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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I've got rhinitis, nosebleeds, eye pain & hives. its like hayfever but without the nice weather... nargh I'm not sure whether to pass it off as medication related infection that will pass or go to the doctor...
  2. Iun ftw =) Happy birthday!!!
  3. i'm a gaming n00b so I don't see much value in my contribution, amongst so many hardcores Gen and tech are my main hangouts
  4. current job? Call referral operator for the NHSCT. Organising referrals to various community professionals. Lots of medical knowledge required yadada not very exciting. dream job? Lottery winner What are you doing to get there? Buying lottery tickets... XD
  5. Ohh man that hair is just so lovely. Do it chair!! Grow eet out!
  6. My mum made me aware of a very true possibility... If my operation doesn't work properly (or goes wrong and makes my eyesight worse) I could very well have to lose the sight in one of my eyes.... !! Something I didn't really think about til she mentioned it. Gah. Now i'm pondering on it and feeling a bit sadface.. I know its only a possibility but I also know how complicated my eye surgery could end up being... the doc (the best eye surgeon in northern Ireland) himself said that its much trickier with my eyes having being altered with already
  7. I could out-knowledge the pair of you when it comes to computers, love. =P
  8. *cough* Excuse me?
  9. This is true... Ronnie (the swapping mum) had already displayed several episodes of being nuts long before this. Anyone who thinks that this is displaying, or trying to display typical mother behaviour is either commenting without watching the programme, or just damn stupid.
  10. the episode was really bizarre in a bad way so I can see why there are complaints... but really you have to have very little to do in your life to lift the phone and actually complain about tv :P
  11. cobblestone exists when lava meets non source (moving) water in nature
  12. Yay well done guys! Keep at it!
  13. no not free to everyone, just people with med conditions, and children under 5! (and nhs staff get it free too) I got mine last year and its incorporated with the seasonal vacc this year
  14. Yeah we do the bring you own birthday thing. Its a subtle way of sayin its your birthday, and then there's no argument over who has to buy the cake.
  15. Right. I've changed my server so its a fresh map. New IP: PM me if j00 want in (everyone welcome!!) I've no supplies stocked up at the moment but I'll get round to it as soon as I caaaan. edit - if you're looking on during the day email me and ill put it on while i'm at work (can't access the forum @ work.. b00 :P)
  16. I imagine the ones that close will be in major cities where there are several branches already, or where a particular store is just not selling enough to justify being open.
  17. This! If anime was at a fair price point I'd be far more likely to actually buy it... *cough*
  18. Aye totally its very expensive... you can get some of them on offer... i was in H&B and got two of these (1kg for £13) You can do the same thing by eating lots of protein from like food... but its not always so good on the old bowels as i've found out a few times :P
  19. You just have to watch the calorie intake. They are designed to promote muscle recovery and lean growth. also a higher protein to carbs ratio promotes burning of existing fat on your body. There are actually "diet proteins" on the market but they are all a muchness as long as you are adjusting diet to add the calories into it. If you are exercising, having 3 healthy meals, and the lower calorie protein shakes, you shouldn't have any problem dropping weight. I usually take one in the morning, then if I have an exercise session I take one straight after. (mornings and straight after exercise is when they are most affective) You can take up to 3 a day but I don't overdo them because I'm trying to lose weight, and too many is wasted calories for me when I can be eating real food :P And they are flippin' expensive too!
  20. ouch :P I'm the same though - really achey after my first session back - and I didn't reallllllly push myself as hard as I could have before I stopped! Just keep at eeeeet! I got some protein shakes and i'm back on healthy eating - feeling SO FLIPPING GREAT. At the minute I never want to go back to binge eating.
  21. really guys c'mon - this is getting really boring theres no wonder so few people actually stay when they get nothing but finger pointing
  22. he could have been a lurker for all you know...
  23. Yessssssssss. I felt the same but I was fine once I got there! Its just making that first move. I went back last Sunday morn and the place was dead. But I got on all the weights n stuff so yay.
  24. back on my good eating and i feel a million times better. yay and my new laptop (and minecraft playage!!!) is coming tomorrow, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
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