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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. You look incredible @bluey!!!
  2. There can be as many calories in veg. And fruit sugars are not bad for you unless you are eating stupid amounts, like 20 apples a day. Too many paleo/atkins fanatics have demonised any kind of sugar, even the natural ones! And if you are active you need to have plenty of calories, what you said you were eating was fine nightwolf, don't eat any less.
  3. Don't give up fruit, that's madness! Just ensure you have variety and you aren't eating more than 5 portions a day, you'll be fine. Fruit is great, its full of vitamins and fibre, and fills you so you won't eat other crap as a replacement.
  4. sunday, went to bed with a stinking headache monday morning, woke up at half 4 with projectile vomiting and diarrhoea..... >_< monday - no idea - lost most of it in a semi comatose existence this morning - still felt awful but had the genius idea to go to work this afternoon - spent most of work trying to sit as still as possible for fear of vomiting all over my desk and/or colleagues I feel better(ish) now though. And looking forward to a good sleep! Lump in my neck is still not gone. Still as big as it was (about 10mm). Grrrrrrrrrrrr just go away I don't neeeeed this. I've had the MMR vaccine, and i've already been exposed to glandular fever, this better be a passing virus.....*shakes fist*
  5. Woooo hoooo Another deadlift PB - 120kg! Knew I had it in me but didn't think it would be so soon! It went up beautifully too, no jerkyness, no stopping. <3 My deadlift and my bodyweight are slowly slowly reaching out to meet each other. Kinda aiming to get 125kg for both within the next 8 weeks or so.. (DL 120, BW 128) The two plate squat fella I've admired a few times came over to talk to me on sunday... Just as I was admiring his toes to bar!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ I think I may be getting a reputation haha
  6. squee 10char
  7. Traditional cardio is not my bag at all.... running dislocates my hip and everything else is just boring. If I wanted to do cardio I'd use an 8kg kettlebell, do 20 swings in 30 seconds, 30 second rest, and repeat 20 times. Guaranteed to burn far more calories than the same time on ANY piece of gym equipment. On another note- lately i've not been feeling wonderful. My gym workouts are tough all the time. I'm sore and exhausted, not even in a gym way. Where is my mojo
  8. Don't feel bad, I still have the occasional slip and I've been a "non smoker" for 6 years. In other news, the lump in my neck is not going awaaaaay.... :/
  9. properly sore today... yesterday I was squatting 67.5kg for reps, and today was clean and jerk day part 1..... Kettlebell swings, power cleans, overhead squats, front squats, push presses, and finally.... full cleans! Got up to 37.5kg in the cleans! my quads have fallen out with me and my shoulders aren't exactly loving me either lol
  10. I'm currently doing a very slow cut. Trying to eat enough that it doesn't affect my performance under the bar. I think now is probably a good time for me to start it cause I'm hitting a point in my workout plan where all my weights are getting difficult, and I'm not going to see massive gains in numbers for a while. My weight is now 129kg, down 1kg I'm more excited about the fact that my 1xbw deadlift is now 1 kilo lighter, as opposed to me having lost weight lol I'm kinda hoping to get down to 120 in the medium term, because I know I am really not far off achieving a 120kg deadlift. bodyweight deadlift would be kinda badass.
  11. mmm squats tomorrow and my ass still hurts. This is gonna be painnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. 65kg here I come. One of my facebook friends posted her deadlift - 2.5 x bw for 3 reps. http://instagram.com/p/cVISq2FvyG/
  12. Every time I go to the dermatologist for a review, she always stresses how important it is that I check for lumps. The drug I'm on seems to have a risk of lymphatic cancers. This morning I found a lump in my neck.. Its probably nothing but the constant RED ALERT WARNING i keep getting has scared me
  13. 62.5kg squats today, my legs are falling out with me. I made it better with some ice cream. I've got quad dimples above my knee! My butt is growing. I've got SLIGHT definition in my hams ^^ all of the above WITHOUT any boring isolation exercises. I do have minimal definition in my arms but I think thats cause I'm shit weak upper body and i'm overweight lol
  14. I recommend C25K http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
  15. Worked on my power cleans, push press, jerks, and deadlifts today. So close to a new PB with my cleans. Currently 52.5kg which is getting easy, 55kg feels like its so close. Deadlifts went 57.5x6, 87.5x3 97.5kgx2,102.5kg. At 107.5kg people started watching me o_O so I dug deep to get 112.5. PT told me he was gonna put on 2.5kg, my PB (115) but sneakily added 5kg. 117.5kg PB get I think I coulda took 120kg, but after 15 deadlifts and a shitload of cleans/presses/jerks my body was complaining.. I feel bloody brilliant though!
  16. And you failed at Lunner @Ashley
  17. I've had a bit of a deload (read: laziness) week. My joints were giving me grump. Also was at the doc - last year my blood pressure was 135/85 (high side of normal), now its 120/66 (low). My doctor was pretty pleased!
  18. Sounds like a sensible plan
  19. I like the sound of people around around me, the weights clanging as they put em on the bar, lifting noises and grunts. Guess I'm just used to my gym and its built into me that them noises are natural. Glad I'm not the only one, was starting to feel like a weirdo til I read your post flinkeh lol Hopefully the hip thing passes. If I can get by a dislocation you can get by this! Just don't strain yourself too hard in the next few days/weeks!
  20. My overbite was increasing very quickly prior to getting the braces, so I'm not takin my chances. And I paid a 4 figure sum to get them fixed lol
  21. RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. 60kg squats 5x5 hell yeaaaah I got dem big 20kg plates naow I went over to the power rack as this really musclemuscle man was finishing and he set the rack up for me. Felt a bit awkward but it was very nice of him lol Then I was talking to one of the new trainers, who was uber impressed with my 60kg squat My gym seems to have taken on at least 3 new trainers and they all have long blonde hair, a la Kurt Cobain combined with a surfer dudes body. So not complaining.
  22. I have the two bar things behind my teeth as well. Apparently they are only used when you've needed a lot of movement (big gaps or very twisted teeth). If I recall you had quite an overbite too? I don't love the idea of having the bars in forever but they're definitely better than the braces themselves, or the teeth reverting back! One of my colleagues was non compliant with her retainers for a week, then they wouldn't fit. Of course then she wasn't wearing them at all for a good while. Has to go back and have a full braces treatment again. Yaaaaaaaay :/ Sooooo weird getting used to everything. Eating is weird, and half the time I'm just keeping my mouth open cause I'm used to needing moar space... haha XD I have brufen and i'll give the ice a shot ty yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh. I had hamstring cramp and it was hell. Hope you get better soon @Iun!! Yeah that was awful for me too, but definitely worse getting them off. All the pullin then the drilling just made my gums angry. Felt like I had every tooth filled, and i'm totally not in love with the dentists drill
  23. Got my braces off. Ow. No one told me how traumatic that would be. Pulling the ceramic nodules off was bad enough, but then she spent ages drilling away the cement/glue that holds them on. My gums are so angry and inflammed (apparently normal) and its not helping that i'm poking them every time im taking out and putting in my retainer.... (which I have to remove to eat or drink hot stuff)
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