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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. but how did the technology come to be? was it not the civilisation that initially created the need of that technology, or at the very least allowed it to be created?
  2. I was having my daily pointless thought time last night while waiting to drop off to sleep, and I asked myself the question, did technology drive progress in civilisation, or did civilisation drive progress in technology? and now I would like to know what you all think.
  3. If I read that correctly, the GC made more software sales than the wii... if thats just figures for the last financial period then it paints a much nicer picture for Sony, presuming that the PS2 is making them more money than the GC is making for Nintendo. Still, Wii is young and catching up to the 360 nice and quickly.
  4. .. I thought it was a bovine? I hate that game. apart from when my mum plays it. then its hilarious.
  5. it depends what you want the wii for. I played it 3 times since friday with friends, wii sports is very basic, its a good introduction, but it is in my eye's more of a fun tool, kinda calibrating you to the wii controller. red steel, excite truck and strikers are the games I've enjoyed most in that time. Wii sports and Wii play are good games, but I'm more likely to play them with my family than my friends. the only games I enjoy playing with friends on play and sports are boxing and tanks.. maybe tennis
  6. calling a break in the relationship is putting distance so she can take control of HER life. thats not necessarily taking control of goron. its only taking control of Goron if he allows her to. at the end of the day, Goron has to look at the situation, and chose what to do.
  7. I like where I live, friends help that alot. I think its got a lot of unrealised potential though. overall I'd say the town is fairly mediocre, although it looks to be improving which is always good. surroundings are awesome though, and I really wish I'd spent more time noticing them when I was younger.
  8. we probably can get a reasonable idea already though.. Mario galaxy, Super smash Bros brawl Metroid Prime 3 Crisis DoD Mario party (what number are we on?) Mario party (what number are we on?) + 1 Mario party (what number are we on?) + 2 Starfox wii F-zero wii pikmin wii advance wars wii (can't think of the name right now) zelda wii wii music wii health thats 14 I wouldn't be surprised to see in the next 48 months (are some already out?) waverace excite truck 2 mario kart (how did that not come up in my head straight away) Donkey kong bongo blast Donkey kong platformer kirby fire emblem wario punch out animal crossing golden sun kid icarus custom robo Earth bound doshin duck hunt ice climbers thats 31.
  9. that time actually existed? i thought it was a false memory or something. nevertheless, I find that its slightly amusing reading these sorts of topics because its not the kind of conversation that has ever popped up in regular conversation, and its a decision that is open to most
  10. low vc numbers do make sense. they are a bit expensive for what they are, new gamers are unlikely to really show a big interest in it, so its more a hardcore type thing. most people have a set number of games they'll get. it might be interesting to see how many vc games everyone has. Personally I only have 2, Gunstar and super mario world
  11. very true. Boycott + word of mouth. informing they uninformed that you can get accessories for reasonable prices elsewhere, and that there are better places to purchase from will do more harm. for example, the HMV reward card gives back twice what the game reward card does, it is FAR more generous and flexible, and the games and accessories have always been cheaper or equal in price to GAME prices when I have checked. even factoring in GAME sales etc, HMV often is the better. for example, I have purchased a wii-mote and nunchuck for £23.98 from HMV. although admittedly the prices have now gone back up, at GAME the cheapest I've seen that combo for was £45
  12. I know two people reselling. 1 deserves this. the other was convinced by him that it was a sure thing, easy money, and he needs the money and can't really afford to lose £800 (he was buying 2, one to resell, one to keep). I tried my best to talk him out of it, but I have failed I did talk two of my mates out of it fortunately.
  13. using my Wii as an example, it has gotten at most to 40 degree's, I would perhaps accept 50 degrees as plausible (both celsius). to cause damage to any of the chips I would expect 60-80 degree's would be needed. and if the GPU WAS damaged by heat, I suspect you wouldn't get a slight issue, your Wii probably wouldn't turn on, and if it did, it probably wouldn't display anything. Something MAY be damaged by the heat, but I very much doubt it would be the gpu itself. has anyone got anything official and documented from Nintendo mentioning the GPU and overheating?? and as for a potential cause, launch hardware is often buggy, no? like the xbox burning power cable, or the wrist strap on the controller...
  14. the second nes turtles game I'd get, same with the snes one. in fact, I loved both those games. but I the first turtles "game" sucked too bad.
  15. Memory upgrade Colour change size reduction maybe more outlandish have it go into a drive bay in your PC. although it wouldn't surprise me if a modder does that shortly on their own, the Wii isn't exactly massive as it is
  16. Maybe anyone who doesn't think excite truck is a great game just sucks at it too? The argument stands for any game really, but if you stick to that argument you have to say that even ET on the atari was a great game, just everyone sucked at it. anyway.. more on topic I think its unfair to compare waverace to excite truck, waverace is far more realistic than Excite truck.. anyway, back to an earlier post, my faith in reviews has gone from low influence to no influence thanks to the majority of red steel and excite truck reviews.
  17. what I don't like about the multiplayer is how the screen splits... can you set it one on top one on the bottom, rather than one on the right and one on the left? it feels so cramped imo. I guess I'll get used to it in time, but I don't appreciate the tunnel vision. also, is it not possible for games to work over a mini LAN, I thought that got mentioned sometime, that the wii would have similar functionality like the DS? I'd love that so much.. If they do that for F-Zero and Mariokart its gonna be cool
  18. imo ET beats WR easily. but I would have to be honest and say I didn't really like WR at all. on the soundtrack thing - yeah I find it tends to repeat the same songs, I'm not sure if thats the way it randomly picks songs (I've noticed other music players pick out the same "random" songs too) or if it doesn't like the other mp3's due to some kind of incompatibility?
  19. Yeah Kirby is a good game. If I didn't have it for my nes I would buy it myself
  20. "We" have, and we have also been invaded by them too.
  21. People who have a problem with those words are morons. If he meant those words to put down the Wii he is a moron. also to people who read those words negatively deep down think the Wii is crap. thats a fact. be it because you are insecure or truely don't enjoy the Wii, thats it. There is no tone in those words its all down to your interpretation.
  22. The games don't cost us 11 Euros. even if the games are 20 euros p&p, that makes the conversion more acceptable. and to whoever said about spending £250 and not being given a freebie nes game, so called "freebies" don't exist, would you rather pay £255 and get a "freebie" with it??
  23. If they insist on having separate friends codes, I hope they create a friends code channel, where you can manage friends codes, and that can be accessed in games in the future. also if they modify the mii channel perhaps so it can be used more in games..
  24. to me my favourite bit is laziness.. I just need the wii controller, no need to swap carts/cd's, just load it off the internal memory. the main reason i don't download many vc titles is because the internal memory basically isn't expandable at the moment. If nintendo fix that (ie maybe let you format a sd card so it can only be used by the wii that formatted it, other than to clear the data and reformat the card) I'll be keeping away from the virtual console unless there are games I am certain I want, and haven't owned before (ie VERY few.. so far thats gunstar heroes) having a VC sd card or two would be cool though.
  25. improvements I can think of. 1)more sensitive sensor at the front, perhaps capable of reading the sensor bar from a greater distance? and less susceptible to Christmas tree lights and other light sources.. 2)improved speaker quality 3)improved rumble - ie quieter 4)improved battery life I'm not so bothered about the battery, to be honest I like AA's because they are easy enough to replace. custom batteries require specific chargers, I already have more chargers than I know what to do with. There are a few wireless power solutions floating around out there, non really ready for widespread commercial use, but still, I'd love it (in dream land) if they sorted it so the wireless controllers were powered wirelessly too. the grip isn't such an issue either imo I hope the different controllers come out soon though, because I'm holding out for a couple of black controllers
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