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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. royalties to "the DVD company" What are you talking about!? Are you "utterley insane"?
  2. I'm sure you've been called worse than ****, I think it's actually a pretty thing to be called. Anyways, I think the logical look at this is that when you hold the (a) trigger it pulls behind Link into a 1st person/directly behind the shoulder view where the remote becomes the sword and you can have a more immersive control in the world. A completely 1st person game would HAVE to be br tried out in a spin-off or in a completely new ip with the (crafty) idea of using it for a new Zelda title! Also, who likes the idea of removing the Zelda title and calling the games the adventures of Link!?! Or somethingorother!?! The Zelda plot device is getting slightly stale!
  3. Beckham has been playing well, hes been Madrids best player and hes done the job for England in what has been some crap performances. People who say Beckham is crap is not only going on his form a couple of seasons ago but also following the popular herd (edorsed by tabloid media) by saying it all the time without objectively looking at his performances!! And England ALWAYS do crap against poor sides. We'll be awesome when it matters.
  4. Might just stick with a Revolution, NEVER been satisfied with a non-nintendo console since the Master System (and ive had them all before anyone says anything). Might get a 360 if - Ive got a few hundred quid lying around and theres a few GREAT games i want - Kameo and Perfect Dark are THAT good - Pro EVo or Winning ELeven and other 3rd party games don't come out for the revolution The PS3 is almost a guaranteed no-no for me, unless they have some particular exclusive games I want, though I couldn't think of ONE that could possibly be!!
  5. Erm, I meant the U21's, who lost. The Defoe to start is a different sentance, put a - instead of a . Did I get out of that well!?!
  6. Or, to take a hold of the industry once again they are willing to sell thri console at a loss knowing that tey'll make up for it with sftware sales. They cold be taking a risk, but maybe feel they need to have one last shot... Or, alternatively the rumour could be abolsute bollocks!!
  7. Benitez is a great European manager, but he can't adapt to the English style and his buying policy is a little, how can I put it, hilarious. And I have seen Garcia play many many many times and hes average, extremely inconsistent, he has the ability to do some amazing things but we see that very rarely - you are the first Liverpool fan I know that actually rates him. How often do you go to the matches!?! ANyways, easy win today for England - Defoe to start!!
  8. Whats GUN? Also Batallion Wars is the only must out of those. Mario Smash Football ONLY on great opinions from respected sources. And possibly Mario DDR, which is to be locked away whenever anyone is around!
  9. Pro Evolution Soccer, Virtua Tennis, Time Splitters 4
  10. Your the person responsible for it NOT being allowed It would be funny to do for 5 minutes, then you wouldnt bother It would be funny if it happened to you for 5 minutes, then you'd want to go on a killing spree!
  11. Kinds shows up the pretty bad one on thi very site though :/
  12. Kinds shows up the pretty bad one on thi svry site though non?
  13. Hes not directing it, hes producing it. BIG difference!
  14. Great stuff, ive been excited about this game for so long, was gonna import but my JPN cube broke its switch so I cant turn it american December 9th will come soon. Not THAT bothered about no mulitplayer, I expect it so it wont disppoint. Just want a great, fun action strategy game - it looks amazing!!
  15. Why does everyone have to have cocks in their mouths!? And how do Sony and NIntendo have cocks? If you're being metaphorical then please be more imaginative! Game looks great in stills, average in motion. Perfect Dark was amazing though maybe a little too powerful for its own good, my N64 was busting at its seems everytime I played the thing!! Now Kameo......That games looks incredible - ive been excited about this game ever since its first inception!! This game, more than Perfect Dark, but along with Pro Evo could make me get a 360!!! When do people think the first reviews will start popping up? Any first impressions on Kameo from anywhere!?
  16. So did anyone get it!? I'd love to hear opinions on it, surprised theres not lots of threads on it declaring it the best game of the year!! And when I say surprised I meant disppointed!
  17. I was willing to leave it. But then you put 'fact'. IT'S NOT FACT!!! How did the radically alter gamers perceptions!? How did this inturn change the way developers made games!!? Just tell, dont make bold abstract statments and declare them as fact. Tell me how games today are revolutionary different from what they were in the SNES days, or even N64 days as the revolition took a hell of a long time, didnt happen over night did it. Tell me!! IT DIDN'T- peoples biggest complaints this gen are that it is so similar to the N64 days!!! Well this had no bearing from SONY!!!!
  18. Great read. He mentioned that when you play against anonymous people they will not include the option to chat on non 18+ games!!! Does this mean we can chat with people on your buddy list!? On Mario Kart!!? Obviously none of know yet though we will 'immenently' One flipside to this was him saying he doesnt know what products will use the voice software Cant wait till its revealed so weknow one way or another!
  19. I see your point but didnt the NES shift 80 million units? I wouldnt call that a radical change. Also, I think the industry has grown UNBELIEVABLY your point is unarguable, however, I just dont think its been revolutionary. I think this is the point were start to go round in circles
  20. I don't think it has radically changed, what has changed about it - things have become bigger, better and mroe expensive but it hasnt really changed. I mean, whats the difference between Fifa 2006 than Fifa 94 on the megadrive! How has Sony changed the any of the games we see in the industry other than bigger bidgets (which is arguable to thank sony for that). Things have just moved on its natural course but things have changed that much, never mind radically changed!
  21. Liverpool are average (for them), I'm sorry but benitez is a joke and your squad is very average, you have some great players in your first team, but some donkeys - courch , Garcia I could go on. But I think you will stuggle to finish in the champions league again. I'm a Yiddo (Spurs) and I think we'll push you for 4th this year, we're playing pretty averagely (but still getting the results) but we have a lot of new players and when we click we'll be awesome. I think Arsenal could struggle this year, we; struggle to get third, not just because I hate them (which i do) but because they don't look the same without Veira and especially not the same without Henry!! Very lucky against Brum at the weekend. I really hope man U can catch Chelsea (who I also hate with an unbridled passion), but I can't see it. Think we would have beat them if the ref didn't ridiculously sendoff mido, we were having the upper hand beofre that!!
  22. Dictionarty definition get revised all the time as they can be deemed out of date. I don't care what the dictionary says to be honest, and its pretty vague anyway rev·o·lu·tion·ar·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rv-lsh-nr) adj. often Revolutionary Relating to or being a revolution: revolutionary war; a museum of the Revolutionary era. Bringing about or supporting a political or social revolution: revolutionary pamphlets. Marked by or resulting in radical change: a revolutionary discovery. n. pl. rev·o·lu·tion·ar·ies A militant in the struggle for revolution. A supporter of revolutionary principles. You see, all the examples and I read into it an 'active' goal to be revolutionary - Sony wasnt trying to be revolutionary, by chance it became very popular, but they weren't trying to start a gaming revolution, they didnt know they would bring gaming to the masses the way they did!! And also, its pretty subjective as I wouldnt say its 'radically' changed, its changed a lot but radically!?! Not even close - making something popular hasnt changed the way we play games at all, things havent changed really since the nes - more people play and theres more shit out there, but it hasnt changed that much, the only way it has changed is with the analogue stick!! And even then it was more of a 'natural' evolution of gaming. The only real revolution could possible be Nintendo's controller - which isnt a natural evolution of gaming, and could 'radically' change the we we play games and the actual games develoeprs create!!
  23. Hmm, with trial and error, though you can get translators of each page. My memory card has ALL premiership clubs all updated and all the national sides are up to date as of earlier this year (otherwise the game is EXTREMELY out of date) also got a few cracking goals on there!!!!
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