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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Fucks sake. Saw cute guy at gym, couldn't even face saying hello. I was sitting on the floor doing stretches and the way I was facing him as he walked in, we would've had direct eye contact, but I closed my eyes and went into zen mode until he was away... I'm such a silly twat..hahah
  2. Staying in at the weekend.... This is probably more of what I dislike, that everyone likes :P Bright lights, pubs, nightclubs, loud people. lol
  3. I did assisted pull ups today, yay. 93kg assistance (of my 125kg weight) but I thought that was pretty damn good for someone with weak upper body strength Gotta start somewhere Thrusters and muscle snatches as well today, much fun My last session with my PT and he gave me TWO hugs. Gorgeous hunk of a muscle bound man. Yesssss. Even though I was sweaty.
  4. Course you can Food is one of my skills and one of my weaknesses *pokes belleh*
  5. Gluten free cheesy loaf
  6. tried to do a hip rotation stretch, where you put your ankle on your opposing knee and push the other knee down. my crook hip wouldn't even rotate enough to get my ankle on my knee. And when I released it the joint popped out of place, and back in again. >________________________< Rang up to see if my xray had come back yet and it hasn't. Sadface.
  7. I'm nearly glad that I can't eat wheat, its a lot easier to refuse donuts etc knowing that they'll make me very sick :P
  8. mcj said he had 2x14kg dumbbells...
  9. Pretty <3 (10char)
  10. First session at the gym since my hip has gone mental. Its actually helped me a little. Told my PT about it and he was like "ok, I wanted to hammer home some more technique so we'll do light stuff and see how we go." so we did a load of clean and snatch technique with 30kg, including him getting me to squat into the front squat position and HOLDING the bar where it should be, basically suffocating me... woo. Good job im a lil masochist. mwahaha Got home and sat down for 10 minutes and the pain started all over again. Yay.
  11. pics pls
  12. I thought I was getting a break from my hip trouble but its back again. I've been so tired lately that I had to take a nap today... blergh.
  13. I've done most variations of it, what way are you doing yours?
  14. Argh my hip hurts hurts hurts >____< I won't get immediate results unless its something ridiculous like cancer. If it was a break or a serious problem I wouldn't be able to walk and they'd throw me over to a&e to get the xrays. This is a routine xray department I go to, not a hospital one. Even if I need a hip replacement, I'll be on a waiting list for that, so there's no sense in spending resources on urgent xrays, for something I'll have to wait for anyway. I just really hope its a stupid muscle imbalance that can be rehabbed... or even if I need surgery, just a hip resurfacing and not a full replacement. I can't lose my hips, I won't have the same mobility and I won't be able to do olympic lifting anymore. That would suck ass, just when I've found something I'm properly good at, nearly enough to compete with the right environment and enough work.
  15. We're officially a hashtag @nightwolf #MissionN-EPorn :grin:
  16. aw that sucks, sorry guys
  17. Sure this thread needs livening up from time to time =P
  18. Been sent for an xray today. 10-14 days wait for results. Argh. Been having lots of hip problems, grinding and feels like my leg is being pulled out of the socket. It's a kind of pain... well not pain, more discomfort, that makes me want to vomit. >____< My maternal side all have replaced hips, the worst aunt of mine is on her 2nd set, and needs a third at the age of 48.... Dear gene pool, Fuck you!!! Regards, Raining xxx (Seriously though i'm probably albino, in the top 2 percentile of sufferers of psoriasis in the uk, I've got arthritis & raynauds. At 27. Could you get any more fucked up?)
  19. Only if there is a pool full of jelly involved ;D
  21. Not that there's a doctor who thread or anything
  22. I think my problem is that I could never post in here. I end up buying things on a whim, never thinking it over and regretting it
  23. so..... I got "mistaken" for an albino yesterday. I say mistaken, but I had a look on google... found the list of symptoms: - pale skin - pale hair, but ocassionally pale brown or ginger - pink/grey/pale blue eyes - squint - astigmatism - long or short sighted, usually to a higher degree - nystagmus - vision which cannot be corrected fully by glasses/contacts Well bada-fucking-boom, I got 100% :/
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