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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Don’t agree. We don’t know whatbwe’ll Be playing first half of this year so was expecting some nice surprises. Whatbregail gsmes do we get? Bayonettas (ports), payday (port), Kirby (fine), donkey Kong (port), dark souls (port) TWEWY (port), Hyrule warriors (port) mario tennis (great). Feels incredibly underwhelming. For me. I’ll be buying tennis if it’s good, and maybe TWEWY. Maybe it’s a good selection of games. But not ignore you owner lol half of them on ds/wii u. There’s nothing there. There’s no big game for the first half of the year. So a huge disappointment. Throw in the fact we all thought we’d be playing virtual console games, never mind still not hearing about it; no updates to the os since launch, still no word on the onmine service.... It was pretty awful really.
  2. Mario Tennis is great news, with story mode!!! Hopefully it isn’t anything like the wii uversiona nd is a proper game of tennis.... Other than that it was extremely disappointing to be honest. to much in the first bit of this year for me.... Where’s Wolfenstein?!
  3. That’s just what the bird does in the game. Think you’re looking way too much into it.
  4. In what way?
  5. Looks nice and loads of space for games. Gave one but might get it.
  6. You men’s their old games? Well of course they can, clearly just a case of when. Presume they’re deciding exactly how to give them us. Individually? Netflix style service? Any new features they want to implement etc.
  7. Similar yeah definitely. Not quite the same. Not as fast or arcadey, but close enough.
  8. I have it, it’s tewlly good yeah if you like arcade sports games.
  9. We can get a group of 6 for private games at this rate. Put 80+ hours into the game and can’t see it slowing down...
  10. It is tough. Buy my biggest problem was that it was really boring. The gameplay wasn’t worth the frustrating difficulty. If this is mega fun but hard I’ll probably stick with it! Probably...
  11. And Fifa you can’t play friends 😫
  12. I bought it too, now I'm scared.
  13. Been delayed to “early January”
  14. Smash OR animal crossing? They’re both coming out in 2018. They need a few big games to launch their paid for service; these two are a perfect fit. And a mario sports title.
  15. Out of stock 😫
  16. They just need to have ALL MODES in casual not just turf. It’s annoying. Private is the best way to play because you can rotate maps and modes every game. It doesn’t affect anything. Just have casual like this. Fucking simple. Arms’ onmine is great because you keep rotating modes. DO THE SAME WITH SPLATOON!!!! So annoying.
  17. Oh I get that completely. It’s jist not for me anymore. The core gameplay isn’t fun enough for the difficulty to be worth. It became a chore and it’s part of my new gaming approach where if I don’t enjoy it then I stop playing - not enough time, far too many games. Cuts have to be made.
  18. I bought this in the sale. Not s fan at all. Looks stunning, love the retro option. But the game I just found pretty dull and w bit infuriating. Dying and getting sent back to so far too much of the level over and over again is not my idea of fun in 2017.
  19. So I want to get my nephews a Nintendo shop card for their new switch; but it appears they are available anywhere - game, online, Nintendo themselves; which is bonkers to me... Am I missing something or have they really stopped doing them? Is there an alternative?
  20. Tiny Metal, isn't that the advice wars rip off? That seems to have come with no fanfare, thought it looked amazing.
  21. I downloaded it too, love what I’ve played so far, it’s basically megaman. It’s almost a little too retro for the big screen, quite pixelated, amazing on the small green though. Not sure about the customising. Can’t seem to do it, don’t have the slots. How do you unlock these? And the extra characters, aesthetic or does it change the gameplay? Either way, bargain!
  22. I’m a bit tired, but are you saying you’re not sure if you like mario odyssey as much as yooka laylee? Anyways, in amazing news Nintendo are releasing the soundtrack on iTunes tomorrow (not sure about other services), in less amazing news, it’s a “select sounds” - I want it all....
  23. Nintendo have launched an official Nintendo Power Podcast charting to devs. First up - Zelda.
  24. I was the same, I will say even more time gone and I start thinking about the positives and getting very excited to see it again; I still don't think it will be amazing; but I think I'll appreciate it a lot more.
  25. dazzybee


    The support for this game has been amazing. Wish I could play it more. Too much to play though...
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