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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. My best memory of the WiiU is when @Ashley came down to Bournemouth to visit me and @Eenuh. We played some Nintendo Land and it was just so much fun. The Animal Crossing game was definitely a hit! Aside from that, I had a blast playing through Need for Speed: Most Wanted and Batman: Arkham City. Both were top games and it was fantastic to see games of that high calibre coming to the system. There were promising signs at the start of the WiiU's life.
  2. Fuck, that would be so awesome. It won't happen, but it's a gamer's dream. From Software are the masters of combat.
  3. I've found myself craving to see this again. It's quite humorous to hear people out there who are confused where this fits in the Star Wars timeline. It's so fucking simple! @Eenuh tried (in vain) to explain this to her Dad and he wasn't getting it.
  4. I mainly use Ganondorf. He's been my brah since Meleeeeee. After that, Bowser, Captain Falcon, Pikachu and Samus.
  5. This War of Mine looks excellent and has been on my radar for months. Tempted to play that right away when it arrives.
  6. One thing I loathe about this internet age is the rise in online crime, fraud, hacking, etc. Sorry to hear about your troubles, @Hero\-of\-Time!
  7. Yeah, it's pretty shameful. I do wonder if it should only be possible to sack managers during the transfer windows. To not even be given a transfer window to bring in some better players is awful.
  8. Not surprised to see that Swansea have sacked Bob Bradley. That club is a mess and they've been in free fall since the sacking of Garry Monk. They were on a bad run at the end of his tenure, but I'm certain that he would have pulled them through it. I think they'll go down this season.
  9. Super Mario Bros. 3 is still one of my favourite (if not my most favourite) Mario games to date. The world maps are great and the theming is fantastic in each one. It felt absolutely incredible to play all those years ago. I still don't think that the NSMB World Maps have evolved like they should have and they haven't elaborated on the SMB3 template all that much. I adored Watch Dogs and a large part of that was down to the Chicago/Neo-noir theme that it had going on. It felt very cloak and dagger, espionage-y and I loved that. I have to admit that the initial trailers put me off Watch Dogs 2 because it didn't seem to be following on from the theme and atmosphere of the first. Saying that, people on here have been saying great things about it. I trust your opinion, so I'll be on the look-out for WD2 when it drops in price or when I get through my back catalogue!
  10. Gutted. Star Wars is a massive part of my life and I still remember watching the original all those years ago and thinking of Carrie as an absolute bad ass. I love the character underneath and she was a fine actress. I think it's more gut wrenching as the news was indicating that she was getting better. R.I.P. Today is a sad day.
  11. We want to install new plug sockets in our living room and bedroom, as well as replacing the covers for the sockets and light switches. We were in the process of hiring somebody to do this job, but Ine's Father has said that he can do this and he would like to get it done before we start painting the walls and putting the flooring in. I'm a bit unsure about the legality of this and if we're able to do so, or if you need to be a qualified electrician in order to do this sort of work. Any ideas? We've found a link to this Government web page here. Does that essentially mean that we can carry this out ourselves? He says that he has done this sort of work before and we've also got Ine's Uncle there too who has done this before, too.
  12. I didn't think that we'd incorporate a system that played to his strengths or that the midfield would be able to support him. This was before Mkhi and Pogba signed for the club. I also wondered if he would have the pace and strength needed for the league. I obviously wouldn't say no to the transfer, but I wasn't certain he was the "right" player we needed at that time. I'm more than happy to admit that I've been proven wrong and that he's been excellent for the club.
  13. Good performance against Sunderland! Mkhi's goal was fantastic, even if it was offside. Thought Pogba was excellent today and that midfield just functions really well with both Herrera (best player for us this season, imo) and Carrick in there. I was a bit critical of Zlatan's signing but he's been brilliant in the majority of our games. Another goal today! I didn't hold out much hope for Bournemouth today, not with how Chelsea are going.
  14. Brah, is there any chance you could improve that connection at all? I've been tempted to get into The Last of Us online, but haven't got around to ever doing it. I reckon you'd probably enjoy it if you enjoyed the base game, but that connection would hamper your enjoyment of it.
  15. Do you know anything about your internet connection in terms of speed? We're switching to Virgin in our new place (currently with Sky). The N-E league we had on here before was good fun. It's definitely the best part about FIFA. Looking forward to giving you a game or two on there. What else have you bought? Driveclub was pretty fun with @Cookyman. I could do with a new racer at some point.
  16. I'll definitely be up for some games! The only issue is that I'm not in the country at the moment and won't be back for a week or so. Should give you enough time to practise. FIFA comes alive in multiplayer. As much as I'm critical over the single player nature, the multiplayer is excellent.
  17. Oooh, get us added up! My psn is teh_jimzor.
  18. Saw this yesterday and thought that it was fresh and exciting. Yes, it takes a while to get going, but I thought that was easily forgiveable as there were new locations, characters and plot points that were being established. If we get more Star Wars stories like this, then I'm not complaining! I thought the Rogue One crew were great additions to the series and particularly enjoyed the characters of Chirrut and Baze. I love it when films have these "buddy" characters and hint that there's a bit of history there. It reminds me of Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt's characters of Eames and Arthur from Inception, who aren't the main focus, but are enjoyable characters who could have little stories or films of their own. No complaints from me. I have absolutely no problems with the CGI-ing of certain characters, especially when the film makers have been given permission by the family's estate and they've been involved in the whole process, right down to the tiniest detail! The bit that excites me about this film is that it shows that there are lots of stories in the Star Wars universe that are left to be told. I do feel that they captured that true essence of what makes Star Wars tick. The locations were stunningly created, the tone was different to other films in the series and the set pieces were well crafted. All in all, I very much enjoyed it.
  19. I'm busy trying to create a masterpiece out of our garage and want to convert it into a home gym. The first thing I'm looking at is matting. As I'd be using free weights and also a cross-trainer, I'm trying to find flooring/matting that would be suitable. This is what I've seen so far: Duramat - 1metre x 1 metre and 18mm thick. £26.94 Homegymflooring mats - 1 metre x 1 metre and 18mm thick. £23.99 Heavy duty floor titles - 1 metre x 1 metre and 30mm thick. £25.99 Interlocking gym mats - 17mm thick and 1200x1800mm. £53.00 Heavy Duty Gym Mat. 182cm x 122cm and 1.2cm thick. There are tons of other similar sorts of ideas out there. The garage floor is concrete. Basically, we just want something to go over the top of it that will preserve the concrete and not cause too many issues with the structure of the garage/house. I'm looking at power racks/cages and more or less know what I want there. Any ideas with the flooring?
  20. Last year's resolution Result This year's resolution Plan/Save up/Organise our Wedding! This hasn't really taken off the ground due to our money going towards a house and due to being busy with work, job interviews and life. So, er... To save up and organise a wedding... To move out of the flat and into our own house! (very possible now) Yaaaay! We did this, which has been our biggest target we've been aiming for. We've only just got the keys, so the rest of the year will be focusing on decorating and making improvements. Improve the house! To be consistent with my exercise and keep my lifts at around the same level as they are now. This was good for most of the year, but it fell away around November time due to job interviews and house stuff. A problem that we have is that it just became a chore to have to re-jig our room and move stuff in order to do certain exercises. I definitely think that having the power cage in the garage will make it easier to get things down as there's far less time fiddling stuff around since you do most of your exercises within or around the cage. Get a powercage/rack and transform the garage into a home gym. To look ab-solutely fabulous. This didn't take off at all. Although, I'd say that my cardio has improved. This will have to roll over to next year: To look ab-solutely fabulous. Keep improving the football team and conquer the world. Although I didn't get to manage the team of my choice in our tournament, I put in all of the groundwork and training to enable them to succeed. We got to the final of the tournament and just narrowly missed out. I'm also proud to say that, outside of this tournament where I managed the U-13s, I managed to win all of my competitive fixtures. Best score this season was a 5-0 away victory at a local rival. I can definitely say we made huge progress here. Keep improving the football team and conquer the world To either go abroad somewhere or to visit more places within the UK. We went to Spain in the Summer and had a great time (aside from somebody sneaking in to our house and stealing a wallet!). The next thing for us would be to arrange a holiday somewhere new. Maybe Italy! A holiday! Much needed! To improve my Dutch/Flemish and Spanish. I want to be near Fluent by next Christmas in either. My Dutch/Flemish has improved big time and I'm practising every day now. Duolingo is a fantastic app and it's helped me to make tons of improvement in such a short space of time. I'll 100% be sticking with it and hope that by this point next year I'll be near-fluent. I'll also be using it to improve my Spanish! To improve my languages, especially Flemish/Dutch. To improve with all of my instruments. Start to learn keyboard and to get a drum kit. I've started learning how to play the keyboard! I'm also looking at electronic drum kits and so will be purchasing one before the end of next year. I've been practising with the guitar a fair bit and am trying to learn how to read music, although finding the time for all of this is hard. Become a music God! Get a drum kit! New Resolution: Work has been very messy this year. I've personally been awesome at my job, yet have still managed to be overlooked. I put my foot down and went to two interviews, both of which resulted in me being offered a job. I turned them both down as neither one was quite right, but I'm hoping that this sets things in motion and my work situation improves. I was in charge of our Christmas Play and it was just a phenomenal success. The feedback from parents and people who attended was that it was the best performance that they'd ever seen! New resolution: To gain recognition for all of my efforts at work. All in all, it's been a successful year. The main highlight was purchasing our house, after such a long and drawn out ordeal. The next year will be spent improving the place and transforming it from the mess its in now into something special. It should also allow us to save up for other things, such as a wedding and/or a holiday, so we'll see how that goes. 2016 has been a long year for us, but I'm hopeful for 2017.
  21. Merry Christmas, N-Europe! It's been a veeeeery busy few weeks for us. We've got the keys to our house, but it means that our flat has been full with boxes. Our poor Christmas tree has been surrounded and it only started to look a bit tidier in the days before we left. We're currently in Belgium and are spending the festive season with @Eenuh's family. Tonight, we're going to see Rogue One! We're spending New Year's Eve in Newport with a friend for her birthday as the two events are being merrrrged into one. After that, it's back to Bournemouth to try and begin making alterations to our place, including pulling up the carpet and replacing it with laminate flooring and ordering the furniture. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, N-E!
  22. It's been very, very easy to build up a good PS4 collection really quickly due to price drops, deals online, PS+ and so on. This won't be the only time the game drops to this price I reckon, but I don't know when you'll find it for lower than this.
  23. @nekunando, you wanted this, yes?
  24. Eddie Howe is regarded as an absolute God down here. I've been in Bournemouth for around 7 years now and it's been crazy to see how things have improved. The quality of football that the club play is excellent and he is very positive and progressive. I hope that he inspires the next generation of managers to come through who are hungry for success. There's also fantastic loyalty there between manager, club, staff, players and fan base and it's helped him to spend nearly a decade managing that team. We need more like him.
  25. Jeez, there's quite a lot that's interesting me on that list. I did already say to myself that I wouldn't buy any more games until I cleared through my current lot... Hotline Miami 2, Dear Esther, Fire Watch, Dragon Age Inquisition and a few others are catching my eye, however...
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