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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. oh yeah i forgot about mesh....got a mesh pc hasnt failed on me once...ditto with the evesham one
  2. I'm ashamed to admit that these chav people do scare me.. theres about 20 of them where i live, they hang around all together. they dont like me so im an unavoidable target. they tried to attack me and my mate with fireworks one night. another nite, walking home they attacked me and my sister with coins. they all think they're something special and that they are in some stupid paramilitary!! but funny thing is...i walk past them, just me, just one of them....not a peep from them. i mean get a life...they do nothin but hang round the streets, ready to pounce on anyone not like them.
  3. Evesham are well made PC's IMO. http://www.evesham.co.uk
  4. thats awesome...for them or thousands of pounds over here
  5. i assume you type.... http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/ ? i had this probblem at my college wouldnt let me go on the main page of chavscum. I tried using a direct link to it and it seems to escape the filter Like for example, this topic: http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=7596 hope its a help.
  6. I think it says that the face more or less takes on the shape of the persons bone structure they'd also have to take rejection drugs for their whole life....u can only imagine the damge that would do to your body :eer:
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4259538.stm What do you guys think?
  8. you could just tell that darcy is not as innocent as he seems stupid Izzy shouldnt have bought him the flowers that brought his memory back
  9. aye i always wondered.....do things like that affect american insurance? do americans even have insurance lol :eer:
  10. my 20gb ipod is the same! im gettin 18.56 gb...thats over a gig short! Has anyone ever noticed with the Apple earphones....that after time, (not a lot of time either) they go very fuzzy when played loud?
  11. lol or that wud work...after i went to all the effort lol
  12. http://www12.brinkster.com/lprulez86/control.jpg ta da! edit....any probs let me know :P
  13. u can pay a lot more for trainers than 65 pounds...but i do see your point! :P Life wud be easier if we didnt have to buy clothes :P
  14. Duke of ED? la la la ok long enuf?
  15. I was once Cherished_dreams aka friend of the great goat man soag :P yippee
  16. That's damn hard core :P Its not as strong rolled tight, you dont get a good smoke from a tight one IMO
  17. I used to smoke rollies too...so cheap! i rolled em tight so i didnt have to smoke as much. i was on about 15 a day probably more :doh:
  18. If that guy made all of that up, he is pretty sad. I know myself its esy to play a game like Age Of Empires for hours on end...its easy to get into a bad habit. and the bowl in the room for peeing...urhg
  19. i'd love to see this movie, only because The Goblet of Fire was the best of the books so far IMO.. Havent seen the previous movies, and dont want to. im sure theres been loads cut out
  20. i knew we shud have had a best perv vote! he wins every time :lmao:
  21. I used to smoke 20 odd a day til last week...i'm now smoke free for a week and 3 days...go me ^_^
  22. 1. my all time favourite......My december (the original) by Linkin Park 2. snow patrol - Ways & means 3. QOTSA - the sky is fallin' 4. Stereophonics - Devil 5. foo's - DOA
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