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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. 5x5 - 57.5kg squats. So close to the big plates! (60)
  2. I didn't fail on the squats thankfully. I do use a squat rack at the gym just for that very cause lol I didn't notice it until I was walking out of the gym. I've had this problem before now, its just a weak socket (arthritis). It never dislocates to the point of hospitalisation, it just pops out slightly and causes masses of pain, then pops back in whenever it feels like it.
  3. We already have restricted licences, speed limit of 45 and only 6 points before retaking the test (in the first year of passing). So it doesn't really bother me... (and I've passed my test already ha ha)
  4. I make chilli with: beef mince + mushrooms (not many) + onion + garlic + chilli powder, pepper, half a glass of coca cola + red kidney beans + tinned toms, tomato puree. I kinda like mine a bit plainer, with less combinations of spices (also I am cheap lol )
  5. 55kg squats on Tuesday morning, dislocated my hip 0_____________________0 It was back in this morning though.
  6. My uncle and aunt in law won't let their kids read the Harry Potter series because it has magic in it. (quite commonplace over here)
  7. If you get the right drug its amazing what it can do for your whole outlook on life. You can only deal with your problems with a steady mood. Just don't be an ass like me and take em, feel better, then become non compliant cause everything is all good, and the drugs made your blood pressure hit the floor anyway... *rolls eyes* Kind of relevant I guess, but I'm dragging myself back to the doc to get back on my meds. Had a complete mental meltdown about a week ago, stemming from an outbreak of psoriasis. I was travelling in mid June and taking meds would've been a real inconvenience, so with permission from doc, I missed a dose (its weekly). And I had a flare up, a bad one. The worst day in this episode, I literally scratched myself raw and bleeding because I was so frustrated. I was mentally transported back to being 19 again, when my life was nothing but endless blood tests and drug trials. Just hoping that this drug keeps working, and my body tolerates it for as long as possible. If it fails, I'm kinda fucked. The next stage of treatment is an IV therapy which I fancy like a fist to the face
  8. Nah you look well ripped man, good work. I often find that happens after i've had a week or two off, muscles grow on dem rest days
  9. Jeez, that sounds rough. Make sure and attend that meeting on Tuesday and tell your therapist all of this, yeah?
  10. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee New squat PB. 52.5kg x 5. Easily. Aiming for 65kg x 5 (half of bodyweight) by the end of August.
  11. I always come in expecting @martinist to have fucked someones ma
  13. awk no are you ok?
  14. hahahah what's his excuse now? I'm putting money on it being leg day :P
  15. Well said @Charlie!
  16. Dem biceps! :P Mine are still ever so slowlllllyyyy growing. : peace:
  17. I actually can't remember the last time I used a weight machine.. Some of the machines force your joints in ways they may not want to go.. if perhaps you have an underlying weakness or joint problem. I can't use the leg extension machine purely because it doesn't let my knees track naturally and feels horrible. Long term usage with a lot of weight is asking for trouble.. Good form with freeweights can be taught.
  18. Callouses ain't that bad if you look after em. I personally find that gloves detract from the grip... makes the bar ever so slightly wider with the extra padding. If anything straps would help more, but you're definitely better training your grip with farmers walks, and deadlift holds. And chalk is excellent. On another note - post leg day sucks for females! I wanna stand up n pee
  19. badass @Animal. You kicking it hard. Think you need to post moar in the weightloss thread!
  20. Personal training today... Started off with strict ohp (arms only)... 20x5, 25x5, 30x5. 35x5 was push a press. So I've got a target to work at. Did clean and jerks for the first time ever and it was awesome. It was amazing how totally natural it came to me, but I have been working a lot on stuff that will help me with it, for months on end. Did quite a few of those and I think the bar was loaded up to 35kg. (my power clean pb is 52.5). Blimey they are exhausting. Fuck cardio, I was sweating like a pig. I was having a chat with my pt at the start about how my upper body strength is quite weak, and my pt was like ok we'll have a look at bench press, see if we can improve form - so after the cleans I sat down, and he was explaining how you sit with your heels back and keep your whole body tense and tight, with an arched back. So I got on the bench and pulled my heels back... my hamstrings locked into cramp and I burst out laughing lol. Good end to an awesome session. tl;dr fuck weight machines, go do some olympic lifting for dem gainz this:
  21. *waves* @bluey
  22. Pow. 5x5 squats (45kg), Bench (32.5), pendlay row (40), clean (40) and overhead push press (40) Officially wiped and going to sit on my ass all evening and eat ALL of the foods. BBQ has dem proteins.
  23. The awesome ones @Kaepora_Gaebora It was a beastly sugar coma afterwards =3
  24. welcome to the awesome peoples birthday circle, Kaepora_Gaebora I had caek. Eet was nom.
  25. Thanks guys I had lots of food and caek and eet was good. :3
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