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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Point is though, whether we would buy GTA on Wii isn't the important thing, fact is it's a massive franchise and would do great to boost sales to the people that would. Personally I think GTA are extremelv over-rated, I also would rather Table Tennis (a game im considering a 360 for) and more hardcore sports games. Fact is, any extra support is good for nintendo
  2. Are you joking System? Ravenblade was a game Retro was working on before the Cube came out, it looked absolutely incredible, it was then canned when Nintendo asked them to make Metroid. This isn't the wii version, if you look at the rest of the videos they are just old Cube vids, though I have never seen the game in action before, only that awesome trailer with that incredible fire monster which looks like the one out of twilight princess
  3. I've got it if anyone wants to buy it off me
  4. What is all this shit about 'HOw do you get the faces on tennis without a camera'? Have you seen Tennis screnshots? They are clearly NOT real pictures of them, they are clearly create-a-character style faces! And no, I don't think its a camera, though I hope Nintendo release one, the eye-toy has some awesome potential.
  5. It would be great and I cant wait for the game, though remember they have to stagger games throughout the lifecycle, we'll see this next E3 I would expect, possibly a 3rd gen game though. And I'm glad you're not a game developer dork if you don't have the imagonation to see how Pikmin could be an even better game on the Wii - the controller? Online Play? Mass pikmin wars? Controlling everything in the pikmin world for a C&C style of play? And I'm not even trying here!
  6. Most of you are putting games which ARENT launch games. I will get: Wii 3 extra controllers (to have four) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Wii Sports Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Red Steel Trauma Center: Second Opinion If good reviews: Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors Metal Slug Anthology Blitz: The League Potential, must have great game concepts and reviews: Elebits Rayman Raving Rabbits Thats a lot of money there, but theres 3 if us so shouldnt be too bad!! I cant believe Wario Ware and Excite Truck arent launch games, particularly Wario!!!
  7. I think Making Mario Kart like smash bros. would be awesome, imagine racing on levels based in the Zelda univere or Metroid etc. or on the Starfox ship as it flies through space!! Would be amazing!
  8. I can ubderstand both sides to the argument, a love-in for all things Nintendo is great, but thats what Melee was, it cant really evolve that much except tovadd other characters - so I'm pretty happy about that. Snakes revealvwas great, but my problem is that he's a Playstation chatacter really, I would have preferred characters that are synonomous with Nintendo - Sonic for example. Overall though I cant wait - megaman, Simon Belmont, sonic, Eggman etc etc.
  9. The camera will be much more intelligent and you can always centre it behind your character, I have no problem with this whatsoever!! I really cantvwait for the Wii, gutted this aint at launch but I get a feeling Zelda, Metroid, and the many others will keep me happy!
  10. Mate, you are so blinkered it hilarious. Its notvabout being fanboys (though I'll admit to loving Nintendo for the past 20 years) its about the way you act on these forums. Look at what you wrote, word for word. "It's shit" - how the fuck do you know its shit?!?! It makes you look arrogant with these stupid statements. If you said "It looks shit." Fair enough, but you dont talk like that, you talk like you know everything about every game evenvthough youve never played them!! Thats what irratates everyone here! PS Kudis for quoting Family Guy, maybe you're not all bad
  11. I have no idea why people call this guy negative. And why people think this guy has overstated opionions with no foundation is beyond me. Why? Why? Do you think this guy is the most opinionated on the forum with no intelligent reasoning, why? Why do you you think that!!!?!??!??!
  12. How irratating - Wii fans dont want long games!?!? This is fucking stupid and ignorant, we want all types of games. Playing old games in a new way excites me even more than playing new games!!! Wanker!!
  13. Imagine it, you move around with the the analogue stick on the shotgun addon - could be incredible!
  14. She mentions Virtual Console too, that isnt Wii software. If you out Cube Zelda in Wii then you'd need the cube controller, seriously, I think You're looking way to much into it Anyhoo, decent interview and worrying comments with regards to their online service, I mean, she hints that hardcore gamers will have two machines and one of those caters for their complex online play and Nintendo go the simple route - theyve found their niche and sticking with it. Thats bolocks!!! If it was mildly more complicated and much more intensive the same amount of people would have gone online with Mario kArt - the reason millions of people went online is not solely because its easy, its because its MArio Kart!!!! And what about the hardcore fans who only want Wii? ie Me!!? And lastly, what about the hardcore gamers she mentions? Yes theyll get a great online experience with Halo 3, butvwhat if they want the same experience with Animal Crossing or Red Steel or Battallion Wars or Pokemon etc etc?? Nintendo, simple, have a free simple online service and a paid complex one - EVERYONES HAPPY!!!
  15. Zeldas on the cube too so of course we'll play it with the cube controller.
  16. The game looks to control amazingly, flight games are going o be so good on the remote. This would be a great addition to Wii Sports, though I'd love Nintendo to take itvand turn it into Pilotwings - though by the looks of it it would take a while. But it does look great!!
  17. Hmm, comments regarding online werent great. They dont think it'd be easy to get 4 player matches!?!? What? Are they insane? So they can do 16 on 16 deathmatches on FPS but they cant do 4 player fights on Smash Bros.?!
  18. Hmmm,okay,afterreadingtheduck and the bad-mediocre Red Steel reports, it appears that light gun games arent possible, is this the case? It seems ridiculously easy to do do, but I'm hearing a lot of "have to point at sensor rather than screen" business. Is it that these games dont dont do it or that its simply not possible? I'm getting a little nervous about a few reports of a few things. Overall im well excited and its the only console Im interested in, but theres a few worrying things!
  19. Great news, I can just so many developers clamouring for their ,mascots to be included - Simon Belmont please!!! On a side note, how good would a Castlevania game be where you crack the whip with the rmeote!?!?!? Shame no launch, and no Mario launch
  20. Sorry that what I meant, that it has the analogue attachment on the gun, meaning you can walk around as well as light gun with it - some potential for some amazing action games with this!!
  21. Immersion, simple. I see what you're saying but I would guess most people would want itv- you dont have to buy it. Though looking at the gun, how incredible would a FPS game with it be? It has the left hand attachment!??!??! It would be incredible!!!!!
  22. Thats clearly CG.....isnt it!?! Thats the mockup that IGN created
  23. Hmmm, hope this isnt Pilotwings, the levels look extremely bland, I want pilotwings64 style levels - filled with stuffvgoing on. Unless this game is really early on, butit looks a bit simple, no hint of any action whatsoever. Probably just a demo with the intention of turning it into Pilotwings.
  24. You should NEVER trade in a gmestore, they are a joke when it comes to prices - they pay you almost nothing and then charge the consumer almost full price for your secondhand product. Ebay all the way!! Try here too when the boards reopen!
  25. Great!!!! But what does it mean?
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