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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Didn't know it was the 30th Anniversary. I'd like to say that I'm surprised that Nintendo have neglected this, but that would be a lie. Anyway, Nintendo have (obviously) taken steps to shut down the file distribution of this game.
  2. A couple of nice "feel-good" stories. A Rugby Sevens player accepts a marriage proposal from her girlfriend (who is a worker at the venue) on the pitch after taking part in a match. North and South Korean gymnasts pose for a selfie. Both countries are currently at war with each other and the photo has been applauded for capturing the Olympic spirit.
  3. Haven't you still got, ahem, The Witcher 3 to start and finish off?
  4. 13 Hours and 26 minutes.
  5. Don't worry about changing the food places on my behalf. I either go for the veggie options or I can just load up on sides. Not sure if I've ever actually been out for a burrito, that sounds like an interesting idea. Looking forward to seeing you sexy people soon!
  6. 1 Day 1 Hour and 27 minutes at time of posting. I'm going to watch Interstellar tomorrow and will play this as soon as it unlocks.
  7. I don't know anything about this Marti person. Who is she? ... Is she a Pokémon?
  8. I think the leaks/posts on Reddit hyped me up again. I would wait for reviews, but the impressions were so overwhelmingly positive that I couldn't help but get sucked in again. I may struggle to play during certain days in the week, but there's always weekends. I'll make time for it, I think it'll be worth it.
  9. Digital version bought and preloaded. Why does time move so slowly?
  10. [tweet]762302237880311808[/tweet]
  11. Gah, all of this sounds great! We're definitely going to go digital as it means @Eenuh at least has the option of playing this, too. From the sounds of it, this game is going to deliver. Oh my...it's actually living up to the hype. I'm in a proper dilemma. We go away on Friday to the N-Europe meet, before going to Belgium and then Spain before coming back to the UK. My options are: - Buy it now. Play it as much as I can and enjoy it before the holiday...but don't play more until I get back. That will be difficult. - Buy it now. Don't touch it until we get back off holiday...which will be difficult. - Buy it later on...maybe after the next update. Leaning towards option one. But, playing a bit of it before going abroad and not being able to play it until we get back sounds like torture. Hype Hype Hype!
  12. As much as I'm pissed off with the news about the doping scandal, the lack of action afterwards and some of the other problems with Brazil hosting the Olympics, I still want the games to be a success. I've been watching as much as I can. My favourite events are probably the weightlifting and gymnastics. We watched the 48kg women's weightlifting yesterday and it was phenomenal. The skill needed to lift those weights as that bodyweight is insane. I feel like I can enjoy it a bit more because I know how heavy some of these weights are and how the lifts incorporate elements of the deadlift and front squat, both of which I do. Incredible efforts, basically. Hard not to get into it and to will them all to succeed. We caught some of the Judo, gymnastics, beach volleyball, football and I think some of the swimming. The gymnastics is incredible, particularly the beam and floor events. It's very artistic and elegant, which is partly why I like it.
  13. Enjoy. Am jealous. Soundtrack is up on Spotify now! *stares at the calender*
  14. Oooh, is that them performing the soundtrack or just a regular 65Days gig? Either one will be awesome. I missed out on seeing them at Glastonbury because we couldn't make it down in time for their set, as they were on really early.
  15. Tricky Towers is pretty good. It's deceptively difficult in places! Can see it being a laugh in multiplayer. What's Rebel Galaxy like? It looks like a No Man's Sky-lite kinda game.
  16. That's about it. They were onto a good thing with the GameCube to begin in. Support was regular and the first 18 months were excellent for consistent releases. It absolutely died though after that. That's now a major problem with Nintendo consoles, at least in my opinion. They die off waaay too early. It happened with the Cube, it happened with the Wii and it's happened with the WiiU. That's a major issue for me. The other issue, which has already been touched upon in this thread, is their image. They've got a major image problem. It's not so bad with their handhelds, but it's a big problem for their home consoles. The more I think on it, the more I think the NX will be the right thing for them to do.
  17. I'll watch that in a bit, @Ashley. I've listened to the soundtrack a lot today and it's fucking brilliant. 10/10. Everybody should listen to 65Days! I'm extremely tempted to get the digital edition of this game when we get back off holiday. The thinking behind it is that I won't need to keep disc swapping, less stuff to store away aaaaaand @Eenuh can play this on her PS4. It's roughly the same price as a boxed copy. I wish you could buy games where you get a boxed + digital copy in one.
  18. Really? I don't consider them to be shit at all. I didn't think BvS was shit (still haven't seen Extended Cut yet) and I adore Man of Steel. I'm still going to watch Suicide Squad and I hope that it's not an absolute disaster.
  19. I'd definitely be tempted to get the next Monster Hunter if it were on a console. I loved Tri and I think part of that enjoyment comes from being able to appreciate it on a big telly. I'm not massive on handhelds.
  20. Roberto Martinez has got the Belgium job. I didn't see that coming at all! Not sure what to think of that. Interesting. I do like the manager and they do need to play more attacking and quicker football, which is what he's good at. Tempted to say it's a decent appointment.
  21. When will that volume be complete and ready to read in one go? I know that Volume 26 is in September. God, I want more of this.
  22. Listening to it now. I've already played Supermoon to death after that was revealed. The soundtrack is so fucking good. : peace:
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