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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. overhead squats? I'm the opposite, i've got too much flexibility! I have to control everything or else I end up doing it wrong & straining muscles. Snatches are fun when you've got too much shoulder flexibility... I can end up throwing the bar behind me and falling on my backside!
  2. It gets easier! Have you tried a clean position with elbows forward? I had another successful but a bit meh session. Its kinda hard to get back into it when my endurance is shot to pieces from being so sick and not exercising Just keep at it and hope it catches.
  3. Yeah I hope you don't have any black clothes lol
  4. Yay. Started adding weighted overhead squats into my routine, 25kg x 20 reps had my legs killed! Its gonna be a slow lift progression for me, my quads (in a knee function sense) are definitely my weakest point. I looveeee dumbbell snatches. They're so hard but so so ass kicking/rewarding.
  5. I always find the first few episodes of each new series are like this - pretty boring, contained episodes that don't have a lot to do with the main storyline.
  6. Aww you gotta keep bashing his ego! Its awesome that you're both enjoying it! Are you both glad you went with the club you decided on?
  7. depends who you ask over here, but the majority of people in N,Ireland would consider themselves to be british.. (nationalists on the other hand....) And yeah there is still trouble over here... our police officers carry guns. We still have regular bomb threats and riots. We had a lot of trouble over christmas over the head of a flag being taken down.. But saying that, things are a lot easier than they used to be even 10-15 years ago Oh yeah; I call myself british cause I'm actually a born Scot. I would consider n.ireland to be my home though.
  8. Liquid chalk is handy if your gym allows the use of it. I was at the gym today, beating PRs again Got a 115kg deadlift (a massive 15kg more than my last PR) and I managed to hit my 50kg power clean and press... I had been trying and trying and trying for about 3 weeks to get it so that's pleased me more than the deadlift My personal trainer was telling me that there was a local comp in Lisburn not that long ago and the winner in my category (female over 85kg) won deadlift with 107.5kg!! I'm gonna be a freakin machine if I can win minor comps with only 3 months serious training!
  9. Liam Neeson :awesome:
  10. By far the "easiest" training session I've ever had at the gym... But it was the damn hardest. My body is taking forever to recover.
  11. I've got another shitty chest infection, im hurting all over. I've not been in the mood to eat, so my muscles are giving me gip. Fuck me, found one of the only bad things about developing muscles.... the pain when you can't eat. Lost 2kg overnight and im sure none of it is fat >_< I'm taking comfort in a big fat curry chip tonight in the hope that it makes me feel better lol
  12. Another chest infection, so i'll be out for the week at least
  13. what are the ingredients in the US recipes, Rez?
  14. I still cannot get the 50kg clean. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuarrrrkkk. I can do 47.5 x 2 which is an improvement and I feel like the 50 is getting EVER SO SLIGHTLY higher. I do feel like I haven't been in the best of health in the past two weeks, which may be slowing my progress. Sunday morning, before my training, I woke up and my lungs were so wheezy... but like hell I was staying in bed! Hopefully this will pass and I'll be good to go. A guy came over where I was working with my PT and was like wow good work etc. To which my PT said "she can lift more than most of the guys here" :D He then lifted the 105kg deadlift I was trying (read:failing), with ease might I add.... >__> the guys are suuch show offs in my gym!
  15. 160kg daft, mega props that must be 2xbw?
  16. Most of my training is powerlifting, I do power cleans, shoulder presses (47.5kg) snatches (22.5kg but still learning) and deadlifts (100) with my trainer. A lot of my week is taken up by accessory work for the above and my quad rehab. Lots of unweighted skwatttts. It's getting to a point where I can do a full ATG without any pain so hopefully ill be hitting the weighted ones soon. My trainer also calls me the kettlebell queen, I use them into every session, and I've grown out of the gyms kettlebell kit, 24kg swing is now pretty routine for me I haven't actually benched at all, I had a giggle watching my pt spot someone else, honestly I'd struggle to keep my composure with a male crotch so close to my face
  17. I promised my pt I'd hit 105 on Sunday. been putting in the work so it should happen
  18. Ohhh n.irish, whereabouts?
  19. I did the very same to the lower part of my quads - right over the knee. If you deal with it when the injury is new it should be quick enough to heal... Don't leave it 5 years like I did :/
  20. I joined in 2005, soag went on and on at me to join and one day I gave in :P In the days when rokhed used to be a man, ooh.
  21. Some old people were using the vibrating plate not far from where I was working out with my trainer. Their faces dropped to the floor in sheer shock/horror when I ripped into dat 100kg deadlift
  22. Yer not eating perfectly though, it's far healthier to get vitamins and minerals from food, not a pill. And I second moogles notion :P
  23. Public holidays are never on a sat/sun
  24. weightlifting belt.... £45 =) Bought a BodyMedia Fit Link, after much debate and research as to whether it would work as an import from the USA
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