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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. We've already got Prime because @Eenuh received it as some part of deal or special offer or something, I dunno. So, this doesn't really affect us. Buuuut, it's still an incredibly shitty/shady thing to do. I don't understand the reasoning behind this, even if it their twisted way of "forcing" people to obtain Prime to get the things that they want. It's stupid.
  2. Ahh, fuck. Was hoping this would arrive in the final few months of this year.
  3. I already use and abuse Spotify. I've listened to the soundtrack on there about a billion times now. Paper Boats is such a hnnnnnngg tune. I have something in my eye, brah.
  4. That fucking frog. I enjoyed the DLC and it does get much better after that start. Fucking frog.
  5. Rocket League is one of my favourite games of the last few years. It's really good fun and isn't serious at all...but yet somehow still is serious. Pseudo-serious. But fun. This game doesn't make any sense and that's why I think it'll be great. It's the Anti-FIFA. On another note, he does raise a good point; shooting from far out should result in more goals!
  6. This is amazing. Genuine sore throat/chest from laughing so much. I lost it here: "You play as "The Players" and your aim is to walk the "ball" into the back of the net as often as possible. That scores you A Goal. The further you are away from the goal when you do the big kick, the more goals you get. If you score from a long way away, it's like 3 goals, I guess. "There's a man in yellow who stands near the goal, and he's called The Goldkeeper and he's allowed to use his hands, but he's the only one." "Shit's getting serious: added enemies." Absolutely brilliant. I'd play the shit out of this.
  7. Oooh, today? I've been looking forward to it, too! Will have to wait until I have time to play it, so will hold off the purchase for now.
  8. I really liked Transistor. It was just...nice. A nice neo-noir style setting, a beautiful soundtrack and just a fun experience. It's not a huge game at all, but it's sweet whilst it lasts. I love the soundtrack, especially the ending/credits tune. So many feels. Will definitely get this. Yeah, 2017 sounds a long way off but these things quickly creep up on you.
  9. Yeessssssssss. I've been watching this for fucking ages and I'm jumping at that price. Hope it delivers. Hnnnnnnngggggg. Hashtag WhenthefuckamIgoingtoplayallthesegames?
  10. I thought United looked extremely comfortably tonight without really having to exert that much energy. A decent performance and some good pieces of play here and there. But, it was over as soon as the second goal went in. Not sure I'd even say Palace were in the game. Wow at that Liverpool score. I hear Everton were especially dreadful tonight.
  11. I've just finished the third compendium. Couldn't put it down. It was amazing, gripping, fantastic, enjoyable, wow, much action, such amaze.
  12. For you, that'll be a good purchase. The library will only have increased by then. Hnnnnnng, you'll be able to play No Man's Sky in all of its glory. (hope it delivers)
  13. How have you found the DLC, @Hero\-of\-Time? How do you access it exactly? I've finished the game, so I don't even know if I can get back into my previous file to access the DLC or if I have to start NG+.
  14. It is a phrase that I have studied very well.
  15. I don't give a shit about this PS4.5K thing and I don't really get why there's such an uproar about it. @Eenuh did a good job earlier and I agree with pretty much everything that she said. We have no 4K TVs and aren't planning on getting one anytime soon. Can't say I know anybody who will either. There doesn't seem to be a single game (let alone any of worth) that are being developed solely for the PS4K/.5, so there's no reason to purchase one. Games will continue to be released on PS4 in an identical state to the way that they currently are. Developers (believe it or not) are not thick as shit and will want to capitalise on the install base that is already there, which will guarantee them sales. Can't be arsed spending money on something that may or may not be an incremental release. This is NOT the PS5. This isn't what the PS3 was to the PS2 or what that console was to the original PlayStation. We're satisfied with the product we've already got and the line-up in-store for the future. Anyone would think that Sony effectively cancelled all support for the system overnight. If there's one thing we can all guarantee, it's that the PS4 will get the games. That's why I jumped on board because the install base is huge and the audience is there. There's a reason why the brand is strong and the gamers keep coming back. All of the information we've seen today will not change any of that. Certainly not from my perspective.
  16. Central Yharnam is an absolute fucking maze. It really is a baptism by fire, this game. Cleric Beast wasn't that much of a pushover either, thinking about it. Urge to buy Dark Souls III rising...
  17. @Eenuh has just destroyed Cleric Beast! She threw loads of Molotovs at it and did loads of damage to the fucker. Dodging, rolling around, getting the hits in and healing in between. Am proud.
  18. Really? As bad as United? I don't believe that for a second. We've looked dire in about 95% of games this season, without exaggeration. Spurs are looking good. Starting to think they'll get the better of Leicester.
  19. I would be interested in this, but I've recently played both of these on PSNow. A bit surprised that Origins is not in the list. I guess that's really considered as an outsider?
  20. She has unlocked the shortcut back to that lamp! After many attempts.
  21. There's only 4 points between United and Arsenal. Considering that we've played shite all season, I find that remarkable.
  22. Yeah, I didn't fancy that area too much. But, I figured it was the game's way of making you feel uncomfortable again, as I felt pretty strong and badass at that point. I'm watching @Eenuh persevere. Can confirm that she is finding that "street with 20 dudes" area quite tough. She's made it to the boss but promptly died. No blood vials left. Things are tense.
  23. I'm guessing that's...
  24. If that's the one I'm thinking of, then I agree. A really tricky boss that kept kicking me arse. I only summoned help once in the entire game and that was with the last boss. I figured it would quite fun to end the game with someone alongside me. (plus I kept dying lawl) Can understand why Hero is finding it simple. The enemies are quite straightforward. It is just about recognising patterns and knowing when to strike and attack. There are no cheap tricks with the game, which is why I think I liked it. If you stick to the rules of each enemy, you should be ok. It's about learning when to attack, when to back off, when to dodge, etc.
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