty. Yes, there isn't really a lot to do. Yes, there aren't really that many villages or areas where hubs of people exist and you can go about doing a round of sidequests. But, I do like the scale of the game and how large it felt. Hyrule Field felt massive to me at the time. I don't think Nintendo can retroactively add NPCs and Quests, so I get that, but I do think lessons can be learned for future games.
  24. Why are you talking about dungeons out of nowhere? :p All of this talk is about the overworld which people were criticising on the first page of this thread. As in, would it be possible for a Zelda game to have an overworld in the style of The Witcher 3? The world building in Zelda is in urgent need of a shake-up. If we're talking about dungeons, then Nintendo got it absolutely right with Twilight Princess. They had some really interesting designs with the Arbiter's Grounds, Snowpeak Mansion and Temple of Time being clever dungeons in locations that you wouldn't expect dungeons to be. They took a huuuuge step back in Skyward Sword, imo. The bosses in TP were fantastic too, imo. Nintendo got so much right there.
  25. My class have consistently let me down all week. We had an assembly today and have spent part of this week rehearsing. They were given their lines on Monday and only really had a couple of sentences to read out. It had the potential to be really, really awesome. Basically, our topic is looking at coastlines and waterfalls, all about the sea, etc etc blaaah. We based it around that and created a news report (which we've been doing recently in class) and the report would be about a shark who couldn't swim, so he had to be taught how to navigate back to the sea. To top it off, the shark and characters communicated through rhyme. It really had potential. We painted on big sheets of paper earlier in the week to create a waterfall for our main character (shark) to walk through. We laid crash-mats out to look like the sea and even had tributaries coming into it. I woke up extra early this morning to set everything up. The trouble is, two of my girls (the reporters) hadn't really learned their lines and were reading off the script in rehearsal. In the performance today, everything was excelllent bar these two. They had the script there and STILL kept fucking up their lines and adding awkward pauses because they were searching the script to find their lines. Basically, what should have been an epic moment turned into a complete and utter let down. Usually, the classes I teach do pretty awesome assemblies. We usually have children and staff coming up to us afterwards and congratulating us, or they mention it to us throughout the day. I've got a reputation for doing excellent ones. Today, not a single person said anything. First time in a looooong time that my class have managed to let me down in such a big way. A bit sad that I kinda want September to come now so that I can have the next bunch.
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