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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. my cube was felled, not from a great height, about the same height as 25 stacked DVD cases. it has lived a good life, although it refuses to play a few of my games (most noticeably mariokart, timesplitters, viewtiful joe) but plays the majority of games.
  2. to be honest I'd like to learn languages from a point of view of understanding what is being said, and what is written. as far as being able to speak and write in a language, I'd say that should be a bi product of listening and reading ability.
  3. depends where it fits. it will either go horizontal on the same shelf my cube is on, or depending on the new tv I plan on getting, vertically on the same shelf as my PC.
  4. goood question. I imagine they are fine, as its mainly a Catholic thing. but then step relatives are illegal so who knows.
  5. you're on your own I assume? I guess the best option is to talk to the person you're sat next to. if you're lucky you could be sat next to a really interesting person. might be worth a try. obv. this would assume they were ok to talk. if not, next best option I can think of is to sleep and hope you have an entertaining dream.
  6. Marriage of Cousins Despite the long list of degrees of forbidden relationship, you can marry a cousin (courtesy of Henry VIII who changed the law to marry his cousin!). However, it would be sensible for you both to consult your GP to ensure that there are no factors in your family's health records that would make your decision to have children inadvisable on medical grounds. basically anyone with "mother" "father" "aunt" "uncle" "brother" or "sister" in their title (in relation to you) is by law out of the question in the uk (but for most thats the case anyway) exceptions are (according to the site I read) great grand parents, who are only illegal in Scotland, and stepbrother/sister under certain circumstances.
  7. maybe the fault lies with your imagination?
  8. the scanners are limited, I imagine its like spam filters, but obviously since the stakes are higher than mild annoyance and irritation they want to make sure failure doesn't happen. thinking about the terrorists who would commit suicide attacks, I actually feel sorry for them. Not the corpse that actually commits the atrocity, but the person who used to be alive and in control of that body. and I wonder if that person can ever be saved? I would hope so, and that that person would not be so gullible/stupid to let the same thing happen to themselves. don't worry about it, worry will never be helpful. to be fair you're probably slightly safer the sooner you fly after this, as the relevant agencies will be particularly vigilant for a while yet.
  9. If you read the Bible, you'll actually find thats not what it says. Besides which you don't strike me as the kind of man who takes heed of what the Bible says?
  10. A PSP style handheld wouldn't be bad. the thing is, they WOULD need an angle that made it stand out. if it was basically a GBA+ then I wouldn't get it, it would have to offer something the DS doesn't, and it would have o do it well, and the added feature would have to be compelling.
  11. looking at the DS lite I think Nintendo will have lots of problems meeting demand, at least in Japan. 2 million Wii's for september wasn't it? how many DS lites did they sell in the first month of release in Japan? and how many in the US? Japan I seem to recall an insane number of sales in January, and they were totally sold out for a while...
  12. Easy way round it. its not standby, its in query mode. see, its searching for updates.
  13. I agree too, they don't care at all about the people that they have authority over. Hence the cult of slacker. see how little work you can do. I managed 4 months of no work at one point. that was awesome. I tidied the odd paint spill, but I actually enjoyed that, it was kinda therapeutic in a strange way - esp. when you don't mind the floor being stained. I also constructed an illegal weapon as a co-operative operation between myself and my friend. 11 months after I quit the weapon was found, good stuff. fortunately they decided it wouldn't be a good idea to get police involved, as it would have shown how poorly managed the place was... and could have invited bad PR for the company. anyway. retail is good fun, but abuse them or you will be abused.
  14. We could, but probably not if we plan on connecting the Wii to the net
  15. HD could help, but its not necessary. I enjoyed RTS in 640*480, though I will very openly admit enjoying it more in Higher resolutions. I think Nintendo were right about HD though, only about now are HDTV's viable replacements for everyone. I think SD support will still be needed in Europe for a few years after the Wii 2 gen consoles are released, and 360/ps3 will push the HD standard, much like XBOX (lesser extent PS2) pushed online.
  16. yeah, but it will be one mans word against the other. Unless what was said was fairly harmless, in which case Zidane may say "he said nothing particularly bad..." Thats the only scenario both may agree. I guess they could have lip readers confirm the likelyhood of what was said.
  17. is that a joke? along the lines of that drug test forfeit match email that goes around nearly every time England/ a Big english team get knocked out of a big tournament? anyway, unless Zidane had a dictophone hidden under his shirt I doubt they'll be able to provide 100% proof of what Materazzi said.
  18. So you'd rather a friend you aren't attracted to ask you out... I think I concur.
  19. ok, theoretical question. would you rather a friend you aren't attracted to you asked you out, or a friend you do like didn't ask you out...
  20. see, its not been on so long I've forgotten when it starts :$ 5:35 it is - not sure where 6:30 came from : /
  21. I agree as a professional he shouldn't have reacted, and I assume most would like to think they would rise above it all, as I said earlier, his emotions were probably too strong at that moment. also, look at this : ends his career with a red card, for a stupid blatent foul, in a completely unprofessional manner, being watched by millions of football fans world wide, letting down his nation as well as himself. all I think we are saying is something was OBVIOUSLY said to provoke the attack, and I think that is equally bad as the headbutt that resulted. and also, if headbutting was an art, that would have been a master piece. also that italian (I assume) at most will have a bit of soreness and bruising which will pass in a very short time. the nipple twist wasn't done in a friendly manner, it was done to provoke him, that failed, he managed his temper, and walked off, no doubt very angry and wanting to react, but knowing thats what the italian wanted, follow that up by a piercing comment about you, your family who you love - while you are trying to quell a strong angry reaction already, I can understand how it happened. in fact, I think he surpressed himself, watching it I think he'd have liked to smash the guy in the face with his fists (which would have been worse)
  22. 6:30pm, and lunchtimes - somewhere around 12-2, I can't remember exactly when, been a while since I've been around a tv at that time. Althoguh I rememebr it being on at lunch when I was at school - so make that somewhere round 1-2?
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