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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. lol, its all down to how you hold yourself. people need to be aware of their bodies and when they are damaging their bodies. but yeah, the high level of interactivity will be cool, on thing I can think of though is potentially larger space will be needed for multiplayer games. though now there is online so...
  2. I'm thinking the multiplayer possibilities... nice :P think of each genre, and think how this could not work... racing... I think everyone has/has witnessed people trying to steer by moving the pad shooter - point and click... BANG :P flying - tilt, lift and allow to fall down sport games (particularly holding sticks rackets etc strategy games control units directly. can't think of a game the control couldn't be used in to be honest. actually, think bout it, it will be a bit like minority report, just a little bit more basic :P
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