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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. But if Nintendo release it it would be dual between EA and Nintendo - so both would split profits. Nintendo would be happy, EA would be happy. EA could come up with a deal where if users buy 3 of their Bond games they get GE for free through VC. assuming the situation is between just MS and Nintendo. other deals are possible, things MAY change.
  2. maybe they are planning on launching earlier in one territory. or perhaps looking at the DS lite they have decided it would be a good idea to release in Japan, and once demand dips launch in America and Europe.
  3. sorry - but I read this as the virtual console will be capable of running the data stored on the discs - literally the sequence of bits. not that it will be capable of reading and accepting the data from the discs. and it it can, it also has a scart slot for nes, snes, n64 and sega genesis games, as well as the NEC-hudson cartridge format it supports. ie, you won't be able to pop in your old 80's cd's. my guess is that any rev games small enough to fit on a cd would go on a GC sized disc.
  4. sorry, but I would have to refuse to buy a nintendo arse. that is something I would draw the line at.
  5. article on the main site points out the D pad shape - 3 d-pad shapes. could this be something like online for the gameboy, ds and revolution?
  6. good thing bout the transcript. getting a teeny bit hyped, now that its 2 nd a half hours away? pretty good time wise for me actually. would have been better if it was 30 minutes earlier, but oh well!
  7. it could be the code name for the next gameboy, I guess its feasible to have that announced this year, now that DS is safely established as a separate platform.
  8. the logo seems a bit abstract - and Go??? what does that mean? fake or not, I don't understand this - if its fake I hope the artist explains the logo and name, if its real : / well, I'm dissapointed, and hope Nintendo have a good explanation. I prefer revolution/revo as a name.
  9. whats he supposed to say? "We will send the heavies down to their offices to change their minds" I think his answer was pretty good, at the end of the day devs have made up their mind. they are right or they are wrong, that makes no difference, they won't take nintendo's word alone, no one can predict the future, what he addressed was what he can address - the part about Nintendo's attitude to market share.
  10. from an anti copy p.o.v, I think Nintendo released info too quickly. from a "make people actually buy it" p.o.v, I think they released info at just about the right time. I'm pretty comfortable with the idea of the FHC now, so in my head I am prepped for a early adopter attitude. initial price point, and the life span of my GC (which is currently slightly disabled) will be the decider for me. First game I'll play on my revolution? if I were buying one today, it would be viewtiful joe.
  11. Thats actually sounding pretty neat. depends on how cheap it is, but the chances of me buying a PS3 have just gone up. I'll give it a year though, to make sure there are enough unique games to warrant a purchase
  12. I've never turned a page in a magazine and been told that the page was unavailable. thats got to be one advantage for a start. most sites I use have had varying levels of reliability, magazines (once you have purchased them) are pretty reliable, unless they have a close encounter with a match/bucket of water.
  13. It would have to be very energetic, but as you said, it would add to the coolness - enjoy playing a videogame + (if you play regularly enough, and push yourself) get fitter win win. unless the game sucks, but then you can just use it for the exercise?
  14. I have more than 10 games for it. I enjoy more than 10 games that I own for it, and play them occassionally. so not really a let down. my life is changing, so I don't have time for video games anymore, and I don't enjoy videogames for any platform particularly, I'm prolly sticking with my cube until it finishes dying (severe sound glitches in two games, 4 won't be recognised as GC discs. the two games with severe sound glitches freeze while loading, and one of the two completly crashed mid game in one of those freezes) revolution looks mildly interesting.
  15. (truncated a bit by me) ok. the test 2 HEALTHY people... um. no. lets see. cooking. playing a guitar. drumming. playing baseball. playing football. walking. all these things require work and effort. people do them, no problem. if a person finds playing on the revolution tiring, then they NEED the console, if only for the very gentle exercise. The controller won't weigh lots, its tiny, and easy to use. quite frankly, the thought of HEALTHY people being restricted because of fatigue while using the revolution controller is a laughable concept. unhealthy, or people of average health, possibly. healthy people no. just no. I imagine however, that those wanting to play 6 hour sessions will be far below average health, but really they ought to be looking forward to getting some exercise hey, maybe some dev somewhere could even make a interactive exercise game also, exercise releases chemicals that improve mood. so infact games are likely to be more enjoyable on the rev for that reason...
  16. That wasn't said, all that was said was that GAMECUBE games wouldn't work with the FHC. no one said that Revolution games have to be on large discs. no one said how the GameCube would potentially react to revolution game code. No one has said that TP won't contain any revolution game code, just that TP would run on the cube, and it would also run on the revolution. Just a thought here, but see,TP may not be a GC game, it may not be just a revolution game - it could be a backward compatible game disc. A revolution game that would run on a gamecube, written on a GC sized disc...
  17. broadly it looks wrong that women get paid less, but two possibilities 1)sexism at education. There are some sectors that are strongly associated with a certain gender. for arguments sake we'll create Sector F, which is associated with gender 2. a person who is gender 1 may receive an education biased towards other sectors, but not sector F. When they pursue a career in Sector F, they are left with less relevant qualifications than most of their colleagues who happen to have received a more relevant education. 2)lower expectations If lower pay is expected then lower pay will be accepted. Men I believe tend to over estimate themselves, whereas women tend to have a more realistic approach. This can be bad for men - for example driving safety wise - or it can be good - possibly reflected in pay expectations. I'm not saying sexism doesn't exist, nor that unfair inequalities are abundant, but just there may be reasons other than sexism coming from the employers. I do agree with you though, simple statistics saying "this is how it is" isn't really useful, it needs to be followed up by "why" and "this is how it can be changed" although awareness is a good first step.
  18. I think we may get a release date.from that pic that was floating round earlier (revolution casings) I imagine the revolution is already in production, it may be a good idea to release the console in the 3rd quarter, or the end of the 2nd quarter, to temper demand a little. lots of factors in the launch though, but they seem to have a good idea of what they're doing now.
  19. I think it is important to acknowledge differences when they arise. I think issues where people are treated differently because of their age/race/sex should be looked into and justified, if they can be justified down to differences then fair enough. The problem, I think, is people who are thick. they think a difference naturally means one is inferior to the other, which, basically, isn't true. Perhaps this rather dense ideology actually comes from the media. but the inferiority can switch, and a trait which in one situation is a hindrance may in a different situation be an aide. so really people should look at their differences, and be taught not to deny them and pretend they don't exist. Infact, the whole point of society is that we use our strengths to help those who are weak in areas we are strong in, and in return they use their strength to help us in areas we are weak in. so really, weakness should be acknowledged, and if possible/neccessary worked around, and strengths should also be acknowledged and used. The FA may be wrong to separate males and females, but if they are then people such as this girl, rather than kicking up a fuss and throwing a tantrum with the media about who its unfair, and throwing around a retard friendly word "sexism" they should prove themselves. so find why the FA think this action is necessary, and conclusively prove this to be true or false, and then act from there, in a mature and sensible way. obviously she's just a kid, so I blame the parents :P
  20. books have lasted a long time. tv/movies/theatre. they all lasted a long time.
  21. animal crossing, doshin, pikmin, pokemon, metroid could all become mmo games fairly easily. I mention metroid as now they are broadening the seried, removing the focus from samus (which I think is a good thing) and bulking out the story, they could easily enough make a mmo metroid game. pikmin, could be a lil too manic- I'm too tired to think it through, but who knows, I'm sure its possible to pull if off and make a good mmo pikmin game. pokemon and AC are fairly self explanatory. pokemon I think could be expanded very nicely though.
  22. I think alot of the enmity between France and England is down to the history between the nations, the 100 year war, and basically just the Fact England stopped the French having as big an empire as they otherwise would, and vice versa. The fact centuries old grudges are held also fuels it, people sense the enmity there and return it. pretty pathetic. But yeah, The Brits and French both suck.
  23. virtual memory is slower than regular memory. you are better off spending extra cash, but if thats not an option then this (I guess) is your best option. you can always reduce it back down using the same technique. its not some hidden secret though :s
  24. fair play, people died for those colonies :P why should we give'em it back? seriously though, if they'd gone and grabbed stone henge or whatever, would we get them back? and alot of the countries... if we'd left the stuff it would be destroyed/in a poor state now. not that I particularly care either way, I imagine if there was a british artifact in some other country I'd say it should be returned, if the media picked up on it enough.
  25. IF they just slipped out information too early then its ok imo, if they actually made up, thats a pretty unprofessional mistake to make. But at least they admitted it.
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