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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Dabooker, about the music, what exactly is wrong with rehashing the music, its a franchise - you wouldn't want the later Star Wars film to not use the main theme or the imperial march just because its a rehash would you? Or to put a variation on the dual of fates in Sith (you can use the same example with LotR if you're more into that....or in fact any franchise film - Rocky, Indiana jones, God Father etc etc.) And also, you've 8 years of Ocarinas music, of course its going to be more memorable. Cheers Kav + magic, Twilight has become my favourite ever game (sorry Mario 64), it's great to hear peoples opinions.
  2. Dill, I couldn't disagree with you any more, though you articulated yourself very well so I'll give you that. For starters I think the wii motes ADD's a ton to the game, very simple but great additions - and how can you not like the point and shoot controls? Is it a little too much like real life (relatively)? Don't you like your games more immersive? Can you really say pressing a button to slash is better then slashing?! If so then is the Wii for you? For me Zelda is very subtle with the wii mote, and if you dont like that........ As for epic, again that baffles me - the game is bigger, longer and with a much more drammatic storyline than ANY other game; Twilight Princess is a much better game than OoT, trust me play Ocarina; is it better for it's time? Of course not, but then Ocarina didn't have Ocarina to be compared with. Also, a lowkey game? This was the only place you didn't articulate, I really really don't understand how this can be a lowkey game, baffling!! Also, I agree for the first quarter it was level based, but as soon as you got rid of all the twilight it was eaily as free roaming as any other Zelda game. As for the graphics, and voice over, may it should have, but it didn't bother me it didn't; though I think inexcusable is a little drammatic - it's clearly and artistic choice! Also, WHY do you think Wind Waker is better? It is smaller, a much more limiting mechanic - it gets weaker in the second half, the story isnt as strong; and do you really think the addition of the boat is better than wolf link?! I love Wind Waker, it just baffles me why people don't love TP and see it as the best Zelda game ever, which I clearly do PS And you really let yourself down by saying in the next game Zelda should be the main character
  3. What do you mean, the chess-esque bit before you get the master sword? If so then you can do it with luck, but you can also do it with thought!
  4. I just finished the game, clocked in at 50 hours, evryvdisappointed it didnt save and I could wander Hyrule in peace and chat up Ilia a bit. Okay a few things - what happens in the cave of ordeals? I had to quit at the 3rd section because I didnt have any arrows - I didnt use my magic armour once, what does it do? - Was it me or was half of the very last castle only have done? I got the boss key and finished it about a 3rd of the way through:/ - The ending was AMAZING!!! But I really wish you had to use all the skills learnt from the wolf, or at least had the choice, you had to do that charge thing, which was cool but I wanted a full on sword fight - What was the cannon glitch? - Why was it that some people didnt like the ending? - Is there any way to get a proper fishing rod because I want to lure fish in Lake Hylia!! Saying all this though, the game has become my favourtie ever game!!!
  5. Surely the test of time is reflected in the marks for the others? Anyways... Donkey Kong Country Gameplay 8 Graphics 7 Presentation 6 Sound 7 Longevity 8 Sttot 9 Loved it back in the day and still love it today and not just for nostalgia (see FZero) - great example of a platformer and am loving goingvthrough it again and I will get 101% (if people remember the original ) F-Zero Gameplay 8 Graphics 7 Presentation 6 Sound 8 Longevity 4 Sttot 6 This is a big disappointment to be honest, it was the VC game I was really looking forward to and its not gonna get much playing to be honest. With it being only single player only there's no realy reason to play through it after the initial nostalgic buzz. It plays really well but the lack of 2 player really shows today!! Gunstar Heroes Gameplay 8 Graphics 7 Presentation 5 Sound 7 Longevity 8 Sttot 8 Great little game and even better with 2 players. Mindless fun and well worth the money, though not the treasure game I personally wanted
  6. dazzybee

    Far Cry

    If grpahics dont bother you its still worth getting on the Wii cause the controls are so much fun on CoD3.... Though waiting for Trauma centre is a good idea!
  7. Happens briefly at the start of some missions but very broefly. Other than that I think this game is awesome! The controls are just.....not perfect but damn close. The 360 version may be awesome but I bet it doesnt control close to as wellvas this!!
  8. Yeah I'm really looking forward to this game, and Pangya golf, both of which are not on the Q1 release list *gulp*
  9. Zelda: Best....game....ever COD3: Love FPS and it looked awesome Red Steel: Looked awesome and crossed my fingers the bad reviews were wrong Monster 4x4: £20 Play: Because it was the only way to get another wiimote and it looked my type of distraction and it is Rayman: Love minigames, looked hilarious, my girlfriend really wanted it Monkey Ball: Love monkey ball, multiplayer
  10. Do you get anything for getting platinum medals?
  11. It could be a tactical move on Nintendos part delating Metroid 3 rather than a developer decision. This is shit news though, NIntendo don't have a BIG game coming for the machine for a year now!! I mean, we got lucky getting Zelda at launch but boy must we wait now.... Yeah theres some good games coming but no AAA..... Also, where the fudge is Pangya Golf on the Q1 release list?
  12. I agre with the people are scum people, in fact it fucking angers me when people do this; yeah the people bidding are fucking morons (they are American after all ) but they don't deserve that. I just hate all these wankers trying get more than they deserve, preying in stupid people, or desperate people in too much of a rush to check the finer print (although this time I realise the bidder has no excuse for the idiocy, but it doesn't make it right). Fact is, this person is a scumbag and people selling PS3's which was PS2 and PS1 sellotaped together is a scumbag, and anyone who tries to rip people off is a fucking scumbag!!!!
  13. Oh, I thought wiimotes were £30, £25's not too bad. I may definitely go pick up a forth at PC World then! How can anyone say ANY of the games are INSANELY bad? They all control well enough and do exactly what they intend, you may noty like them but insanely bad is a bit harsh
  14. You can tilt it any direction but it's harder to do so, just makes a little easier, in a good way. This is a great little game. And there's loads of side missions! Most of them are in Kakiro (sp?) and Castle Town. I've just done Arboter Grounds, can someone tell me which number dungeon it is? Got no idea.
  15. Rayman and Red Steel are both awesome - thats a good launch for a 3rd party. The fact that the other games are disappointing is a shame, but at least they released them, Monster 4x4 is actually a lot of fun and a decent price at £20, I;m sure Gt is the same. And about Far Cry, the game is meant to play really well, just a technical dog - so when thats on sale that could be worth picking up too!!! As for Prince of Persia being two thrones...well..that is shit news. Ive just finished the game - really good, not close to the first though; but this means I won't be buying it. I can kind of understand the logic though, they're experiemneting with the wiimote and its cheaper to use an old game....But the sales will obviously be much lower because of it. Gutted though as I'd like another Persia game!
  16. Am I the only one who thinks Wii Play is awesome? The medlas is a reasonable incentive for thevsingle player, but multiplayer the game is great - Shooting Range, Find Mii (how can anyone slag this off!!!!?), Table Tennis, Lazer Hockey, Billiards (though we have been so much better if it had english pool rules!), charge - all great in 2 player!! And for £5 (where are people getting £10 from?) it's an absolute bargain!
  17. Best game is EASILY Zelda - could be the best game ever come its end! Best use of Wii mote... Sports.... Or Rayman....... What a launch though - Don't even know how far to go on Zelda, then monkey Ball one player, Rayman, Red Steel, CoD3.... Loads of multiplayer! Awesome.... Just in time for Trauma Centre, Excite Truck and Wario Ware
  18. Hmmm, well I've just done the water temple and everything is feeling pretty perfect for me. I'm about to start another session now so we'll see....
  19. Okay, in the instruction booklet it says that you can rearrange the order of the people in the address book by holding a and b on the name and moving them. THIS DOESN'T WORK! Anyone know how to do it because it's really annoying me!
  20. I would guess that it refers to phones that have email accounts!
  21. This game is in the running to be the best game ever for me, and 20 minutes between the 2 dungeons? Yeah, but that's if you blitz the story!! With the sidequests and such it could take you however long you want. I thought that's why people love Zelda, you can go at whatever pace you want!
  22. Awesome, can't wait. Be interesting to see how the save situation works out though as its a different region......
  23. I'm really looking forward to this, love puzzlers, love mercury and it seems a great fit for the Wii... Keep em coming!
  24. Oh god, everyone leave this thread before the graphics whores get a look at this!!!
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