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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. boxing reminds me of punchout. if it plays well I'll be happy enough.
  2. with my DS I got an American copy of the metroid demo. so i think I'll pass on the VIP pack this time if they do it, seeing as I couldn't use my metroid cart against 4 people I knew with ds'. sucked.
  3. to those who think 6kb is weak and tiny and pointless... 6kb is plenty of data. please try to appreciate how much data you can get into 6kb. if nothing else, it can be like an ID key in a database. 6kb is ALOT. ok, on its own maybe not, but in conjunction with a game disc/machine those 16kb can be used for ALOT. if it stored a number unique to you. (32 bits can encode over 4 billion unique codes) then that can be linked up in what is called a "database" amazing things. essentially, each 32 bits can link to 1 of 4 billion unique entries in said database. potentially each unique entry could be between 0 bits and 4 terrabytes. 16kb. is plenty.
  4. well, A friend I know had "significant brain damage" about this time last year. at first it was weird - it wasn't really them.he was a bit slower, in speech and thought, got words muddled up, and seemed to be easily confused, was a little scary. but approaching a year later and he's back to his old self, and his scar seems to have healed very nicely. So hopefully its similar, and its just a case of monitoring and making sure everything is good. first 72 hours are the most important, and he had assistance immediately so they are all good signs. I can't say I watch much of what he presents, but I must say what little I have seen, he does come across as a good presenter.
  5. yeah but Blu-Ray is more restrictive, with copyright protection etc. built in. In short it makes putting illegit data on a disc harder, but at the cost of making it harder to get legit data on the disc. if you want to put on a text document for example, I imagine both formats will be just as easy, but if you want to say put a copy of a few CD's onto the one disc then blu-ray is more likely to pose difficulties. Thats what I understand at least.
  6. yeah I wasn't sure where to put it though, I could see a few ways the thread could go, so in the end decided general was the most suited place for it. If the admins agree with you I'm sure it'll be deleted/moved soon enough
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/5364238.stm. is this a good/bad thing for Blu-ray and HD-DVD? I think its good for all involved... except that perhaps it will increase the price of all 3 formats?
  8. not significantly cheaper though, got a nice free t-shirt though, very comfy.
  9. its just not something people think about much, twice a year we change clocks, and since greenwich is in the UK its easy enough to just think GMT= our local time, I know its what I tend to do, and I think most people do, its nothing to do with its complexity, just common usage (or misusage)
  10. GMT remains the same at all times. When we last changed the clocks we switched time zone so lighting was nicer... we switch back to GMT next time the clocks change. The whole thing confuses me, mainly because I'm too lazy to pay attention, but as I understand it during the summer we are BST, during the winter we are GMT. GMT was established as a time anchor back when Britain had a nice lil empire going. GMT is left over from that, but I believe alot of people tried (or are trying?) to get a neutral standard implemented cos GMT isn't PC due to its link with the empire. Thanks Twilight that unconfuses me a bit
  11. I think its to get the console ahead of time. Seeing as the DS didn't come that ahead of time, and the metroid demo was incompatible with friends' demo's, I think I would happily turn down such an offer.
  12. they might do. the user interface can be simple, just keep the complicated stuff in the back ground. as far as the user is concerned the controller stores all that info.
  13. ok, so Mike master of time, would these be correct-ish times? Japan Thursday 0700-1300 America Thursday 2000-0200 UK Friday 1500-2100
  14. lol, ah right my bad :$ did NoE announce their conference GMT or BST then?
  15. just checked that link above, apparently NY has daylight saving? so it'll actually be 1400, not 1500 "Daylight Saving Time is in effect on this date/time in America/New_York Daylight Saving Time is not in effect on this date/time in GMT " ofcourse that relies on that website being reliable
  16. New York event is 10am-4pm local time and London one is 12pm-6pm local time so from a UK point of view Thursday 2pm-8pm (US) Friday 12pm-6pm (UK) with Japan some point between Wednesday 1500 and Thursday 1400 are those times a range of the time they can start, or will they both be 6 hours long???
  17. like knightendo I'm interested - when are the conference times GMT (or CEST or any other time zone you may know them in) just I'd be slightly interested to see if they are after one another or will there be some overlap in the timings.. also when to expect any news from them
  18. still most Muslims won't accept Jesus as the son of God, nor will most Christians accept him as a mere prophet.
  19. true. Nintendo are releasing info a bit slowly though, I'd have expected info released by now - I assume we'll be blitzed with Wii ads in the next little while - we have (assuming a late november launch) 2.5 months to advertise in. not much really. but then if stock is low perhaps they want the ads to affect people a little inside the launch - so Nintendo will reap ad. sales after the launch sales have levelled off?
  20. There is no need for what, conformity, leadership and "all that"??? and what is "all that" in reference to? the next statement (starting from "especially") appeals to my sense of humour, but perhaps thats just me having an odd sense of humour.
  21. "religion is the main source of conflict-for that reason alone i hate it." thats not true. if you actually look for the truth of the matter you would see that. "i remember writing when i was in year 6 about how the church 'brainwashes' people into 'mindless yes men' and stuff. " There are hundreds (probably thousands) of secular stablishments doing just that across the world. Its something humanity likes, conformity.
  22. Which is where the trinity explanation comes in. but thats too complex to even try to touch on in an internet forum.
  23. Well, taking Christianity and Islam as an example. Christians state Christ is the son of God Muslims state that God has no children this could obviously cause a little bit of friction no? the thing is, it depends on how important someone's religion is to them. if it is unimportant a minor detail (even perhaps a major detail) is unimportant, if it is the most important thing to them then even the minor details will seem quite large. I thought all Christians believed in a single God?
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