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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. and the frugal solution is to buy the console at the end of the generation. most of the games have dropped in price, are just as fun (or rubbish) as they always were, and you can buy the console that most meets your needs. you know precisely what you're getting.
  2. perhaps a good tactic to ease demand? why have HUGE demand if you can't capitalise on it? also.. slight mistake, surely second "home" should read "work"?
  3. with all territories receiving Wii during 2006 and within a release window of 14 months, Wii will be released late september at the very latest. so this is totally believable, if nintendo haven't lied
  4. our standard at the moment is basically 480i at the moment. GC didn't support 480p in europe, but I imagine Wii will. 480p is 16:9, 60Hz progressive scan. I thought Nintendo stated last E3 that Wii games needed to run 480p as standard, but also support 480i. I may be getting confused with microsoft who placed a minimum requirement of 720i support, or Nintendo may have changed this, but I was under the impression 480p was going to be standard.
  5. something to add, wii sounds more organic. "station" "box" "cube" "system" and any numbers tend to be more numbers, scientific/engineering approach. the word play, or game in playstation/gamecube also fits this, describing and getting to the point. wii. this is more an arty name. I think it makes it more accessible. I actually really like the name. it goes very nicely with Nintendo's move away from tech specs. how many Mhz is your tv? what about your phone? some of you (sadly) will know the answers off hand, but most people care about one thing in both cases - does it do what I want it to do. This is a step to make a mainstream electronic device. A bold step out from the old path, taking a new unexplored path. Excellent. I personally love it.
  6. You know.. it maybe that there is a expansion pack that boosts the power, but eternal I don't think so. Basically it would have to already be planned, it would be like the broadband adapter I think, and would be undersupported - although thinking back to what Iwata said about novels and encyclopedias - basically BIG games and mini games, maybe there will be some games that require an expansion, and it will come bundled... abit like the chips in snes games?
  7. is wee negative though? not having a wee is negative, having a wee (especially if you're bursting) is a good thing, that everyone does. I think most people will split the name into two syllables, or call it a wi if they're too embarassed to say we. or, just buy it online, and never have to say the name
  8. sadly it is. I'm hoping to be unwanting it for different reasons by then
  9. Thats the most balanced piece I've read on the name. and I totally agree with it.
  10. I read "pii" as pie. I think most people will read "Wii" as "why"
  11. the name is a teeny bit off putting, but to be totally honest, I don't think I'll be buying mine from a shop anyway, online tends to be cheaper. and I was hoping not to get it on Launch. but I know I'm weak so I can't say my cube pops up in conversation very often, at most I'll say I played a bit of "game name", because its not the cube I play most of the time (holding down z on boot got boring quick) I'm thinking, if a memory stick was called "Wii" or a telephone was called a "Wii" pronounced we, would I think wee. And the answer is no. would I call it my wii? nope, I'd call it my phone, or memory stick. and I'll call this my console. In a shop, I'd ask if they had a "Wii" or any "Wii Games" without a problem (assuming I was intending on buying games from a shop). in short, no problem myself, more put in my head by the constant wee association on here
  12. I wouldn't stick a tv on my wall anyway, so thats not a factor, and I don't see many people walking around with their portable 50" screen so the weight isn't particularly a factor either. for gaming, last I bothered looking into it CRT>plasma>LCD. LCD's are better for still or slow moving images at night, plasma is better for fast moving/changing images during the day. crt is best for still, slow or fast moving/changing images day or night.
  13. I saw that, I assumed wee must be a word not commonly used in America, because, I assumed, NoA wouldn't be THAT stupid, and that way it could have been down to stupid (and inexcusable) lack of market research. but yes, seeing America, Uk + Australia will all make this association it can be an issue. having said that, this seemingly being SUCH a blunder, surely there must be something that makes it all ok... if thats the case this is awesome marketing, the name is out there, by E3 wii will be out there (apparently its been on radio1 for a start, so thats got the word out in the UK), then at E3 - this is why. everyone now turns from laughter to "wow". or its just a big blunder. Wii is a hit in Japan, and some European countries, but has a hard time in lots of countries. Or perhaps Nintendo just plan on spending loads on advertising? or have a whole campaign that is a revolutionary advertising campaign, and requires an appalling name to work? I'll be honest, I haven't a clue, very strange and surreal behaviour from such a large company.
  14. CRT isn't a step back, looking at contrast ratio, range of colours etc. CRT is actually very good technology, the only issue with CRT is managing to make a screen that isn't stupidly deep that is also HD. slim CRT is the solution, its cheap, and its really good. apparently there are some issues with the technology, but really CRT = plasma = LCD the only differentiator is personal preference. I was looking at slim CRT, the main reason I'm not going for it is that I want a 37" screen, and afaik these HD crt's only go upto 32" sadly
  15. one advantage, on launch day I might come in in the morning and ask my boss if its ok for me to go for a wee.
  16. me too actually. I think people will be more keen to include wii in discussions, if only to prove their "wit" by putting in the obligatory pun. non gamers won't be anywhere near as passionate, hardcore gamers generally have already made their minds up, the only thing that will sway them will be games. wii will have the price factor which probably is neutral, as some will blindly buy the most expensive assuming its best, some middle cost as they'll think its best value for money (happy medium) and some will go for the cheapest, as they see the saved £'s. it now has the weird name, which will probably do it as much (if not more) good than harm and it will have its games. not alot has changed,
  17. well.. maybe it will slow sales a bit, but looking at the 360 (and dslite) perhaps thats not so bad, just means they'll cope with demand a bit better, and need to advertise lots (which they needed anyway)
  18. I think that is the problem. They'll need to have it as a non named console. gamecube will rock you we will rock you both work so wii works as "wii will rock you" I keep on thinking of a comment made a long time back that has stuck in my head, that what Nintendo had done went a step further, it was like they had created another console.. I'm just wondering how that works - if the revolution links to another console in a way to create an entity "wii" so "wii refers to the revolution and whatever this almost spearate console is? kinda marrying the two = wii, separately they have different names? seems a bit too out there a concept though, but unless "wii" is a pronoun and not a noun it seems a bit wrong. just rambling trying to justify here though. I'm expecting a dissapointment at E3, but maybe they did this to smother the hype flames?
  19. thanks, I was guessing. so its the UK and Australia that are affected. and DCK, N5 wouldn't appeal to the demograph they want, the wanted (I assume) a very neutral name. sadly they missed for the Aussies and brits. I know Ireland and Scotland use wee as small, so i guess they don't use it as urine?
  20. I don't know "wee" is only a problem in England, that is an assumption, if anyone lives in another country where wee = urine then ok, but as far as I am currently aware I am correct in my assumption. Very open to correction though. is it acceptable that England is the only one affected (if it is)? nope. it's an appalling over sight. Nintendo may choose to alter pronunciation ("why" perhaps). however. we vs wee. psp = pee wii = whee I think the internet community tends to be less mature than society at large. Wii is aiming for new demographics. those demographics aren't well represented currently, and we can't say what they think. I tested the name on a friend and he seemed ok with it, just thought it was weird. The main problem seems to be most young guys want a power name, but thats not who Nintendo are aiming for. I think the name is good, because, much like the controller, its a bit like jumping out of a plane with a parachute, its a gamble, because everytime there is a chance the parachute will fail. with the controller and this name I think Nintendo are jumping out of the old safe palce they were in, and now as fans we are left either to stay in an empty plane, or jump out after them, kinda forcing us, which I think is most of the negative reaction
  21. weeble182, will you change your name to wiible182?
  22. exactly. and people - I don't think it works "wee" in the US. and look - hey guys, Europe isn't just the UK!!! there's like, a few hundred million people on the mainland bit. oh look, maybe thats a bigger market than the UK alone... most people on the net either are 1)finding out about this slang term and thinking its common round the world 2)just not likeing the "strange" name. perrin is addressing number 2, number 1 will be hardcore gamers who live on the net only. number 1 obviously will develop an affinity for the wii over time, and number 2 will also sooner or later convert to wii lovers.
  23. apart from the minority of people in the uk who will associate this name with urin, the rest of Europe will have no problem. all it means is that the wii is at more risk of failure in the uk, in Europe it may well succeed though. again, in the US, as far as I am aware, the slang "wee" isn't widely used, so it won't affect there (the actual biggest market) then there is Japan, which won't be affected. finally there is Australia.. I don't think wee is a widely used slang term over there either. so basically this is fairly minor. major for those it does affect, but minor in the grand scheme of things.
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