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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. you'd punch a girl? i was only kidding lol :P i think i'd be slightly annoyed too
  2. he wud have to have one hell of a blood supply in his body to keep that up without passing out
  3. im guessing......7 and three quarters inches? totaly random lol
  4. And when you've lived outside of all the troubles like i have its hard to understand why people cant live in peace. i came here in 1996 not even knowing the difference between a catholic and a protestant (i was 10 lol) and i was really confused at why they hated each other!
  5. 3 people in the uk...i thought hannah linton would be a really common name but obviously not..yay for me
  6. yeah that wud be awesome, but they arent gonna give up so easily, well not all of them anyway.
  7. Is that a templates pattern thing over the girls faces...its pretty and what an awesome effect. 9/10...what the hell there isn't many girly sigs here so ill give it 10! mines bad quality cause i haven't got good software, but it's foamy, and hes the coolest squirrel ever
  8. Well people shouldn't moan about uninteresting threads if they dont get in here and say what they want instead
  9. come on smart computer people this dude needs some help :P my only other suggestion wud be to back up your important stuff and reformat le hard-disk. but there could be a simpler solution.. id wait and see if offers or anybody clever knows the answer. I'm only a chick after all what do i know :P edit: was talking to my dad (techno whizz) and he said hes had that before and a defrag fixed it so id try that if you havent already
  10. This is one of the best topics because everyone gets to comment on what they'd like to discuss so this thread FTW
  11. 1 dabookermans (1st page) 2 blackfox's (1st page) 3 havers - window tho all of them are awesome!
  12. its good when you get a topic everyone can get involved with on the entire forum! music is a good suggestion. big events in the world (such as rita topic) everyone has an opinion on music, and world events. Contraversial things can be fun to talk about, such as debates on certain topics i suppose it all depends on the person really! EDIT: the polls are a good wee feature, shame they aint used much some tv program threads are good, but not everyone watches popular tv programs.
  13. Theres 4 other people born on the same day as me (3rd july) popular birthdays rock
  14. about 6 pages in the mirror today, he says its all lies....a cover up...he should get some counselling for that paranoia.. not that im saying i believe it. honestly i dont give a toss cause there are still people out there causing shit for us all. as a girl (whose dad was killed by the IRA) on the tv said "Just cause they've lost their guns, doesn't mean violence will end. Guns dont shoot people themselves you know" EDIT: theyve recovered: 1000 handguns 1240 rifles ak47 mainly 4 barratt sniper rifles 12 7.62 heave machinguns 20 dshk heavey machin guns 4 tonnes of semtex 12 sam missille 40 rocket launchers 20 flamethrowers
  15. yay thanks Linkin Park suck now...i liked meteora. not as much. but now they have gone into the rap scene too much for my liking. and i hate Jay Z i agree with soag.... snow patrol. yay.
  16. "Trying to keep a straight face after being cyberslapped is harder than it looks"
  17. We must all rise against it and stop teh evil number and religion threads..
  18. Is that why theres a sudden lack of posts in general chit chat i thought i was strange doin that! thank god im normal! teheheh
  19. Well thats very true..but for the mean time i cant honestly see all the fighting stopping. paisley is a twit..he hates everyone! mouthing off all the time
  20. It really does, it was seriously lashing earlier...my sattelllite was gettin cut off! not pleased!!! blackfox..never seen a black fox....but awesome anyway :P 9/10 the next person can rate blackfox cus ive been on this thread too much lol :P
  21. Schizoid Man... i like it.. you dont seem like you withdraw yourself from society...or this board much tho :P 8/10
  22. There just something about Linkin park's - hybrid theory...that makes me wanna listen to it over and over..never could get tired of that album *waits for flaming*
  23. tbh neither have I, but I don't tend to care too much about decommissioning, cause in reality they arent gonna decommision. Who can you trust? We cant even trust tony blair/pres. bush (probably amoungst the most powerful people in the world) when they said they found weapons of mass destruction and it turned out to not be as true as they said..
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