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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. guys, newsround. aimed at younger audience. focus at the people you advertise to and all that.
  2. Basically, if you watch it, Zidane walked away, and as he was, the guy who he headbutted said something. I have an idea of what was said - translated into English its " useless (insert offensive racist name) piece of faeces" I'd have expected Zidane to walk from it, but being his last game, and him being passionate for the game, I guess he was being too emotional, and had a moment of madness. I don't think him striking out at a player in a world cup final was quality, nor resorting to violence was a quality move. nor do I think it was good that his very final action in a professional game was to cause an intentional foul, and get a red card and end his career in disgrace. but looking purely at the headbutt in itself - that WAS a quality headbutt. what was nicer was Zidane's header that Buffon had to save - that would have been sweetness if it had gone in. But yeah, in summary, quality headbutt, but it was stupid reaction, dissapointing end to a career, especially for a world cup final. Can't imagine what Zidane must feel like
  3. I had the same problem with my old PC, if I recall correctly it got up to 76 (or 86, but 76 seems more likely) I wouldn't recommend my solution , but it involved getting ice cube trays and placing them on the top of the base unit. they melted pretty quickly, but it did the trick, I had to be careful though, because obviously water getting into the machine would have been bad, and I was pretty surprised it actually worked. I wouldn't do it now though, mainly because I'd just take the PC shutting itself down as a sign I should be getting out more.
  4. if you have a sun roof, and its big enough and you are quick, you could open it and get out before water starts gushing in. but yeah, smashing glass when it has the force of water pushing it in towards you = very stupid.
  5. its actually pretty cool!! is there a known reason for that? and are there any similar things like that?
  6. open the window asap, and get out through that. that (afaik) is the best option. if you are on your own. if there are others, I'm not sure its as good an idea, as if someone panicks and can't get their belt off, chances are they'll drown, and you'd feel a bit bad after that (assuming everyone in the car was in some way or another close to you... I think failing the window option is to wait until a door is completely under water, open said door and get out asap
  7. I remember that battle! I can't remember the attacks I used, but my characters where very levelled up, I used attacks that hit 2 in one, I think I went middle and left first, with the focus on left, then focused on the middle. bit of a struggle, but an awesome feeling when I killed it also kinda sad, because I knew that was it, I'd reached the end. I'm not really one to go over games multiple times
  8. I got a portugese game recently.. I had a good laugh.. but if I was portugese I prolly wouldn't see the funny side.. the portugese instruction manual was pathetic
  9. I saw a 3-d holographic photograph back in 1998.. ok thats only 8 years ago, but the tech being used wasn't new, even then. and look at CD's, DVD's and now blu-ray - none of those have been round for very long
  10. I thought it was simply a way of not drowning out image detail in the most dark/light areas on screen? also, i really can't see a large benefit in hdr or any other such techniques- very little enefit, though its the small touches i guess
  11. I almost had a veruca problem when I was younger. my bro and sis had problems for a while, and I was always happy not to have picked them up from them... when one day I noticed a small one had started to develop. Knowing that doctors had failed to work for my siblings feet, I took medicine in my own hands. a pair of scissors, a sore foot and a plaster later, and I was all better. I don't think I'd be able to endure such a hardcore treatment now though, I'm more of a wimp now
  12. I think a lot of people have picked up on the under supply thing at launch, I know a few guys looking to buy 2 PS3's and sell one on ebay each. I think the price is a bit high, makes it too big a gamble. I'm thinking of buying two Wii's though - 4 million/ 3 = 1.3 million, thats for all of Europe - I think there is a reasonable chance of the console selling out, and even if it doesn't make a huge profit its not a huge loss
  13. they've already given a price cap, so £200 should be enough for the Wii, controller and one game.
  14. Like samus in smash bros guaranteed that N64 metroid game that was so cool? or Like the ice climbers game on the GC? yeah, just like those two games. I think this has more chance though, metroid had rumours during the N64 era, KI had rumours during the GC era, and I can imagine it being pretty good with the wiimote To stray a bit from topic - A knight rider game with the hoffs likeness = cool. They should do it. *goes off to make obligatory petition*
  15. um... what we don't want we don't buy over here Nintendo doesn't run a system where purchasing a Wii forces you to buy each and every game released for the system. I want games different friends will enjoy. games we can casually play. I'll still buy the better single player games, but I will be more fussy about spending money on games consoles this gen.
  16. They could probably do something so they can detect signs of cheating online. when they do perhaps they can "correct" the cheat
  17. I think its more likely the emulator will be running on the Wii (VC) on the FHC memory, I think it would be good if they use SD cards in the controllers, kinda like the N64 controllers.
  18. I would love that so much. They could get an online mode pretty easily as well, have different teams (space pirates vs space marines) and have nice online battles. They like their building of metroid history, so they could build on that nicely Online could be awesome too
  19. agreed, if they had sold all GBA's with those cables, or all GCs, then I think it would have taken off more. I have a gba, but never could see the value in the linkup cable. I can't wait to see how the DS is used - obviously its not going to be a good thing in all games, and ideally a game won't REQUIRE the DS, but I'd like the DS to enhance the game in subtle ways. like perhaps opening up a new path - say in a mission based game, there are 3/4 paths through a mission, with a DS there are 7/8 kinda thing - you can still play through and enjoy the game without a DS, and you wouldn't know you were missing anything. perhaps if a game is released that heavily relies on the DS a DS Wii pack could be released with that game bundled...
  20. considering what should be £40 + p&p costs 5000 stars, I think 1000 stars plus the cost of the product is a bit expensive tbh. after being burnt with the DS VIP pack I'm not sure I'd be too keen to get a similar pack for the Wii, as I got a US version of the DS i nearly may as well purchase a US Wii, save money, save stars, still have incompatibility problems.
  21. 45 Donkey Konga 2 (Bongos not include - Game Only) - GameCube Games thats the only thing that would interest me. however 1)I don't think I can afford it 2) I think it will be sold out by the time I get home - any prices for those items?
  22. not really, the game only needs realism in what it touches. take a painting of a persons face, the painting completely lacks the information of the back of that persons head, and if it is literally just their face, we are left without a clue about their feet - do they have 16 toes? if that persons mouth is shut, do they have a tongue?? in the same way, games only show and allow us to interact directly with what they concern
  23. Photo realism itself isn't exciting to me, but the ability to produce something in realtime like that is - because we can see thats how they want it to look. Currently with different visual styles we don't know if its purely what they wanted to display, of if its due to hardware limitation. at the moment there are three things that govern graphics 1)Hardware 2)technical abilities of the artists 3)imagination of the artists. improved hardware reduces one inhibition of artistry, its a barrier that I don't believe will be removed in our life times, but reducing it as much as possible is a good thing. the more it is removed the more artists can focus on imagination and less on overcoming technical hurdles.
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