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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. Thing is, it could be 17th to catch the stupid sony gamers who come in for a new console on the 17th, the only new console is the Wii, they buy the wii. also people could just decide, they'd planned for a new console they ARE getting a new console on the 17th. although it works the same if the Wii is released before the 17th as well.
  2. but in the case of the majority of most profanities **** carries just as much meaning. I've found in life profanities are very useful. the more someone uses them the more I know they have nothing interesting, intelligent or meaningful to say.
  3. Well, from a point of view of a ssbm style stats thing I think it would be cool, I could go round a friends house, play say ssbb and have hours clocked up. small really, but I think it would be cool. geeky perhaps though, and no doubt a source of confusion to the target audience Wii is being aimed at. Perhaps part of the controller will be a controller ID, and using Wiiconnect 24 that data can be stored anyway? the controller can be registered on Wiiconnect with a controller ID or something like that, say "p0e2tq567y98wiu43r1o". and data can be shared that way?
  4. exactly, its probably things like rumble, volume settings etc. Tbh I would prefer an option to plug in say an SD card to boost memory, I think that could add a dimension, but I guess that would place a strain on the battery. most users are used to the current memory card setup now anyway
  5. I agree, it makes more sense, data isn't stored on the discs themselves, so it makes sense for friend codes to be tied to the hardware. I don't see why a user would need to have a friend code tied to individual software, it makes a little sense with the DS, where data is stored largely on the cart itself, but not on the Wii.
  6. surely it would be his loss if he didn't say what he PLEASED?
  7. program code uses registers - basically were data is stored. in OOP functions as an example have inputs and outputs, and further more hidden inputs and outputs. Action replay and freeloader manipulate the inputs and outputs, but cannot manipulate the actual coding. afaik. the only possibility I can think of would be that you would have code that uses Gamecube disc as auxillary code - rather than having Gamecube code using add-ons as Auxillary code. really we would need someone with experience with programming for consoles though, I personally haven't programmed properly for about 4 years now, and my memory on these matters is pretty hazy. In fact this entire post is probably incorrect. meh oh well.
  8. This is probably not good news for Europe. I imagine Wii will release in Japan and America well before Europe. Probably get released last friday of November now
  9. Which games will the wii mote make frustrating?
  10. I can see both points I suppose. I guess there are certain traits people admired in Steve, so in a way he was a role model to them? Its a bit of a weird concept to me though, having someone you don't know (or more importantly doesn't know you) as a role model. I do know from experience though, its only when a person dies that you truely realise the place they played in your life. I think its important to take time to reflect on people you care for and who are important in your life and to take the time to let them know you appreciate them. anyway, I remember some of his shows, I can't say I enjoyed them huge amounts, but its sad to know his kids will be left unable to get to know their father (Although I imagine to a small extent there will be plenty of video of him they can watch over). Also feel sorry for his wife, Obviously I can't imagine what she's going through at the moment.
  11. it may be the reason you don't feel inclined to eat it, but if you force yourself to taste it strictly every day - just a tiny bit and swallow, you'll find an increasing tolerance to the flavours, and eventually you would learn to like it. also that bitter taste is meant to put people off, its a taste you have to acquire. If you eat alot of bitter foods you'll be able to eat it more. with grapefruit it does actually taste nice, you just need to get over the bitter barrier. I don't eat it enough to enjoy it fully, but I can eat it if there isn't a more attractive option available
  12. Super taster. makes no difference to your taste, just how sensitive you are to flavours. tastes can be developed, basically the more familiar a taste is the less unpleasant it tastes. I guess super tasters would be more capable of tasting when food is going off - I know I can taste milk going sour before anyone else in my house, but that could just be because I'm a fussy eater?
  13. lots of people can't remember when they're mashed on alcohol or drugs. are you suggesting when they are in this state it is ok to harvest any organs/cells from them as we please? life isn't defined as memory, what about people with amnesia? and you mentioned 5 year olds - would you be ok with having a five year old killed and their organs harvested as treatment for others? people aren't fully developed until 18-21 (I believe in men often the collar bone isn't fully set till 21), so your argument could have 20 year olds harvested as required by the "living" population. and playing God doesn't need to be done, it is a choice, no one is compelled to do anything. It is purely a case of ethics and personal beliefs, and each person will have varying views on the whole issue, and each of these ought to be taken into account to some extent when laws, rules and guidelines are created regarding these things, thats the way society works.
  14. approach I'm almost taking - I'm focusing on multiplayer games at Launch, if they get old I'll move over to single player games. but most multiplayer games have adequate single player modes too so I may not get any single player games at all. now seems a good stage to become a casual gamer to me (rather than the year ago point I turned)
  15. you seem to be the one not getting it. The reason they were against stem cell research, and deemed it unethical was because it resulted in death of the embryo. the new system, harvesting cells without killing the embryo circumvent this death, and thus the objection. now its similar to for example giving blood. Afaik, stem cell research has yet to be proven, it is simply seen as theoretically possible. if it works (and science does sometimes fail, or rather the understanding of science scientists have does, I hope you are able to understand that) then that is good. If you have links about it actually working in humans, and being used in humans and having encouraging results I would be very interested in any links. The average IQ of any person in a set population is 100. the distribution of IQs of 100 aren't equally spread, but ideally in a population of ten the average IQ of the group will be 100. If you add a further 10 to the group the average IQ will remain 100, regardless of the actual intelligence of the additions. a high IQ doesn't show high intelligence, it is a relative marker. some of the most stupid foolish people I have met have had high IQ's, and I have met people with low IQ's who display intelligence and wisdom, even though they are "below average". I just want to point this out because I find IQ snobbery pretty repulsive, especially as most people who use more often than not don't have a clue about Intellignece Quotients and their correct usage. a person with a low IQ is valid, their opinions and feelings are valid. also I don't think evangelicals listen to men in robes, that tends to be more traditional denominations.
  16. why is it too late though? really, they will have plenty of people ready for launch, its better for them for those who are definitely going to buy anyway not to have money set aside to buy it or whatever other reason, because thats guaranteed sales later, when they don't have a huge glut of sales. they want more stability, better to produce and sell 100,000 each month over 10 months than to sell 1 million in the first month then 0 in the remaining 9. obviously selling mroe is always generally good, but they want the sales spread as equally as feasible.
  17. I appreciate what you are saying - it is annoying reading incorrectly spelled words, and incorrect grammar, mainly because I find myself adopting incorrect spellings (and my grammar has probably suffered alot too!!) I assume you aren't native - if you are your grammar is constructed in a non native manner. thing is, while lots of us our literate and native, lots are illiterate and/or non native, and those are the people who generally make the mistakes. I'm not sure if people prefer to be corrected or tolerated. I suppose personally I'd prefer to be corrected, up to a point, but then hypocritically I tend to tolerate incorrectness in others. back on topic, I guess this post shows how interesting the talk was
  18. The position of official spellchecker isn't open as far as I'm aware - although I did notice the staff advertising positions as available I don't recall seeing "spellchecker", but if the position is open contrary to my understanding, then I am sure your efforts will be noticed by the staff and they will be in touch shortly
  19. thats exactly what I thought when they revealed the controller - but I am thinking it again, and I'm not pessimistic due to lack of sleep this time
  20. yeah... I can imagine if I had stayed up for this I would have been very upset. I remember when the Wii controller was announced, I was upset , so very annoyed, right up until the controller was revealed. at which point I was just very very dissapointed.
  21. I'm at work, so at least this is a bit more amusing than what I otherwise would have been doing. possibly.
  22. Nintendo always start boring, the first 20-40 minutes will be boring, its the end half thats interesting. If they said Wii Launches tomorrow, pre-orders are open today, 40 Launch titles, £120 for a Standard Wii, £150 for a Special Wii bundle. would any of you listen to these stats? nope. so any interesting info wouldn't be unleashed until they get all the less interesting sales speak rubbish dealt with.
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