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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Did they tell you what it was? sounds very strange!
  2. don't forget the earl grey! I'll be round in a toot =P
  3. aw magnus, bless your cotton socks :P I'm on my 24th! yay! *sends hugs in Ine's direction* I do agree that its crap, completely. Just the one day where everyones all "coupley" and I feel like I'm missing out
  4. are we all single here...?? wait is that a silly question? Are you romancing someone this weekend/valentines? I think I'm just gonna sit and eat a box of chocolates, feel sorry for myself and contemplate my crappy life! Being single wins every day of the year except v.d!
  5. I saw two of the best squint eye surgeons in n.ireland... I'm not likely to get a better answer. Once I get fitted with this contact lens it won't be an issue - even if they don't work there is a permanent solution (known as an opaque IOL) which will blind my eye permanently. My eyes aren't very squinty or very double visioned, so operating will be more likely to make it worse - as well as the fact theres less to work with given I've had surgeries before. I am considering getting eye patches for the time being because that will basically "cure" it. Closing my eye does the same but its hard to close one eye for a long time I just don't feel like I have the option of surrendering my licence, I don't live in the middle of a city where busses go every 10 minutes. I know where you all are all coming from completely, I probably would have been dubious had someone told me they were going to do the same. On the other hand, I passed my driving test in this condition, the only reason its come to light so late is cause of the ridiculous wait i've had between waiting lists and people messing me around with surgery records I was so unbelievably proud of myself when I passed my test, I felt like I was doing something with my life and getting loads of independance, now it's all very likely to go to pot If I have to end up surrendering my licence my ma will have to take me to work... a 25 year old still getting lifts into work with mammy... sickening... Just another shitty episode in my shitty life and another thing - I haven't the ability to walk any significant length because of my arthritis... Even walking to and from bus stops will considerably deteriorate my well being
  6. It's been 24/7 for 2/3 years, and I've had it for my entire life. I'm not a dangerous driver, I can see things pretty clearly, it's just extreme details I can't really make out. I can see people, I can see signs, cars, roads, & pavements. It's not double vision as most people imagine, its more like.... shadows. Like when your terrestrial TV isn't quite tuned correctly and you see the main picture perfectly, but with a semi transparent "shadow". To make this clear: If I thought for any second that I was a danger on the road there is no question that I would stop driving. I just don't get how the dvlni can just decide i'm not fit to drive based on very loose criteron, and basically give me no support for alternative means of transport if my licence was invalidated..
  7. Yeah I agree.. my sister is completely normal... maybe too normal lol. I suppose for them, knowing there's a strong history of autoimmunity in both immediate sides of the family - its very hard for them to shrug off as "bad luck" no matter how many times I tell them I don't blame them lol
  8. the irony of it all is that if I had one eye i'd be perfectly sound to drive... what a gip! My eyes are ever so slightly out of synch and causes two images to display in my brain hence double vision. So both eyes singly are fine. someone stab my eye quick! I'm getting these opaque contact lenses soon hopefully, and therefore won't have double vision. Legally speaking I should be okay. I suppose I could wear a patch (PIRATE) but if I cover my left eye I'd have to get a rearview mirror adaption. There are options just not ones that I can facilitate right now... for now i'm sticking to driving only when I have to and just keep my fingers crossed
  9. I'll invite him & his ma, and have an open invitation to all N-Europe'rs. Could be interesting...
  10. I thought this could be an interesting debate - I've been thinking about this a lot lately due to my recent circumstances I've suffered from double vision for years, due to extensive squint problems. Only recently have I had to see medical professionals about it as it was never really a nusiance, nowadays its pretty much 24/7 and causing my eyes to tire and migraines to occur. I saw a specialist locally - who mostly sees babies - and he wasn't really able to give a specific answer, so I was referred to a specialist in Belfast. He has basically told me that there's nothing he can do surgically, and legally I'm not allowed to drive. Despite the fact I learned to drive, past my test, and haven't had an accident in nearly 2 years WITH said symptoms. I'm being referred to get an opaque contact lense... which should stop the problem, but will probably be detrimental to the sight in the eye it will be blocking. If I tell the DVLNI they WILL forfeit my licence. Do I be honest and sacrifice my licence, and probably my gym membership (because how the bloody hell will I get there) or lie and hope i never get caught out? I've always been honest about everything but this will just... ruin my life
  11. haha rummy, they do say a picture says a thousand words... pr0 response! Happy birthday rez, you wynzaphon pr0 awesome dude. Even if cr is totally dodgy, I still think you are fabulous
  12. I'm not having a "bad day" as such, but I was going into town with my ma and we ended up talking about all the crap with my medical problems. She basically said its their fault for being cousins. I told her under no circumstance do I blame her or dad, but i do now feel really sad about the whole situation. Flips sake. I'm glad I exist rather than not at all She also said that my sister feels really guilty because she's perfectly normal... she must be adopted or perhaps the milkman's child its all very weird... its difficult being told the complete truth, even if you aren't to blame. I just want to tell them its okay and that i love them all
  13. you'd think it was such a big deal, like he was actually raping pikachu or something..
  14. Tore my leg on an escalator in 2008
  15. Aw Tales your cat is wuvvly :3 I'm not a huge dog lover, but Ine's doggy might be changing my mind =P
  16. 3 has the best service in terms of connection/speed & cost. But don't expect anything more than the odd update download, because it is very slow downloading (fine for browsing) and the allowances can be pretty small... before you know it you are nearing the limit I have a 3 mifi and its the best thing ever. The usb dongles are pish because they take so long to load whereas the mifi is just like a router in terms of connecting! (but you do have to charge the mifi's battery)
  17. because they actually (believe it or not) see it as attractive..... just like some people think knockout tits are too much
  18. beta blockers AND sleeping pills? Sounds interesting... o_o massive hugs for Slaggis - hope you get better asap. And you shouldn't be embarrassed about the stress thing AT ALL. I've had a flipping rotten day. Spent 3 hours in the Royal Victoria Hospital, to be told that they will do NOTHING about my eyesight, and if I told the dvlni about it i'll get my driving licence invalidated. Yet no disability benefit. If I was blind in one eye I'd be able to drive with no issues AND with a disability badge... (my gran has this) So I have no car, and with no practical other means to get in and out (bus is useless and standing around in the middle of winter will do nothing to help my arthritis) .... so how the fucking hell am I expected to work. I feel a eye destroying "accident" coming on.... >_>
  19. he's got a huge stretch in a lip piercing which is a whole lot more "mutilating"
  20. actually legally speaking you aren't... managers discretion. Smokers in my place have to do so on their own time.
  21. omg suitcase kitteh?! How adorable!!
  22. lol i like the meme, sad but true, haha. @mike1988uk - yes limiting carbs is a good idea, but as long as you are still getting some in yer diet. I find taking a small amount of carbs & protein half an hour or so before a workout helps (like pasta and chicken or something) to help fuel the workout. You dont wanna overeat because you'll feel sick but its not a good idea to go on an empty stomach because sugar levels drop and you end up feeling really sick if you overdo it. I rang up the gym today and got my name put down for the kettlebell training in ma gym.... yuuuuuus! Put myself down for an 8kg one as I'd been using that weight in my training Seems to be the standard starter size, although I found it heavy as hell at the beginning!
  23. If its anything like the retail job I used to work in, they'll write it off as "damaged stock" and someone will sneakysneaky take it home with them as a freebie... haha we used to write cleaning stock off as damaged and use them to clean the store....
  24. I somehow doubt they'll even check.. even if they did a stock take it would be too much work for them to look at what could possibly be missing and how it happened... will probably be written off as stolen, or just forgotten about.
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