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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Car in for the service and pre-MOT today. No problems whatsoever - should fly through the MOT. Not bad for a car that's 12 years old
  2. I was 15, in high school. They wheeled a TV into our classroom to watch it.
  3. hahaha omg that is awesomely bad lol
  4. oh dear.......
  5. Not neccesarily, you see pregnant women only gaining a stone and having loose skin. I guess there's an element of genetics in there too? Are you that guy on the tv that can stretch his neck skin over his face?
  6. I would say once you get past the 30/40lb lost mark, your skin can't recover naturally. No amount of bullshit cream will cure anything at that stage. In a way I'm lucky, without my psoriasis, loose skin would be a purely cosmetic thing and I'd have to pay for it myself lol
  7. You know something, I actually wouldn't change anything aesthetically. Even though there's probably a lot that could be done. When I lose all of my weight, I'll probably need skin removal, but only because my skin is at big risk of breaking down etc with my skin condition. In that case I would have surgery.
  8. I've got type 1 skin. Been treated with a medical sunbed (filtered and extremely powerful) 3 times a week for an entire summer and I only got a tiny bit of colour. And I stunk of burnt skin the entire time >_<
  9. but of course. they have the best lighting in toilets
  10. Yeah you totally do.... I have been rejected more than once lol
  11. K, Change vote: Rummy
  12. Yeah he was kind Now i have to see his face in the gym and not be a scared weirdo lol
  13. It was like watching a car crash just about to happen, and not being able to stop it. I'm so stoopid lol Seriously though, this guy is beyond words beautiful.
  14. I added him on facebook, introduced myself, and asked him if he fancied getting a coffee sometime. "thanks for asking but I'm already seeing someone" I r sad The "thanks for asking" thing threw me a bit... lol
  15. I do a full set of stretches once a week - then I do whatever stretches I feel like I need to do prior to my training. I'm hyperflexible in most places so its pointless for me to spend hours on stretching and mobility, but there are areas I work on a lot, like my quads which are a bit tight.
  16. zomg. Came across CuteGuyatGym on facebook. He posted a video of himself doing toes to bar, tagged my personal trainer in it. *internet stalking GO*
  17. Heavy handed roleblocker? Is that suss? Vote: Cube
  18. I took the plunge and ordered some weightlifting shoes for my olifts. Can't wait to give em a try
  19. Weightlifting shoooooes.
  20. End of an era! Part of me misses the simple times when Nokia completely dominated the mobile phone market... And my good old nokia 5110... /memory lane
  21. My sister got offered a mortgage not that long ago. They have about 6,000 in savings, double income at about 18,000pa each, and the bank would give them 70,000.
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