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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Mighty Bomb Jack? Is that an update of Bomb Jack on the Spectrum? I loved that game!! Also, has Final Fight a 2 player?
  2. The friend code for each Mii sounds amazing, and surely to logical for NIntendo to do Please be true!
  3. I love Pro Evo and the only game I play the 360 for Wii pro evo has the danger of fucking the game up, but with serious thought could be the difinitive version. A bit of me wants them to play safe so we know it'll be awesome, but then throwins, gesture shooting and passing, on the flyer tactics with the dpad - all sounds incredible to me. And nando I LOVE your corner idea!!
  4. Oh why oh why oh why oh why are they iusing friend codes and system codes. Personally I dont care cause online gaming doesnt interest me that much, but I dont UNDERSTAND the reason behind it, it is so alienating to people who do want to go online. Have nintendo ever properly explained the reason behind all these codes and it makes sense? I dont understand why EVERY game can't just use the system code and on each game you add whoever you want to add to that list - in case I dont want X to play Animal Croassing and Just mario Kart but I want Y to play all my games........ it makes so much sense to me!!!! Anyways, back on topic, loved Smash Football and this looks great. the online mode options seem really good too!! Be great if you could create your own cup or league with your friends though, we could do an official n-europe league then!! Also, if it is positive points for the league table, doesnt that pretty much mean whoever plays it the most will be top and no bearing on who is actually the best? That sounds a bit crap, it works with Bowling cause there isnt a league, just your own score, but with this it will be play loads of games get loads of points. It should be based on an average of how many matches with a minimum amount set OR it could be within the three month leagues you can play a maximum of, say 30 matches! It will encourage people to play that many times at the same time capping it so shit players cant just play thousands of matches and be declared the winner!! PS Really glad they're using the Mii's!
  5. Mayjest they are CLEARLY Wii versions so your post is trying to be a dig at the graphics for the Wii, but to me is painfully obvious. Anyways, hate Crash games, but great to see another popular series coming to nintys machines.
  6. Surely it should be availability!!
  7. playdirect have a preorder offer 22.93 - bargain!!! Cant wait for this game!
  8. Aaah yes, extremelu underrated game, loved it. Imagine how good that game would be on the Wii!!!
  9. And no-one has mentioned Second Sight! Insanity! Other great ganes are lego starwars (17.99 on play), Donkey Donka 1+2, Jungle beat, Rogue Squadron 2......
  10. This looks awesome, I cant wait till it comes out; though multiplayer HAS to be included, surely!! I also want the shotgun shell released for this, that would just be a amazing!
  11. I'll tell you now Bard, you WONT be able to transfer your file, not in a million years will you. This is a bit gutting really, I love Res Evil4, finished it and have it on the cube. Not THAT bothered about buying it again, but it sounds so good! Argh!! Why can't they just make Res Evil 5 for the Wii, it will clearly control better than 360 and PS3.
  12. Whats teching and DI? Melee was the way better ganem but I played 64 much more because I was around friends (at Uni) who loved the game, when Melee came out I didnt really have anyone to play it with. I agree, Sonic HAS to be in it, I would me gobsmacked if he wasn't. Would also love to see Megaman and Simon Belmont in there too, maybe even bomberman, but not too many 3rd party characters.
  13. For me theres TOO many great ganmes on the WII - STILL PLAYING EXCITE TRUCK, SONIC, KOROrinpa - I really want Godfather, Trauma Centre etc. The Wii has no problem whatsoever, and by Christmas things will be immense!!! have some foresight people! Yeah I see your point Owen, but we should see the good 3rd party support as a real postive too. Strikers is out soon, then Super Paper Mario, then BWii, and then the massive xmas lineup - its not that bad is it?
  14. The motion is okay and its 4 player cop-op. Its actuallly a really good g ame, a litle repetitive, but great fun with a friend. If you like comic books then I would guess it should be a must buy
  15. The article was the biggest load of bollocks - the Wii there? Fucking morons, for a highprofile gaming press site giving up on the Wii after a few months of release is a fucking disgrace. How can they not know what they supposedly specialise in? Do they not learn from the history of the DS, the Wii is following so close you'd have to be a pinball wizard not to realise it. Yeah Nintendo screwed Sony over but the nintendo geek in me ignores that, personally I hate what Sony did to the industry, and nothing pleases me more everytime I see sales figures of the DS crushing the PSP and how the PS3 is underperforming great stuff. Anyways 2 things. 1. Controllers, the N64 controller was awesome for its time, the gamecube pad was and is amazing, and I HATE the dual shocks, the most digital-esque 'analogue' sticks there's ever been and a pad that gives me blisters after 10 minutes from them bastard screw holes. 2. Nintendo mistakes, well, cartridges were a greater-good mistake. Thinking they could do everything themelevs without 3rd parties (which they've now admitted to). Delaying the Cube. The history with Europe (though i personally think they are improving greatly). And I would agree online, though personally I dont care about it. PS And msj metroid, why do you slag off nintendo all the time?
  16. I think the autumn is the plan, though I think whenever Umbrella Chronicles comes out to be honest
  17. People jump to wild conclusions - Paper mArio released at xmas to push galaxy back!!!? What?!?! Paper Mario will obviously come out July in Europe, calm down people .....
  18. I agree with teppo, that comment was a bitch about Nintendos online plans and not a comment on the games online plans. How is this not an online experience? It is for me. but then I'm part oif the old guard that actually likes playing against friends ion the same room, where the banter means something! I'm not saying I wouldnt want Nintendo to make a much better online service, but to say it has no online experience is just pure bitching! PS The game will be awesome I'm sure, can't wait!
  19. This game HAS to use the shotgun shell!!!
  20. This is becoming a very interesting point. NIntendo will sell every machine they make, so from a business stand point does it hold back all its big guns for when sales slow down? But then if realy good games dont come out now, people with Wiis may get bored and buy a 360 or ps3, and people waiting for a Wii may give up cause theres no decent games. Maybe we havent heard anything because Nintendo are thinking about these factors, for me 3rd party support is looking awesome and in the next 2 months theres Super paper mario and Mario Strikers. Interesting though, I just wish Nintendo could produce more machines!!!
  21. And thread went so long without someone bringing up the graphics. And I must also add that you have either not played or seen the Cube version or not seen the videos for the Wii version. Are the grpahics I giant leap forward? No. Are they better? Clearly!
  22. Does this mean people can stop pissing and moaning about how shit NOE are now? My bet is that people will wuickly forget this as soon as America get Galaxy 2 weeks before we do!
  23. Surely Lylat Wars for us on Friday? Cant wait. Hope my 1000 points from Nintendo turn up then; bought 6000 points a little over a week ago and they've all gone!!!!
  24. I have far too many games - Zelda, Play, sports, red stell, monkey ball, call of duty, sonic, excite truck, kororinpa and SSX Blur - haven't even started playing a few of them!! Got them cheap-ish!! Next purchase will likely be Eledees, unless i see Godfather in gamestation for £30 or under!!! Hope not though, want to save Godfather until I've completed the others!!
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