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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. No I think you can bark orders at your tropps or somehting!
  2. On Play it says thisgame is out in 29 days, is this true? I find the game pretty interetsing but havent heard anything about really so wondered if Ive just missed it - is it still a bongo pinball game where you can bark orders too? Pretty decent concept......
  3. Theres 20 pageshere, coulkd anyone tell me how to view the three trailers please!!
  4. Roadkill how can you be so naive - if its better than the DS we'll win (true) if it's not it will fail - hmmmm, I'm pretty sure thats not how commerce works
  5. Nintendo make more money from gaming than ANYONE else!! More than SOny and more than EA. On the flipside I also agree with the person who defended MS decision to lose money to make money - ever heard of speculate to accumulate!?! Morally its wrong, but it does work. Microsoft lose lots of money last gen to build up the userbase, this gen they make money from their new adoring fanbase - simple!!! WIll it work, probably, but hopefully not!!! Personally ive gone past caring who 'wins' I love NIntendo's products, ill continue to buy them, on a genuine level I really believe they have revolutionised gaming with the DS (which I think is incredible, fresh, exciting and many other superlatives) and what they could potentially do with the revolution excites more than anything gaming has ever excited me before!!! SO I would like everyone else to buy NIntendo products and it become number 1 all over the world, as that would mean more games would come over - pro evo, virtua tennis etc etc. But im not that bothered if not!!
  6. Hear anything on the grapevine about what NIntendo will be releasing? And any opinions on ways the controller is being used in said ubisoft games!?!
  7. Same really, the main atractionis that it is Nintendo, Ive had all their machines and I aint stopping, I knew I was going to get it before I knew anything. What EXCITES me the most is the controller. Other factors are : how NIntendo REALLY do online its the only next gen machine im likely to get so the next wave of games The price How it links up with the ds And the download service Roll on January when the details slowly get leaked!!!
  8. Yeah, I cant believe people WOULDN'T think thats how racing games would have worked!!! This video is awful, shows nothing really! Only the obvious
  9. The bug thing id like to see is to be able to design your own tracks!!! With trading them online!!
  10. ive been excited about this game for so long now!!! Got to wait til xmas though, bought far too many ds games to justify buying!
  11. System, way to overreact. Please wait till we know everything about it before spouting a load of rubbish. You must have a limited imgaination of you think racing games can only be improved by better graphics!! Seriously - NO game can be only imrpoved by better graphics!
  12. Thing is, with no major news or exposure it really is playing into microsofts hands!!! They are going to have such a lead!!! I would hate it if it was a headset but this is ridiulous, it would be very expensive and nintendo is BIG on multiplayer gaming!
  13. I LOVE this film, Im a huge fan of Burton anyway, but this film is just fantastic!! I remember seeing it when it first came out and I still love it to this day. Has anyone read - The melancholy Death of Oyster boy and other stories'? If you like that film you'll love this, so heartbreakingly beautiful!!!
  14. Cant believe you never went to see it!?! Kerazy!! I loved it and I cant wait. Preordered it from amazon and hoping they send it early!! I'm filming in france from next tuesday so if they SEND it on monday I wont get to see it until I get back
  15. Ive got 11 GCSE's, 5 Alevels a degree in Drama and Writing (First) and I've been offered funding to to my PHD (kind of skipping my Masters but getting it in 4 weeks!!), so I get paid to do it!! Lucky lucky me
  16. Run a theatre and film company - but my main payment comes from acting, writing and directing!! Though lately mainly the writing and directing side of things!!
  17. It's not coming out on VHS is it? Im sure Lucas said he wasnt bringing it out, only on DVD. Could be, and highly likely, wrong!!
  18. I'm pretty sure Killer INstinct is also owned by Nintendo!! Banjo (one of themost overrated games ever!) is pretty much certain and I hope a brand new game!!! Though I wouldnt complain to a sequel to the magnificent game that be Blastcorps!!
  19. GoldenEye Rogue Agent would be lovely!!
  20. This is very worrying, a early summer launch in Japan with an utumn launch in USA indicates a spring 07 launch for us unlucky bastards!! NIntendo are taking a HUGE risk with this, and they know it, they stated they WOULDN'T be launching last again, yet they are. They even know with their own DS how good it is to launch early!! The lead Microsift gain in the west could be unreachable by the time rev launches!! God Microsoft have pissed me off launching this early (way too early imo), I hope they suffer the way of Saturn - i.e. people not ready for it yet and wait another year!!! Though I doubt it!!!
  21. Ds games are the same price as GBA games!?! Also I remember spending big nmoney - Super Street Gigter 2 turbo in limited edition tin was £60, Mortal Kombat 2 was £60. Its insane to think, never pay that now!! Next gen I think Rev will be cheaper, I think what Iwata said is probably right. Different pricing. Although tgeres only been polarium over here, the brain games are half the price so they will be cheaper and I bet all those newly announced puzzlers and training games will be cheap too!!!
  22. That site with all the stuff hes created is incedible!!! I thought you meant he'd done CGI designs, not actually made lots of portable consoles!!! I'd love a few of those!!
  23. I personally think NIntendo see this is a bit of a last chance and they will go out all guns vlazing and throw everything at it - personel-wise they seem a lot younger, fresher, more exciting and innovative in terms of marketing and being frontmen (and women) for Nintendo. Whether they'll suceed will be a different matter but I think they will have a much bigger public profile with lots of maketing strategies clearly in place!
  24. I forgot another, Pikmin 2, the first ending with Louie on the island whichi s actually real fotage, great stuff and going back to coninue with the president - it was great cause I thought the game had ended!!
  25. I have some similar moments as above - the sheer beauty of Metroid and that it ozzed class at evry point in the game. Playing Rogue Leader for the first time was stunning; the fun and sped of Fzero, the originalty and fun I had (and have) with the Donkey Konga's and Jungle Beat and moany others. Specific momnets though would have to be: - When you realise Hyrle is under the water and your in the temple and everyone is frozen - a brilliant plotpoint and sbolutely beautiful - The retor levels in Mario with that great scratch score and greate gameplay without the waterpak - I could play a whole game of this, these sections outdid Mario 64 for me! - The track design of Yoshis Circuit and Baby Park Ride (possibly the two greatest tracks in Mario Kart history) - how I timetrialled those two levels for hours and hours!!! - And a particular mention has to go to Winning ELeven - the game I have put most hours into, play it ALL the time, spent hours and hours changing every player, updating every team and even creating the whole of the premiership, a bit sad, but I love it. Doesnt reach the heights of a lot of games on the cube on a game front, but I must have put hundereds and hundreds of hours into it. I could go on about moments of cube magic, but this wil do
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