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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Excellent. Got it at launch. Didn’t touch it. Sounds like the wait has produced a better version.
  2. @Nolan yeah context is missing. When I said I don’t care if anyone’s done it. Not about the information - why would I ask for some information that I didn’t care about. The I don’t care was about the whole point of the discussion in the first place. As in, it doesn’t matter if someone has or hasn’t, it doesn’t change my belief that Nintendo will, and also should, launch their online service mid way through s generation and charge people to play all games. So i was interested in the information. But either way it doesn’t change what Nintendo are doing. If that makes sense.
  3. Didn’t see the post either. So back on track. Will they listen to the backlash on forcing the use of the app for voice chat and lobbies and such and build it into the switch?
  4. I’m not insulted. You have to express yourself. That’s fine. Not your final point though 😂 How you can think that is bizarre other than through loyalty.
  5. Runny hasn’t been here for months and months and it’s been great. He was about when the place was a disaster. Not all his fault, not blaming, but just saying that he hasn’t been around here while it’s been great. But in my opinion the first time he comes back it drags it back down, completely unnecessaraiky, to the awful wii u days when we lost loads of our best members.
  6. @rummy on my phone, so can’t quite effectively. So I’ll just post in here. Forst point. I wasn’t dismissing his point. They are two separate, non contradictory (I’m glad at least you’ve admitted this was a false statement you made) comments. One, genuine curiosity if anyone did. Two, irrespective of everything, I don’t think it matters if a company has or hasn’t done it before. I mean, it’s so simple, so clear, I don’t understand how anyone can have the reaction you had. Sedond point. Do you really not see the utter hilarity of condemning me for speaking for other posters, while doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING!!!! Oh boy. The difference being I have evidence in that no one, like in the above, expressed annoyance. There was just a discussion between a few posters. Seemed okay to me. Yet you come in, and speak for the forum And express your dismay at the posts. With this. And your final point. I do think it would be best if you do step down from moderation. Not only have you not been seen in months, the moment you do you’ve completely derailed the thread and soured it, making bizarrre accusations.
  7. Haha, a case study of one, what a clinical trial. I've had plus for 4 years, played it online a handful of times, I wouldn't profess that that situation is the norm. And people will play smash brothers an incredible amount for years and years, splatoon too, and many many others. When I boot up the switch I have loads of friends playing, 12 people were playing Mario kart last night for example, like most of them do every single week. A few of us have played rocket league over 100 hours each since launch, some over 200 (looking at you JBS), Smash brothers, animal crossing etc will be insane online games. Personal preferences aside, it's a very strange thing to say. Any even so, doesn't the fact it's a third of the price as the others justify even further?!
  8. Yeah it's one update behind ps4/xbox by the sounds of it. Not too fussed about that to be honest, I mean, the is meant to have loads of content, so not like it'll be short of content, and something new in a few months will be decent. Though if they can't be trusted then that's another matter... Might wait for a bargain....
  9. I understand peoples viewpoint, I just don't agree with it. You kept saying it's anti-consumer, no benefit to consumer paying for it. You can say that about everything can't you? It's not better for the consumer to pay for everything, it's better to get everything for free? But it's such a non-argument. I get that people may not know, but they soon will know. Then they make a decision whether they want to or not. And for Nintendos game not suited to online... I mean... I don't know even know where to start with that; so you think people don't play Mario kart other than the odd time? Smash brothers wouldn't be big online game, or splatoon isn't, or arms doesn't have a community... Why are Nintendos online games (never mind 3rd parties) not worthy of paying a subscription compared to others?
  10. Picked up Pac-man (and Slime-San in the sale) and it's amazing! Surprisingly brilliant. I have the original on Apple TV and never played it. Also, handled play is perfect, some serious rumble!
  11. Anyone interested payDay2? Worrying there's been no reviews. Game looks pretty good, £35, get a few of us could be great
  12. I don't think any (bar you) thought it was flaimbating or trolling. And they're not even remotely contradictory. One is a genuine questions I asked Shiekah, the other is my opinion on the matter. Whatever the answer to the first, doesn't change my opinion. How is that contradictory? I think for me, because I've known paid online was coming at the moment this thing was formally announced, I don't understand why people see it as an issue. There'll be some people who'll complain - there always is about everything. But ultimately it'll be a small issue, people will get used to it, and next year we'll forget it was any different. Ultimately, don't think there is much of a middle ground, paid online is coming.
  13. Ah come on, there won't be any confusion at all. Paying online is pretty much standard, and in general subscriptions are standard across software, apps, games all sorts. It's not going to be confusing when Nintendo confirm the exact details of - now you have to pay to play online. People aren't going to be scratching their heads confused at it. What would be confusing, is some games you can play with out it, and some you can. Your fortnite example, my nephew had their plus stopped; they now think they can't play fortnite anymore. Because, absolutely rightly, logics says if you have to pay to play games online, that includes everything
  14. Ah this feels like the glory days of the wii u debates
  15. Weird it's cheaper to buy them individually digitally, than it is both in a retail bundle, half of which s a digital download anyway...
  16. Who knows apart from Nintendo... Yeah, but I mean in general is that the practice? That free-to-play games you don't need online subscription? I don't know, but something in my head is telling me it is
  17. Doesn't it just mean free-to-play games and maybe pokemon bank and such? And free-to-play games free on ps4/xbox?
  18. No it's not the same, because there won't be a split between a base version and a more complete version; EVERYONE will have to pay to play online. As for the rest of what you say, it's kind of ridiculous, you have absolutely;ey no idea that no one has launched a service because it makes no business sense, you have no evidence or logic or reasoning to even say that, other than that no one has. But Nintendo ARE doing it, so do you think it makes no business sense for Nintendo to od it because that's exactly what you've just said. And I love when you go from "one of the main reasons" so authoritative to "probably" in a matter of words. Maybe, maybe not. But who cares, Nintendo are launching a paid subscription service after 18 months. Why are you fighting it and coming up with arguments why it's a bad business decision? This is getting surreal now. And why would I be disappointed just because I'm thinking in absolute terms? I really wouldn't care if they let people play splatoon for free. Wouldn't' effect me. I'm just saying why they won't. And ambassador programme, that's nothing like this, what a weird thing to being up, straw men flying around all over the place. That was done because 3ds flopped and reduced the price drastically, it was an apology. I'll say it again, Nintendo told us BEFORE LAUNCH we were going to have to pay for online. There's no point discussing it really. I think we all understand each others points. I find the whole thing utterly bizarre. And know, come whenever Nintendo announce it, what the outcome will be. As for announcement, I think before e3 wild be best, get stout of the way so e3 can just be about the games. But who knows.
  19. No it wouldn't. The logic would be when you start charging for a service, then you start charging for it and all it entails. From a consumer perspective I'd expect this. From a business perspective why would they give any reason to not encourage people to subscribe? From a marketing perspective it means it's clean and easy - you pay to play online, not you pay to play some games online, before this date which will mean nothing to most people... Aside from this, we've know from before launch that paid online is coming... I'm genuinely kind of gobsmacked we're even having this discussion to be honest, pointless because come September, everyone will have to play to play splatoon and Mario kart.
  20. How will it divide the base like starters and dlc? You pay to play online, or you don't play online. Having some people with dlc packs and some not is literally splitting them up... Splatoon is one of their biggest games, they're not going to give it for free and not others, it makes no sense whatsoever, I don't care if no ones ever launched a service half way through. It makes no business sense, no logic sense, it'll make it confusing and clumsy and in pretty much every way it's a bad idea from Nintendo's perspective. As for launching it, surely Smash has to launch it? Having Pokemon and animal crossing would be a great triple whammy and cover three different demographics too. Throw in Retros game with a big online component then that'll be great. For me though, it's virtual console, how the app works, and more games getting micro apps like Splatoon that excites me the most.
  21. The whole idea is ridiculous really. Have you ever heard of a company taking away free online from games that have had free online already for a year and a half? Not quite sure what you're saying? Are you saying they should be free because no company has taken free online away before? Has any company added online after a time and not charged for it? Did PS3 add theirs half way through? Can't remember now. Either way, I'm baffled there's even a discussion. Makes no sense to me. They will charge for online, and you won't be able to play Mario kart, splatoon, poker, arms, rocket league or whatever online without the subscription.
  22. Potential sales for what? Sorry to be so blunt, but it’s a stupid idea. Why would they give any reason not to subscribe? Makes no sense whatsoever.
  23. It’s all just staggeringly good to be honest. Really wish Hugo was a little older. 5+ seems dreamy for this. But I’ll enjoy it: would just love to experience it with a kid. Properly. Can’t wait to see what more labo packs are coming this year.
  24. I love stoeybgames with not much gameplay. I loved gone home. And journey. And many others. My problem with oxenfree was I found the characters a little annoying, all a bit too teen angst for my tastes, and the overarching story not interesting or engaging enough. Some nice elements every so often though. Night in the woods appeals to me a lot more. Sounds a little more sophisticated and complex in its characters and themes, so hoping it works for me much better. But I’ll wait for a sale.
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