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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I had both, but I don't remember why. I remember getting a SNES and playing Super Mario All-Stars for the first time, but I don't remember my first experience with a Master System or Mega Drive. I never had a NES until yeeeears later, so I guess I must have been a SEGA fan to begin with. I did prefer the Sonic games up until I played Super Mario Bros 3. My brother was amazing at the first Mario game and I loved that. 2 was forgettable and we didn't like that. 3 was amazing and that made me a full-on Mario fan. It's still one of my favourite games to date. Once the transition to 3D kicked in, I definitely became Team Nintendo. Never bought a Saturn and didn't get a DreamCast until sometime later. So, I'd say that I loved both companies during the 2D years, with perhaps more of me leaning towards SEGA than Nintendo. I had waaaaay more games on the Mega Drive and that became my console of choice. As characters, I loved both Sonic and Mario at the time, which I think was unheard of amongst my friends.
  2. All of me wishes this.
  3. Terrible United performance. Mourinho won't win the fans with performances like that. It was all wrong. Can't think of any positives. We didn't really come close to scoring. Dull football.
  4. The screen could also be split in half, taking footage of gameplay from the other end of the map, like in an FPS for example. Giving the illusion that your friend is playing there with you. Ooooh, what if you could even name your friend?!
  5. I loved 15 but didn't like 16 anywhere near as much. Something about it feels off, almost like it's too slow. It's quite dull at times. I doubt I'll get either PES or FIFA this time around.
  6. I'm using the No Man's Sky theme and can't remember what the notifications look like. This is a pointless post, really. The update is nice. Still don't see the point of folders, but am happy that they're there for those that care.
  7. As if a month or however long it is will make any bit of difference at this stage. This game has had yeeeeeears to cook. I fear it may be overdone.
  8. Amazing achievement, @Retro_Link. @Eenuh has donated already and she's just reminded me that I need to donate as well. Well done, once again!
  9. When the BBC finally lose Match of the Day for good, that'll be the end of my tv licence. It's the biggest con going.
  10. I used to be terrified about death. But now, I'm not. There's nothing we can do about it. It'll happen and whatever happens when you die will happen to all of us. I don't believe in there being a heaven or hell and I'm leaning massively towards the notion of there being some kind of reincarnation. In a strange sort of way, I accept this. Humans have a decent life span, but we are meant to encounter death. I don't know if it's all part of some big plan or journey that we must all go through, but it has to happen to us. So, why worry about it?
  11. I landed on a planet earlier that was fucking freeeeeezing. As soon as I got out of my ship, my meters just plummeted and I had to run for cover. I hadn't had any of the thermal upgrades installed as I hadn't really needed them at that point, so I made an effort to install/upgrade those. Spent about 6 hours today on this and didn't really want to stop playing. @Eenuh is generally doing better at the game than I am. She's 100%ing the planets (finding all creatures) and has more exosuit upgrades and better ships and multi-tools than I have. A bit jealous.
  12. Although I am disappointed United lost the game, my heart was racing throughout and it was breathtaking at times. City were the better team overall, but United potentially could have won it, too. This is miiiiiiiiles better than about 99% of what we produced last season. Rashford looked shit hot when he came on and Bailly looked absolutely exhausted by the end of it. He gave everything. A very high quality game. De Bruyne is the best player in the league. Phenomenal what he can do. He can do the simple stuff really well, too. Best player on the pitch by miles. Our players couldn't get near him. The one debatable moment for me is that possibly Bravo's tackle on Rooney should have resulted in a penalty. It wasn't particularly clean. I'm still 50/50 on that one.
  13. ...But it's still an Xbox One. If you're not interested in what the One has to offer with its library, why would you suddenly be interested with the upgrade? People have bought into the PS4 and its offerings, so it's natural for them to look at the Pro upgrade. To get an Xbox One, you'd basically be rebuilding your games library from scratch.
  14. Because it's still an Xbox One, maybe?
  15. It's really difficult to judge the improvements with the new model when streaming this conference/meeting. I'm not tempted in the slightest and am very content with what we've currently got. The way I see it, everyone wins. You're either happy with what you've got, you've got two different models to choose from if you haven't got one yet and finally you can sell your old PS4 and upgrade to either model if you wanted to.
  16. Yaaaay. Call the kid Thierry! (or, if she's a girl, Thierrietta!)
  17. I've been practising Dutch for about 2 weeks straight on DuoLingo and I'm determined to get better at it. I've made improvements already...it's just getting it to stick now!
  18. They really are! Watching England take corners kills me. Every combination sucks. Can't do long corners because they don't make it past the first man and can't do short corners because...England. Short corners should be made illegal, I hate them! Especially when the ball doesn't make it into the box.
  19. I've been looking at this board over the last few months and it's been interesting to see how people have been reacting to the NX news. Talks of it being a hybrid, of it being a portable, how it may leave behind the Wii name, etc. Considering we're a board full of people who follow this stuff closely, we're still in the dark about a lot of things. My question is how will Nintendo get its point or its message across to people who aren't in the know? They failed spectacularly trying to do this with the WiiU and it left a lot of consumers confused about why they needed this in the first place. So, how will they seek to do a better job here?
  20. Did anyone catch Sam Allardyce's post-match interview? "It is not for me to say where to play Wayne Rooney. Wayne played wherever he wanted to. I can't stop Wayne playing there." That's an absolute joke of a comment. Couldn't believe I was hearing it.
  21. I've had a nice few hours on this today. Paid a few million for a 23 slot ship and then found a 24 slot crashed one a few minutes later. D'oh! My suggestions for the future: - Land pirates/bandits. We already have them in space, why not on land, too? We've got the ability to upgrade our weapons and we need more dangers to be able to use them against. - More slots available for the multi-tool, ship and suit. As well as more upgrades. What about a thermal imaging scan? X-ray scan? - The ability to ride certain animals after taming them. - Animals will fight for you if you've got them to a certain happiness level. - More dangerous predators, including flying ones that try to lift you into the sky. - Settlements/small towns or cities would be nice. Just more civilisation on certain planets. It would be cool. Even if they were extremely rare. - Some kind of quest board. What if we could become hunters? Hunt certain ships or animals to get rewards, etc. - A log that tells us which words we've learned for which language - including the original word. I want Gek to become something like Klingon; a living, breathing language.
  22. It was a pretty dull game and just a typical England performance. You could have had your pick of any game of the past 12 or so years and they'd all appear identical.
  23. The first four games in your WiiU list exceed 32GB. Storage is an issue for me as I'll be looking to go digital wherever possible. You've also got to take into account DLC and patches, which both take up space. It's lovely to say that Nintendo compress their games, but what about third parties that maybe aren't as efficient? Also, if we are able to save screenshots and videos, they will both take up space, too.
  24. I had my meeting and explained everything, including how I felt. The Head essentially agreed with everything that I said and when asked about why I wasn't chosen for it, it was an answer along the lines of, "well, you could have done this role, but I'm looking at another role for you". Something more along the lines of transition or that area. The problem with that is that there's no time-frame, whereas the other one was an immediate position. I didn't get very far in my meeting and didn't gain anything except knowing that the Head thinks that I'm great. It's bizarre the more I think on it and I think he could sense that it was a difficult one even for him to explain. He knew this meeting was coming and said that he completely understood why I'm feeling the way I am. Severely pissed off.
  25. Belgium were absolutely terrible against Spain tonight. They hardly got out of their own half and they were so weak defensively. Mistakes all over the place. I can imagine Martinez taking them backwards now.
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