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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/4283444.stm this is on the news as im typing, these people reckon the weapons have been rendered as unuseable or unaccesible. There is no photographic proof..as yet (tho i doubt there ever will be) I hate to take a negative view but how can we be certain that all the guns are gone. This news broadcast was put on in place of neighbours What do you guys reckon?
  2. this is so evil neighbours is cancelled cause of the decommisioning of arms by the IRA...
  3. Noes a ballymenian in france.....scary :| awww ur an adult now no excuse for being lazy anymores! Happy birthday aswell! and have good fun in France, im sure you will be missed here!
  4. i dont like gettin loads of money and presents i feel so guilty.. i love the christmas meal tho....so much delicious food and a good time to sit with family (without arguements) its the best day of the year!
  5. why cant 1 = 1 and 0.99999 = 0.99999? everythin has to be so hard in life
  6. Im 19..too old for christmas lists :P i have a job i spend it all on myself anyway
  7. it is way too early for things like this :P dabookerman comes up with a simple theory so im going with that
  8. root means something along the lines of.....irritating/twit/pillock/argh thats us irish for ya :P
  9. dear dear....u got some strange friends mate :P especially that perv Offers.. :P
  10. argh noes :| thats a bit......strange. i thought it hurt when u got kicked in the nuts how can u get off on that
  11. sorry roadkill :P offers....watch it or my foot will be kicking sumthin of yours that may hurt :wink:
  12. Thats very unfair seen as theres like hundreds of men and a mere 20 or so of us females! and isnt that breakin the terms of service :P
  13. is it before windows loads up? perhaps you need to de-frag or do a disk clean up?
  14. perhaps its all the bad karma they have created over the years come back to bite them on the bum.... feel really bad for the people that live in texas/new orleans/other affect areas
  15. One of them moments where you knows its gunna happen but ur too late...:P *ahem* sorry people im a bit off topic heres my faceparty (pics too woot): http://www.faceparty.co.uk/lprulez86
  16. and people wonder hy theres not many chicks here :P men....75% of them have their brains in their "lower region" :blink:
  17. i like it on toast with butter and grated leicester (sp) cheese yum!
  18. Man thats awful...:'( i dont think id want to live after that! there was a black dude on Richard and Judy last week...he lost his leg just below his knee, and i thought that was awful too! but none of these people are filled with hate. they all just want to get on with their lives. its so humbling to think they've lost something so important but they just fight on!
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