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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I was in the mood to play some Battlefront yesterday and tried the latest DLC based on Rogue One. I'm having a blast all over again and love the new mode that's been included. That first section in particular is great fun, as is the final part with the data tapes.
  2. Then you haven't really lived.
  3. Braaaaah, I grew up as a semi-brown kid, (Dad was a darkie) and I know who Jim Morrison is. In fairness, I've always been reeeeally into music.
  4. Well done, Dr. Bob! Say goodbye to all of your money. EDIT: AND YOUR LIFE.
  5. I think you'd like Beyond. I had a great time with both games and they're unique experiences. I'm glad I went with Heavy Rain first as I feel that Beyond takes a few of the ideas and concepts (and controls) from that and takes them a bit further forward. I'd recommend doing it in that order.
  6. A while back, I bought the Heavy Rain/Beyond: Two Souls collection on PS4. After loving Heavy Rain, I decided that now was the right time to give Beyond a bash. Again, I knew very little about the game before starting it up, so it was quite exciting going into it blind. I've just finished up on the game...I LOVED it. I'd say I preferred this to Heavy Rain overall. Whilst I'm a big fan of the noir setting of Heavy Rain, I felt that the main character was quite compelling in Beyond. The story is nice in this game and it does have an interesting conclusion. My favourite overall chapter had to be the Navajo section of the game and I enjoyed that setting and the characters involved. I could have spent a bit more time there, really. My only real complaints about the game is with regards to the "combat", particularly the dodging and moments where you throw punches. Having an on-screen prompt would work better, imo, at least like it did in Heavy Rain. Aside from that, there's a decent bit of variation in this gameplay, particularly the stealthy-sections. It's interesting to see how they've moved it on a bit since Heavy Rain. I loved the themes within Beyond, especially how it all ties together right at the finale. I also loved the non-linear narrative of the game and can't even begin to contemplate playing it in chronological order. Why would you do that?!
  7. I started Beyond last night and I just couldn't put it down. I must be close to half-way through it already. I'm really enjoying it and I love the themes within the story. It also looks and sounds utterly beautiful, too.
  8. Bruh, move to Italy. You speak/know Italian, right? Italy looks fucking stunning. Hell, let's all move to Italy!
  9. Tough game against Blackburn, who I thought were excellent. A 2-1 scoreline is a very fair reflection on the game. United made it very difficult for themselves, however. Darmian is an appalling footballer!
  10. We're struggling to find a decent side table/sideboard for the living room. Trying to find one that is wooden, fairly modern and somewhere between 60cm-1metre in length. There's a fair bit out there, just not the one that is quite right.
  11. Tempted to get it at that price. For the sake of four quid...may as well. Bought it.
  12. @Eenuh's expression when she found out that Nioh is quite similar (in a way) to Dark Souls/Bloodborne:
  13. Hnnnnnnggg, that looks incredible. I'm still cautiously optimistic about a trilogy collection for PS4. I'd want to get on those before I play Andromeda.
  14. Shame on you @Rummy for not recognising Jim Morrison!
  15. Looks quite interesting! One to watch out for.
  16. This is going to be my first contribution to this thread! It's been a very busy start to 2017! Here are my lists for 2015 and 2016 for future reference.
  17. Simeone would be absolutely unreal. The team would become much tougher to beat with him there. He'd be a great addition to the Premier League at some point.
  18. This reminds me of a situation with one or two people who I work with. If you stay in a place too long and just keep "ticking", you run the risk of damaging your long term legacy. There have been moments over the last few years where many have no doubt often wondered if that applies to Wenger here. The performance midweek was embarrassing. Arsenal seem to be the team to take the piss out of, with all of the "fourth place" jokes, etc. However, I will say that in an ever-changing world where managers can get sacked at the drop of a hat, it is fantastic to see a manager stay at a club for the amount of time that he has. Managers do deserve to be given time and you can't build fantastic teams overnight. It takes years and years to build clubs. I do feel that the time is right for Wenger to go. However, I will say this as a United fan who saw Sir Alex Ferguson's reign...finding replacements for these top tier managers is difficult. We are desperately in an era now where we need new, young and hungry managers to come through the ranks. If Wenger does leave, then he obviously needs a replacement. That successor is going to need time and they are going to have to be an improvement over what Arsenal have had before. If Arsenal can't identify a suitable replacement, then Wenger will surely stay.
  19. I disagree. The Witcher 3 is a perfect example of DLC done correctly. CDProjektRed released nearly two dozen pieces of DLC in the form of extra quests and items at no extra cost after the base game was released. Then, they released Hearts of Stone and then later on Blood and Wine as two huuuuuge expansions that were not only much bigger than the majority of other games out there, but also were extremely high in quality. This was DLC done absolutely spot on. For £20. It's all about value for money. I've got no problem paying for more storylines or quests or dungeons provided that it's worth the money. In The Witcher's case, it took value for money to a new level. Could it have been released along with the base game? No. These things take time to create. You'd have to delay the game by over a year to fit everything in.
  20. I watched the game and thought Liverpool were fantastic in the first half. They dropped off in the second and Spurs came into it more. Mane should have scored about 4 or 5! Well, Chelsea are drawing away from home against Burnley. Fingers crossed! I hope Bournemouth destroy City 10-0. And that City get all of their players sent off. Aaaaaand I hope that their team bus gets a puncture on the way back.
  21. This is officially the longest amount of time I've gone without lifting/proper exercise for maybe...9 years? Can't wait until we sort the garage out and then I can start again. You don't realise how much the routine helps until you stop. I feel weak as fuck.
  22. The TV tax is absolute bullshit.
  23. I wonder if it's fixable in a future update? It's a shame that it's that bad and it seems to be the only real blemish in almost every preview/review/impression that I've read.
  24. We haven't been able to register our tv on the Sony website yet due to an error. We'll be able to access the guarantee/warranty from there, I believe.
  25. @Goafer, the one issue that kept pissing @Eenuh off seemed to be the camera. (also, controls) I'm looking forward to playing the game for myself. I just hope that I can see past its flaws. I adore Ico and I'll eventually get around to play Shadow.
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