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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. That video is worrying in that they are only using the wiimote!! Please dont be like wii tennis, I hope its just a mode for beginners. You better be able to control your characters cause Ive just sold my 360 version of this game in anticipation!
  2. I want this ganme to be great. But I really cant see it being anything but average. What a waste for Mario and Sonics first game! Should have been Smash and we all know it!
  3. Why didnt you want the DS version? How does the PSP version lok better? I really dont understand, the way the game plays is PERFECT for the DS!! I have the game and its incredible; dont know how good it will be on the wii though, seems like a perfect handheld game to me!
  4. Can I just point out that Metroid is only available in the US. You'll likely have to wait til October for it to come out in the UK. Also, maybe this should go in the Metroid topic, but I'm here now. Anyone else getting annoyed thinking that Nintendo will do EXACTLY what they have done for US over here? Meaning we will get the VC games ages away, and we will get exactly the same videos most of us have already seen? Basically, we're feeding off the hype now for the americans, and we wont get it ourselves!!! I hope Nintendo realise we live in a global world and give us something different
  5. A headset should be bundled anyway! Dagnammit!! I dont understand how you can have co-op play, especially a war game, and not be able to chat with each other!!
  6. In theory could be good fun, like everyone badminton is pretty exciting - Ive always cried out for one - though why in hell can't you control the player? Argh!!! Anyways, as a side note, see the carnival games got 6/10 in Nintendo Power?!?! Interesting
  7. I'm really excited about this game, and hopefull;y we'll more about it at the convention this week. Whats scary though is that of all the release lists that has been popping up, this game is missing from them all!!! It looks like we may not be seeing it this year afterall
  8. I looking more forward to Mario, Metroid and BWii then I am any other game on any console.......except Phantom Hourglass!! MGS3, Halo 3, Bioshock, GTA4 dont even come close for me (though MGS 3 and Bioshock I am looking forward to a lot!) I just want confirmed dates and lots of previews declaring how incredible they all are!
  9. How can the onrail bit be a LOW? Its an extra mode, use it dont use it, but its not taking anything away from the game!! Yeah the split screen is a bummer, I prefer splitscreen than online, I suppose Im just happy that Wii is getting a big online game for the people who di like it. I also think the inrail mode sounds great as I love those games and think the zapper could be awesome
  10. I think it sounds great - 32 player online? 2 games for the price of one - the normal game and the light gun esque version of it. Reckon the control scheme is amazing. Sounds awesome to me!
  11. Real Why would it be fake? It makes no sense whatsoever for it to be fake.
  12. It's not really a hint, more of him telling us This game seems to e absolutely chocker - they're ramming everything in this game arent they? Great though, I just dont see where they can go from here for the next one, or should I not worry about that?
  13. How have you got it Owen?
  14. Looks good, not as good as Eledees but props to Konami for actually trying. I'd much prefer Eledees and Dewey's than Metal gear Solid 4!
  15. Play is worth it as you get another wiimote with it and its £30 in Blockbuster so you're basically getting Wii Play for free. Sonics great so you have a good one there. Godo games? Trauma Centre, Excite Truck, Eledees, SSX Blur, Call of Duty 3, Red Steel, Koroinpa, Godfather, Scarface....... Depends on what 'type' of games you like. If you plan on multiplayer then Warioe Ware, Rayman, Big brain Academy and especially Mario Strikers are well worth it. As a question why not Zelda, the games is incredible? PS My birthday is on the 14th too
  16. This game doesnt seem to have much interest on this board, I personally am very excited. The first 3rd party Wii game, 10 player online possibly (minimum 6), Excitebike pedigree (I still love that game now!!!), Excite Truck influenece - what ISNT there to be excited about? Also, progressive scan and 16:9 modes confirmed!! This could be a bigger sleeper hit then eledees!! New screen shots and interview on wii.ign.com
  17. It wasnt £25 in my virgin - £35!
  18. Cancelled my choices order as they are awiting stock!! Its £35 in Game, anyone know how much it is in Tesco - they are often £30 thats all, prob gonna pick it up on the way home. Or Toys R Us, anyone know?
  19. Sounds great, stick with it, I run a theatre and film company and I organise events all the time, I'm currently doing a month long arts festivals with over 50 events so I can appreciate how hard it is to get things off the ground and moving. So well done for doing it off your own back and going along, whatever happens though, don't give up. if only a few turn up then more will turn up the next time and more the time after that - word of mouth is ridiculously powerful! Invite your local paper and radio (often ignored but radio is great free adveertising) to come to your bowling practice nights, take a picture and do a=n article encouraging people to attend! Good luck and can't wait to her how it goes. And your posters look great too
  20. Thats the funniest post Ive ever read I think!
  21. I can't beleve noone has mentioned Uni Rally! Props to the guy who said UN Squadron, great game. Others: Atraiser, Cybernator, Desert Strike, Lawnmower Man, Aladdin (way better than the shit megadrive version), Flashback, another world....... I could go on!
  22. Underarted games huh? I though Hulk Ultimate Destruction was a great game, really well done. I also loved Second Sight. And last on my list is Pool Paradise (best pool game ever!) Oh, and maybe even XIII - great little FPS I agree with a lot of the games mentioned - Jungle Beat and Wave race in particular!
  23. I love the Wii, I genuinely believe I will look back and delcare it to be th ebest console ever, and I've had 90% of all consoles and handhelds (even thr Jaguar and Lynx) - the Wii is just awesome and ignited my love for gaming again (after getting a little bored over the years). BUT thats not what this thread is about, here is what I would like updating! - For the connect24 to actually be connected 24 hours a day! - To send and receive pictures via email/message board - Updated Mii features (more comprehesinve) - A better online service would be good, though in practice I'm not that bothered really! - Cheaper VC games would be nice - A hardrive would b good as EVERYONE says - but more importantly I would like to be able to play off the SD card - both saves and VC games
  24. Preordered, can't wait. Loved the DS version and this looks even better! This game can only be made for Wii too, which is awesome, I love seeing peoples reactions on games that have previously been impossible!
  25. I cannot believe anyone would even think about getting another version other than the Wii. Please tell me why you would even want a didfferent version because my brain cant comprehend it. Have you played Madden on the Wii? Have you seen the extra modes the Wii version is getting?
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