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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I'm 1.77cm / 5 ft 10 .... Its a bit of a bummer, I like guys to be at least a lil tiny bit taller than me and that's hard to find here. I would say males here seem to be about my height, on average. I think CuteGuyatGym is over 6 foot.... but I have always been sitting down when talking to him. One day I might stand up and be like 2 inches taller than him and be like...sigh... Also... Am I the only one that finds interaction with people of the exact same height a bit... weird? Its like you're face to face, theres no escaping the direct eye contact. Wah.
  2. Cute Guy at the Gym was Cute Guy Not at the Gym, today I was determined that I was at least going to introduce myself and I was pretty much breaking into a sweat going into the gym. All that for NOTHIN.
  3. http://www.catster.com/the-scoop/wasabi-chan-kitten-photos-mushroom-costume-death breakin my heart
  4. hey mickey yo so finnnnneeee *ahem* My pt was doing chest press with resistence bands..... boy thats hard. Bar comes down hard and its freakin horrible to get up. Then front squats! 50kg pb! Did some more hang power clean work. Then my pt was like NOW you use that in a power clean from the floor. 50kg up to ma freaking nose, normally I can only do that with like the 17.5kg bar. Boooyah. That feels. Better than ANYTHING in the world :3 Took my blood pressure today - 100/66. 2 years ago I was pre-hypertensive at 135/85. No meds and no cardio. Just lifting. <3 lifting!
  5. I am ! I surprise my targets and they reveal their power.
  6. I targetted rez and got nothing, seems he was protected maybe? I can also confirm that Eevils is a tracker (sorry i was late to the last day phase) willing to go with what everyone else is saying so Vote:Jonnas
  7. I spent another morning vomiting out my internal organs. Getting real tired of this real quickly.
  8. this is exactly how I feel when I see the cute guy in my gym hahaha
  9. A lesson for call centre peoples; document everything, no matter how petty or irrelevant it seems!
  10. I love that - when someone tells you they gave you X information, when it was actually Y. That awkward moment after you tell them that you would be more than happy to check the phone recording.... very very very rarely does anyone ever accept
  11. I'm properly kicking it with my diet now. I never realised the importance of fat in your diet when you do super low carb. Now I don't feel like death anymore! Yay! One bad thing - keto and training just don't go for me... I haven't got the same pump as I do when fuelled with carbs. Can't see me implementing this forever. Love my sugary cereal before my 1rm attempts Good job its only a temporary thing! I'm also trying to get my mobility up so I can do literal ass to grass squats (getting my butt on the floor). I can independently get down to about 6 or so inches off the floor. My quads, ankle mobility and body shape need looked at. My legs are too big to fold in any tighter, and my quads are tighter than they need to be to stretch that much. Gonna hit the yoga for a while to get the mobility going. HERO POSE GO. I need to sit on two flat yoga blocks at the moment which is pretty lousy as the hero pose goes.
  12. Trust you to lower the tone flinkeh..... Saying that I am rather skilled in the squatting department bahahaha ;D
  13. er.mer.gerd. Proper cute as hell guy, muscle bound, squats at least 100kg for a working set (wow) came over and said hi to me TWICE over the past few weeks. And he admired my cleans and other weightlifting ;D I will find out your name and I will stalk you on the internetttttttttt~ Or I could be normal for a change?
  14. Mine starts in the throat and works down into the lungs. What does it feel like?
  15. fuck me i'm properly confused now :/
  16. possibly a lactic acid type buildup? When I ran the 200m in school I got STUPIDLY competitive, had to outrun everyone, but about 2/3rds of the way I got what you talk of, by the end my lungs were on fire I actually remember collapsing at the end of the run on more than one ocassion. I don't run.... the last time I did I vomited everywhere. And dislocated my hip. My hip is properly unstable in that position and with that kind of impact so I just don't risk it. Hip problems run in my family, one of my aunts has had her hips replaced 3x :/ The only sports day thing I was good at was the shotput. Makes sense I guess. #hulkwoman
  17. That workout sounds like death - you are braver than me I do rather hate running though XD A few months ago I managed to do 37 x 10 kettlebell swings with a 24kg kettlebell. I swear it nearly killed me. Nothing better for cardio than LOADS of kettlebell swings
  18. I am 20 stone. I'm stronger than most of the men in the gym, let alone the women. My blood pressure is that of an athletes. My lungs and heart are strong. Any medical problems I have are not relevant to my weight. So yeah, I do take care of myself actually. Just because someone thinks that being a normal weight is attractive, it doesn't mean everyone follows that rule. I'd rather go out with a bigger guy with the right kind of personality (like @Animal) than an arrogant male Adonis. And heck, some people actually LIKE larger (wo)men. I've had my fair share of attention.. I appreciate that Zechs probably wouldn't look at me once, let alone twice, and I don't judge that... but in the same line, I don't appreciate it being suggested that I'm fat thus I'm lazy.
  19. er. mer. gerd. Best bread ever.
  20. I have been posting! The info I had made no sense I was told DB was a switcher. I was following the conversation, to see if I could match anything to what I had. I came in and posted when I saw that Dud said he had switched DB and himself so it made sense.
  21. Damn right
  22. I do leg-push-pull every day
  23. My body is awful, but I don't care and I love myself for what I am. Your personality is wonderful @Animal, and most of the women who are awesome and worth being with will see you for you, and not some stretchmarks or a bit of a belly. Just sayin.
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