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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. I think it would be nice to have free game downloads coming with games in a similar way to VIP cards, maybe a specific title, or a choice of 2 or 3 titles, or just credit. having top up cards for the VC would also be good - they could possibly have retro themed cards which would be a nice touch, could lead to the card becoming collectable, which could encourage people to buy them. maybe they could actually have game cards, the card has a code, type in the code and it automatically downloads the game that the code corresponds to - lots of ways they could do this.
  2. doesn't seem to hype-ful so I'll believe this. plus in 8 days we'll know for sure (perhaps a little less time for that if there are subsrcibers here
  3. the shell is for retro games I think. nunchuck is like a transition control fhc is the new generation. its just a gradual change. the nunchuck is neccessary, I imagine that aspect will be improved/removed next gen
  4. knowing now that the child stated that his mother had passed out, yes this should have been dealt with faster, and someone should get a severe yelling at. One reason the operator may still have their job is that they may have been correctly following protocol, or the employees may be going through a "cover our back" method of firing her - if they fire her and the operator wriggles out of it then the employees can get in trouble for unfair dismissal. Hopefully protocols will be improved to help prevent similar mistakes being made.
  5. I think someone from Nintendo said something along the lines that they learnt that they need to concentrate on the first 6-9 months, that a reputation is made in that time, and its hard to change perception after that frame of time. So I think a reasonable number of titles should be expected in the first 6 months at least.
  6. Quite true. I feel very ill right now though
  7. I agree with Dan Dare. I voted locally, because of his views. there are also site where you can see how they have voted in the past, and thats what I tend to look at in the run up for an election, I've been happy with his voting past so far, so haven't investigated his opposition, but that would be the second step if I was unhappy with what he voted on
  8. I think it would be good if they subsidised this, definitely, but they are being pretty open that you have to pay, so its pretty much "if you want to go to E3 and are willing to pay" being paid to go would be alot better though, and would encourage people more. and could be used to ensure they get content:P current arrangements wise I would be unsurprised to find the person who went didn't send them anything (or just copied and pasted from random sites :P)
  9. tbh I disagree with your more money than sense statement - I'd quite like to go to america, would be a cool experience, I wouldn't go just for E3 though, I'd stay over for at least another week. infact, I may talk to one of my friends, go on a trip together. what is a bit of a shame is the short notice. Oh well.
  10. uh huh, thats right. I'd be 100% happy with that. I'd be very impressed actually.
  11. agreed. - Zim, it doesn't sound good for the operator, but pure news isn't common now, its always flavoured as "this is particularly good" or "this is evil" neutrality doesn't sell.
  12. you might not even need to use the A and B buttons. tilt forward to accelerate, tilt back to brake. then there's left and right tilting - gears perhaps.
  13. but we don't know the situation. there may only have been one car available. they have two calls. 1)confirmed crime, happening now, possibly violent, immediate danger to the public. 2)little kid has gotten to a phone. imagine your significant other, or a parent, got stabbed and consequentally died, you then find out "sorry, a police officer who could have prevented your loved ones death was busy telling off a little 5 year old who phoned 911" the police car may have been sent out, but they have to work on the info they have, they can't IGNORE information they do have, just in case the information they don't have would alter their action. all I ask is that you appreciate and consider 1)there aren't an infinite number of emergency service vehicles and operators. 2)emergency service phone operators have a large work load 3)espo's are trained in their job, and know how to do it better than we do (I hope :P) 4)this is a one off. 5)work has to be prioritised based on what is known, not on what is speculated.
  14. does someone have to be blamed?and who says anything was ignored? how about this. operator sends an ambulance, fire engine and police man to a call from a unintelligible 5 year old. they find out the mother was asleep, and the child was innocently playing with the phone. in the mean time, because the ambulance, fire engine and police car are unavailable a mad man shoots 3 people dead, a man dies of a heart attack and a family of 4 get burnt alive. taking it extreme, but people who actually know about the situation etc. will deal with this. It may involve a change to protocol, it may find the operator was at fault, or that the police were (who knows, the police may have given this a lower priority) the hypocrisy in these forums is comical. shouldn't you be happy, since one less of those "Fuckin stupid yanks" exist now?
  15. to be honest I found this least impressive - I expected that
  16. tbh no political parties meet what I want from a party. on issues I don't really care about I'd vote for labour. on the issues I care for I can't vote. I guess I'd have received something locally, and thats who I tend to vote for - the local politician. Last time round I think I ended up voting conservative, because the labour and lib dem candidates in my area just generally suck. I don't like the conservatives on a lot of issues, but then the same applies to all the parties I'm aware of. now I'd say labour, providing the candidate was ok. why? because the conservatives imo are now just trying to mimic Labour, and why have a mimic party in power, when you can have the real thing. but it really depends on the local candidate
  17. being an upset 5 year old it may have been that he was unable to speak very intelligibly - it was mentioned in the article for some periods the child was uninteligible - and fair enough under those circumstances. the operator may have heard what sounded like a child who had gotten to a phone and unmaliciously made a prank phone call. now, the older kids of the woman who died won't want to blame their 5 year old brother - obviously, not his fault. its possible that the kid was told to dial 911, and that was all he understood of what was happening, and that his mum was lying down. so perhaps the operator understood his mum was sleeping, and while she was having a nap he had reached the phone, played with it and gotten through to 911.
  18. I don't see them as being any different to what I expected. ie perfectly adequate. what we know is they'll be better than the GC, and this proves that. I can only imagine (from many peoples reactions) that N64 graphics were expected : /
  19. if it does too weel in Japan (assuming they release it in Japan first) they may want a higher price to reduce sales here - so they can keep stock flowing in Japan. basically if they sell out they've priced it too low.
  20. the grabs are both the exact same size.if its been downscaled to 480 then its been upscaled again to 720, which is perfectly valid, because the detail/texture would be lost once the screen had been downscaled. it would basically show what a 480 grab would look like on a 720 screen, and what a 720 grab would look like on a 720 screen. if you do a 480 vs 720 picture comparison picture then the 480 image would look about 1.5 times smaller than the 720 screen, on a PC. The only way to show them is to take the 720 image, shrink it to 480 (losing detail) then to blow it back up to 720 size (the detail would not be regained in this process)
  21. infernal, the revolution may be able to use momentum from the lite. ds used momentum from the gba, ds lite used momentum from the ds, so the revo may use momentum from the lite... at least in Japan
  22. I've never played a pilot wings game - what do you actually do?
  23. well I don't know how loading screens work entirely, but if a game loaded while something else was running, then the something else could possibly be affected.
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