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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Oh yeah, there was a point to this thread. I voted Nintendo cause its the only console I have any interest in, and any company that tries to innovate should be rewarded with a vote on a fanmade Nintendo site! Do I think they can do it?! Yes, though MS's year headstart will be just crazy to try and beat, though I think the 360's inevitable poor showing in Japan will even things out a tad. I think 360 will be as successful as the Xbox, I think the PS3 will lose support and Nintendo will gain it. How much.....? We'll see but I expect all three consoles to be very close next time!!
  2. Cube with ease for me. Best pad meaning the third paty games are better - namely Winning Eleven Also, Soul Calibur is one of my fave 3rd parties and the cube has Link in it. And then theres Animal Crossing, Knga, Junglke Beat, Waverace (sooooo underrated), FZero, Mario ,Zelda, Prime, Rogue Leader, Pikmin etc etc. Yeah, absolutely no contest for me.
  3. I thought that article was bollocks - I could pick it apart piece by piece but that would take too long. PS3 I;m sure will sell very well, but the guy is making up prices left right and centre - he doesnt know how much Sony are losing on the PSP, he doesnt know how much games are going to be, or the console itself. Why does he say stuff like Konami are miving more to NIntendo. Are they? I wish they were but this is simply not true. Also the PSP is selling very well, okay its not beating the DS, but over time I think it will in the west. Personally, I'll admit to being a massive Nintendo fan - they are literally the only reason I play games now, and I would like that article to be true; but I'l stick with my first judgement. Bollocks!
  4. I think its the other way around, it was a and b and they realised there already is an A and a BTrigger so changing them to x and y is logical. Except when its the nes pad people may get cnfsued And yes, thst ign picture is freaky. Think Nintendo could be teasing us? Maybe the letter changes I think the picture is CG (not the hand) so its a mistake. But god the rev looks amazing!!
  5. Is that it? I expected to be sat here for an hour reading All good. Its bad though cause it makes me want it more, though a regular stream of information will satisfy me, oh, and online mario kart!!
  6. Thing is, there is no reason the N64 pad couldn't play Snes game - got the 4 buttons and the shoulder buttons!?! I think they main shell will be able to play ports, Snes, N64 and Cube games to be honest, and the normal rev pad can play nes and GB, GBA games!
  7. Now the mario one is awesome advertising
  8. Yeah I though Perry was a dick too. Also, I HATE the playstation pads, the sticks may as well be digital they're that respsonive. Also, after about 15 minuts I get blisters on my fingers that rest on the screw holes - batters. I llve the Cube pad (especially the Wavebird). Great respsone. Let us soak in our juices for a month and show us some games. I think NIntendo are playing a very clever, sneaky game to be honest. They show us the controller and what it COULD do. They then scour the boards, listen to media and designers to see what their minds can come up with. They will then log all the good ideas and use them in future games. Cant wait to see stuff though!!
  9. I think the rev controller, nunchuk and shell should be the controller package you buy. Thing is with a tennis game, could it detect how FAST you swing, also could it detect the angle for slices, top spin etc. Or would you hold a button for the different moves?? (Rhetorical q by the way) Yeah I would like companies to be as innovative as possible, but I think it will be up to Nintendo and their second parties top lead the way, lead by example. They should alsohave a team of people who work with 3rd parties on innovative ways to use the controller.
  10. I didnt accuse anyone from saying anything did I And it wasn't as harsh as it sounded in text. I don't care, and know Nintendo won't do this. I was just stating that I wouldn't think it would be a good idea if they did. Hypothetically. They're good work though to the guy who created them, and I'm sure they'd be effective. I just wouldnt want them to do it.
  11. But I dont want Nintendo to attract the gamers that Sony have - the image conscious ones who have sony products to be 'cool'. I agree Nitendo need to imrpove their marketing, but they can do that but still keep it game-orientated - they need to sell their products not an image! Just my belief!
  12. A perfect launch for me would NOT have that many greatgames. Mario and Wario Ware at launch, along with LOTS of 3rd party games - Some classics too would be nice. We need to stagger NIntendos games, a month later comes Smah Bros, a month after that comes Shigsys new game, a motnh after comes another etc. etc. I can really see NIntendo making a few lightgun games. I cant wait till Nintendo show some games!! Hopefully at their WiFi speech in October!
  13. If nintendo advertised like that I would be disppointed. What the fuck has this got to with anything? I respect Nintendo because they dont brand advertise, Sony piss me off because of advertising like this, id hate NIntendo to do the same. Nice try though, im sure some people love it!
  14. Was always going to get the revolution, this justmakes me want it more. Undoubtedly Ill import as soon as the JPN or USA is chippable to play JPN AND USA games. My second console will be a PAL revolution when it comes out (exactly like I did with the N64 and Cube). I would contemplate getting a Xbox or PS3 depending on price and games that are unavailble on rev - namely Pro Evo!!
  15. dazzybee


    Did any of the blogs, aries etc get it right?
  16. Ok, I understand the caution with the controller - the whole, Ill play it/see more before making a judgment. But all people are saying is that the 'potential' is there, the controller is pretty amazing, whether the devlopers use it effectively or not as another (and more important) matter, but the controller itself is pretty incredible and opens up possibilties more than, well, anything. I was going to say the leap to 3d but I think this has the potetnial to take gaming further. Its pretty spectaculr. I just hope it gets used to its full potetnial.
  17. Can you please explain to me how the nex controller was 1d? Oh, and who is the dick who says they dont want to play controls on a remote. Its not a remote, its the shape of a remote but its not. What kind of an argument is that anyway, if I want to play games on a remote ill use my tele?! Do you realise how closed minded you sound?
  18. I dont think they had FPS in mind when creating it, though I think they could be pretty amazing on the system - but im afraid to say it wont be about what has the best control or the best graphics, it will be how does a developer make the most money from the game they are working on (enforced by the publisher) simple as that. Current situation is that NIntendo will not be as well supported, but its a new gerneration and all it will take is a 1st person Killer App to get FPS fans on board and the rest will follow. Enter Zoonami
  19. dazzybee


    Depends on the casing - if its ipod white then Ill get the white one, if its a chep plastic ill get he black - I personally think these colours will be the only ones at launch. As front he controllers, ill undoubtedly get 3 extras at launch - white, black, red and green! I prefer your av RATM.
  20. Thanks for trying pestneb but you didnt do a great job! Basically in a football game you need to do different types of through balls, change player, different crosses, skills, runs, long balls, different tackles etc etc. Im trying but I cant see how it is possible with the rev controller, other than the add on which makes it a normal controller - I dont have a problem with this, but someone said they couldnt see a game that WOULDNT work, well this and probablymany more.
  21. smalldude76 please change your picture, its well annoying I think both will happen - sony and MS will deem it stupid and Nintendo will prove to everyone it is not. We'll see who was stupid if or when they copy the device. I know what I think will happen.....
  22. Ok, the Tele doesnt register the dvice, the sensors do - yes it will work when you point it away and yes it will work on a 80" screen!
  23. I think the controller is as radical (too early to say revolutionary until it actually becomes industry standard) as Nintendo said and most of us said was impossible due to the nature of the internet - millions giving ideas and mockups, but they still out did us.\ Personally I'm extremely excited by this and has literally got me excited about home gaming again - I think it will produce some absolutely stunning games and create new genres. I love the idea of the add-ons and the possiblties with this, and also how nongamers will take to it. The negatives could be that it could have the reverse affect of what nintendo expects - that it will be a lot easier to use, I personally think it could alienate people, I mean, if we didnt read loads about it, see the video would we really know what to do with it? Also, the whole 3rd party issue - if they embrace it, port their games, creta new games, utilise its functions, then Nintendo really could go back to number one, if they dont then it will plant nintendo in 3rd place. Im fine with that, though it would be nice to get the best of both worlds without having to buy two consoles. Personally, I think NIntendo will do it, make it work, it WILL become industry standard and they will rise in popularity.
  24. Ok, how would pro evo work?! I'm as excited as anyone but i think theres a few games that wouldnt work and would NEED the controller shell - simply because of the lack of buttons needed to do the extensive amount of moves!!
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