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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. How is bringing gaming to the masses revolutionary!?! It just isn't. It makes the word so weak, when it shouldnt be, when something is revoltionary it is should have so much weight and impact, not "It makes something really popular."
  2. Make a lot of cash!?! Different to this gen then when Microsoft LOST a hell of a lot of cash!! I see it exactly how McMad does, though I think NIntendow ill close the gap in ALL markets and win comfortably in Japan. Worldwide though I expect PS3 360 - Rev
  3. I would bery surprised if many (or even any) 1st party games used the shell!! The shell is for ports, old sytem games and unadventurous developers like EA!
  4. Hmmm, appreciated as an art form!?! I think it is now as much as it ever was. If you mean 'appreciated' by the masses then who cares what they think really? All sony have done is make gaming popular, which I think has had a more neagtive effect on gaming than a postive one. And I think the analgy is fine, why does it matter that one is newer than the other!?
  5. Overrated?!?! He's 18 for fucks sake!! I hate negative people like you. Well I obviously dont hate you But I hate negativity!! He's done brilliantly for his age! He'll be a world star in tennis guaranteed!! Unless he succumbs to drink and drgs or gets mutilated in a horrific car acciddent!
  6. The DS version is truly truly AWFUL!!!! I bought it, took it back the next day.
  7. Okay, I wont mention other series, but what I hate about all fifas are these comments which I hope you will tell me ARENT in this version!! Can you ACTUALLY take it round people in this - go on runs, or is the tackling to (unrealistically) effective again? Do you have control over where you shoot? Not the 'general' direction, but can you 'choose' top shoot in the bottom left or the top right if you wish?? When you crank up the difficulty does it make your keeper worse and make you passes go astray or does it make the opposition play better football? Can you actually make effective croses, throwins and corners? Are the freekicks still shit? Hmmm, I might come up with more questions later
  8. I HOPE it's called revolution, though I THINK it will be called someting a bit more streamlined and tech-savvy - something like N5 or iGame. I mean, you may as well go the whole hog on ripping off Apple
  9. Batallion Wars is the game I am most excited about - well, apart from Mario Kart DS. I was praying this game would be good, but inside thought it would be pretty crap. By all accounts its brilliant, just dont want to have to wait til December for it!! A rev version would be awesome, sounds likely. Great news!
  10. Though they will be saveable on SD Cards, and one thing I have just thought of, is that we could all get an account with NIntendo, were we actually play them online and we dont need any memory whatsoever, they're all on a special nintendo server!!!
  11. Xino you must be retarded or seomthing. I'd put my life you have ADHD!! No one knows if Res Evil 5 is coming out for the revolution or not, though all signs point to YES it will come out!! I'd be very surprised if it didnt!
  12. Xino, everytime you post you iritate anyone - and you are so effing patronising. How many times do you want to call eevryone kids, I bet were all much older than you you patronising little shit!! Also, how can - it being a remote be a good argument for not liking it when you said it DOENT matter the way it looks? And you can ply games with two hands, with the attachment! Also, don't critisize something you havent played - it might be great, it might be crap, we dont know we havent played it, though we can come up with FAR better and more intelligent reasons why we think we ill like it than your immaturely expressed reasons why you won't. Mate, if you wanna stay round here then please stop acting like a complete tool, dont patromnise and express your opinions in an articlute intelligent way. "but still i still prove nintendo fan that the controler isn't all that" and take English lessons!!
  13. It wasnt the biggest thing to happen to gaming!! Happened IN gaming yes, but not TO gaming. The NES clearly was!! Just because Titanic is the biggest film ever you wouldnt say it held any real importance to the industry and the film world - other than being a fave on film quizes!! The Playstation didnt revolutionise anything - it changed the gaming world in a pretty big way, but it didnt revolutioise it, but I suppose it all depends on ones definition on 'revolutionise'.
  14. Can't believe PS3's up there!! It's going to be interesting the next gen. On a personal level I am VERY excited by the Revolution, I have no interest in the other two consoles, though my hand may be FORCED if some key 3rd party titles don't come over to the Rev. And by Key Titles I really mean Pro Evolution Soccer. Whether it puts Nintendo back to top or it doesnt really affect the economy of the industry I think the Revolution will go down inhistory as the most imortant console since the NES, and I do think Sony and MS will use the idea for teir next consoles OR in the middle of next gen.
  15. Xino - I think speak for everyone. FUCK OFF!! I don't want to reply, but my anger is rising by the second. HARDCORE gamers play anything that is good - most of the games you list above. It is the sheep, the masses who play fucking wank 'adult' games, just to be 'cool', a hardcore gamer won't care about image or whether something is deemed 'kiddy' by small-mind ignaramus' like yourself, the same way a hardcore film fan would watch Disney films!! NOW FUCK OFF!!!
  16. Er, slightly wrong, it's not a retrospective - it's a masturbatory fantasy. The point where it cuts to her frigging herself is the join between the two worlds. The first half is the fantasy (based on reality) of what she wishes her life was like - hence the quite over the top, soap-opera style acting!! The reason everyone plays two characters is because it is said that in dreams we place people we may only see at a glance into people, so her parents become other characters, a guy she glimpses at a party holds a significant role. I could REALLy go into it, but its a little boring and anyways, its all about interpretation.
  17. Hi, Ive Pm'd. If you're doing art and stuff I'd love to see some of your stuff, even if you're too busy but would be up for doing some design work for future projects than that's fine. And the hertfordshire festival is playing at the Uni. I think, the details are at the office!!
  18. Ive got a freeloader but what about may saves!?! And its a bit of a waste of conole isnt it!? A winning eleven machine!?! Oh well, I may go crazy and try and 'fix' the problem!
  19. Stuff the games and specs, when are they going to unveil the controller?!!
  20. Hi guys, hope someone can help or signpost me somewhere else. My Japanese Gamecube wont turn American anymore, the switch is f****d, anyone know how to get it to work? Im guessing opening it up is the way to go but I javent got a clue!!
  21. Xino, dont be such a cock!! Why did Nintendo market it for kids? You're clrearly a sony fanboy who doesnt really know what games are on the cube. Who cares that Res Evil 4 was delayed twice? Please leave!
  22. So true about quantity of games, my mate bought a cube late in the day (last Xmas) and got about 30 games within a month, he ended not really playing anything except pick and play stuff. I'm the same, if I've got a few games to be getting on with. I usually stare at them for half an hour, and then play Winning Eleven or dome some reading/writing!! Anyways, heres my Collection now: Hardware: Orange Spice JPN Cube (modded USA) Purple PAL Cube 5 official controllers - 2 purple, black, orange and purple with see-through back 1 unofficial crap controller Wavebird 3 Bongo's 1 unofficial memory card 3 small official memory cards 2 big official ones 1 HUUUUUUGE official memory card (unavailble in UK) Games JPN Winning Eleven Donkey Konga 1 Donkey Konga 2 USA Resident Evil Tales of Symphonia Tony Hawks 3 Mario Golf 1080 Avalanche Animal Crossing Sonic Mega Collection Metroid Prime Viewtiful Joe Pikmin Rogue Leader Smash Bros Melee Wind Waker F Zero Oot/Master Quest PAL Pikmin 2 XIII Beyond Good and Evil Prince of Persia Second Sight Wave Race Jungle Beat Die Hard Metroid Prime 2 Soul Calibur Pool Paradise Donkey Konga Mario Kart Rocky Eternal Darkness Mario Sunshine Monkey Ball 2 Resident Evil 0 Rogue Squadron 3 Timesplitters 2 Zelda collection Freeloader Plus theres LOADS of games I still want - Res Evil 4, Donkey Konga 2, PNO 3, Killer 7, Fight Night 2 (for Punch Out), Batallion Wars etc etc. Also, virtually every game I own has some exclusive aspect to the Cube!!! Shows where my gaming loves lie!!
  23. The Gamecube was awesome, the only thing that didnt make it as fun as the N64 was that I was at college then and ill my gaming mates were still around so we used to have multiplayer sesh's ALL the time (which is when gaming is at its greatest), weve all moved away now so those moments are rare!! However, I have more games than any other games system Ive ever had (which is a lot, except the SPectrum actually - had hundreds for that Although the N64 WAS incredible, people do remember it fondly, I would say for every great N64 game there are probably 2 for the cube, all the games people have mentioned (though I would add Winning Eleven and Waverace into the equation) its been immense - I'm still playing through games that came out ages ago - Second Sight, Prince of Persia 1!! Compare game franchises Mario N64 wins Zelda Tie (though Cube may still win this) Mario Kart Cube 1080 Tie Lylat Wars N64 FZero Cube Smash Bros Cube Waverace Cube Mario Party Cube Golf Cube Tennis N64 Theres just a few, but Cube IMO is winning, then compare the others - N64 had GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Pilotwings, Blast Corps etc Cube has Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Second Sight, Persia, Mario Football, Batallion Wars. I mean, I could really do a big comparison, doing this I'm even more convinced the Cube is anything BUT a disappointment!
  24. Ok, crap title sorry. People probably dont know me, I NEVER post in here and post sporadically in the game boards. Anyways, I run a theatre and film company, my debut short film (shot on HD last year) has done pretty well, selected at festivals, is up for an award next month and picked up by the BBC to show on their shorts series. Because of this I have just been confirmed full funding from the Film Council - which I am beyond excited about for obvious reasons, and they are interested in my feature film idea (which I am developing over the nbext year to create a package to present to funders and investors (with finanacial package, footage, design, CG sequences etc etc.) Okay, my point is this, I just wondered if there were some rather talented artists on here who would be up for doing some production design shots and/or storyboards!? For the storyboards speed is essential. Also, if there are any people who would love some experience, I MIGHT have an (expenses only) position for assisting or running. Thanks guys, PS If anyone lives in Hertfordshire my films at the festival October 23rd/24th.
  25. Yeah, tell mw why people would buy UMD's? I think they're destined to fail in style!
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