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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. I've been learning Japanese for a while now. I'm useless, but I reckon I could get by with a bit of hand gesticulation
  2. My site is http://www.blueprintfilm.co.uk It's my video production companies site.
  3. But if people want GTA, GT, MGS and dont want Mario, Brawl, BWii, Mario Kart, RE: UC, Zack and Wicki then WHY THE FUCK HAVE THEY GOT A WII!!!!! We are getting EVERYTHING we've EVER had as Nintendo fans and MORE!! What the fuck are people moaning about?!?! Its infuriating to read day after day about pretentious wankers on these forums saying "I'm a hardcore gamer and nintendo only make casual agmes and because I'm, better than people who play Brain training I must praise the amazing games on the 360 - shooter after shooter after shooter" - you are small minded and just plain WRONG! PS When I say "You" I'm not talking about you Petey
  4. Hey, I'm going to japan for a couple of weeks (3 days after Galaxy - Argh!!!!), firstly i wondered if anyone will be out there at the same time. But mainly I wanted to ask if anyone has been before and if anyone had any advice on going. I'm going alone - my girlfeind can't afford it and I've been working stupidly hard and I need a break, plus Ive been saying I'm going to japan for about 4 years now and I just thought I'm going to go, and with work being stupidly busy I have an opening to go so I'm just going to do it!! Its pretty intimidating going on my own so i thought I'd ask for advice. Any help would be much appreciated. PS While I'm out there I'm probably going to get some DS games - Band bros expansion pack, Ouendan 2 and Taiko drum game. Anyone have any other recomendations of Japan games?
  5. I dont understand - gamers piss me off so much. So people are complaining that its just a bit of plastic?!! What?! Isnt that a GOOD thing? If it was exactly the same thing with a wiimote built into it like Petey said then people would be going mental saying nintendo are trying to rip us off. The only reason the guncom pr pther light guns arent JUST a bit of plastic is because the relative console pads dont have the right tech in them, the wiimote does so toi have that extra bit of emmersion all we need is the "bit of plastic" same way that the steering wheel is just a bit of plastic and why we arent getting maracas with Sambe De Amigo - WE DON'T NEED THEM!!! nintendo really can't win with some people!! And logic is baffling by some posters on here. Now if people think the Zapper is just plain shit then thats a different talking point PS I'm definitely getting this game! And I want 4 Zappers!!!
  6. I'm still secretly hoping and even expecting this to be a bit of a surprise. I'm looking forward to it anyway and pretty glad its delayed so they can improve it, but also because theres too many games coming out before xmas as it is. My only fear is it coming out close to mario kart.
  7. This game is incredible. The controls never fail to amaze me, everytime I open a door with the wiimote I cant but smile every...single...time! Also, does anyone want to swap friend vouchers with me?
  8. Be careful with official compenent cables if you have a home cinema system - the design of them is AWFUL! You can't split the audio to put into the home cinema meaning you need to get extenders!!!
  9. I heard ages ago it was off and on with LAN because I was particularly excited about that. BUT I am positive (though cant remember where) that I read somewhere multiplayer is online ONLY!! Which would be balls. Theyve truly cocked up the potential for this game. Why arent you listening to us nintendo! WHY!!!!!?
  10. I dont really I didnt mean the Wii HDMI cable. Right, I have the Wii component cable. My home cinema kit with DVD player connects to the TV with a HDMI cable. My Wii component cable cant split its audio (red and white) directly into the DVD player (which the 5.1 is wired to) as theres a stupid plastic bit (though i can get extenders if needed). What I am asking is, is anyone else here got a similar set up and what are the doing? And also, if my wii is connected to the TV via component and the TV is conncted to the DVD player and accompanying sound system via HDMI, will the wii output its sound through the amazing sound system or still through the tele? And basically what is th best way of setting the whole thing up
  11. Too late, bought the tele and a shit hot sound system and the teles great - Super Paper Mario and Metroid look amazing! As for the sound system I need some more advice - the (useless) guy in the shop didnt tell me you didnt get a HDMI cable so I dont have one, anyway the Wii component cables are AWFULLY designed you cant split the audio cables enough to put directly into the DVD player. Now Im hoping if i put a HDMI cable the Wii will go through the surround sound, it doesnt with a Scart. Does anyone know if it DOES? I'm a bit worried that I need to go directly into the DVD player. If so why the fudge would Nintendo not let their component cables split!?!?
  12. Goron, why would you love to see what Retro could do on the 360? Make worse games is the only thing i can think of. You said you played Metroid 3 - its amazing BECAUSE of the controls!! The 360 would be a massive backward step in my eyes. But yeah, it woud lok a little prettier...
  13. Pit, other than Mario Party NONE of those games get released every year! Theres only ever been ONE Baseball, ONE Battallion Wars, ONE Strikers!! And they wont be seeing yearly updates. Wario Ware only usually has one per system and Metroid has released three on 5 years (or is it 6 years)? And also you conveniently dont mention Super Mario games, Zelda games, Pikmin etc etc.
  14. Great news I guess. Would love to see how third party games have done though.
  15. Virgin dispatched mine yesterday so hopefully it'll be there when I get home. Though I'm going to hold off playing it as I'm getting a 42" tv for my bedroom tomorrow so Im going to play it when I'm all set up to go!
  16. Thanks for all the advice guys. I'm going with a 42" Panasonic veira, picking up some component cables tomorrow and not playing prim till I'm all set up. Also going to go with a surround set too! The comedy is that my room is pretty small, its going to be like a cinem in there I may take a picture to show the pure comedy of what it will look like in there! Cant wait though! PS Could anyone recomend me the best, cheap surround sound kit for the Wii. Thanks for the recomendation redge but wondered if there were any other bargains out there, if not I'll go with your suggestion.
  17. Something I have been thinking for MONTHS! Jordan, why do yu moderate on a Wii forum? You are one of the most negative Wii people here and constantly bumming the 360, now everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are intelligent and rational in your response but its doing my head in a little, you put such a downer on things sometimes when I want to get excited about games - NOTHING in anything thats not in HD pleases you. I dont go in the 360 forums and declare how much the games bore me to tears, which they do yet I'm still a sucker and keep buying them, because whats the point!? You're a great poster, but stop being so down and anti Wii!
  18. I havent bought my Wii for the future - I loved Zelda, better than gears of Warm better than Bio Shock and infintely better than Halo 3 IMO. I also love Eledees, Excite Truck, Mario Strikers, Super paper mario ,Wario Ware, truama Centre - I love the fact the games cost £30 tops and fun cheap games like Koroinpa, brain Academy etc are also awesome little games. Scarface is better than Crackdown because of the controls, Res Evi4 is amaizng on the Wii BECAUSE of the controls!!!! This is now and the past and I love it. I play my 360 for Pro Evo (though havent for months) and the odd great game Bio Shock and Gears, but I seriously wish I could control them with the wiimote!
  19. How old are you dynatygirl, seriously? Yous ound very very young which woulld explain your insanely ridiculous comments, and if you are 9 or 10 maybe people should stop picking on you. Though I did find it hilarious when you said: "So maybe get informed before spouting your mouth off." That is irony at its most clear! Seriously, you clearly have never, EVER played the Wii - you amazing argumnets include google images, the Wii adverts, the fct it looks like a similar size to your home phone, and a website that has pictures of Wii destruction! I would recomend leaving this thread and only post on topics you can talk sensibly on because you're just going to (and already have) annoy people; though actually, I find you pure comedy so stick around!! Anyway, back on topic. Yes I love my Wii - I have over 20 games, I'm getting another ten in the next 2 months and I have shed loads of VC games - clearly more than I have time for, very happy, very excited about whats to come and the Wii has got me back in to gaming when i was thinking of stepping out!! Thank you Nintendo!!!
  20. No Red Steel didnt get 39/40! Thats an awesome score, I know this game is going to be the best ever, I can feel , this just convinces more so! This game is going to sell insane amounts of copies!!
  21. Virgin have really peed me off, prordered Zelda and metroid and Zelda STILl isnt here! Wankers! Also, you can't cancel on the site - you have to call, and they take the money straight away. Really annoyed, I bought it on the day anyway, couldnt wait, luckily I can use the virgin one for my girlfriends bday next month. If metroid aint here on friday Ill buy it from tesco and take it it back to tesco when my virgin one arrives - whenever that may be! Never using virgin again!!
  22. I'm wanting to buy a tele because I really want to appreciate the games in their full 460p glory!!! So, any ideas on whattele really works for the Wii as Ive heard some teles are better than others. My local panasonic shop has a half price sale on last years model (42" for £750), was thinking of this as a bit of a bargain but thought I'd check with you guys first for some advice.
  23. Its only £15 on PLAY. If this came out a few mnths ago I would have definitely picked it up, but even for the bargain price I just cant rationalise it! Would be good to hear more feedback from others and updated impressions from your self tapedeck, Im always up for being convinced to ge something
  24. Yup, I am going to have over 40 games for the Wii come xmas day - after ONE year - yeah....some game drought!!! I will also have about 40 DS games. I've recently got Fifa, Paper Mario and Zelda - here are th rest I'm getting....gulp! DS: Pro Evo and CoD 4 - not too many, though I do have my eye on Konami Classics and Word Coach Wii: Table Tennis, Mario, metroid, M&S Olympics, Rayman 2, Ghost Squad, Res Evil, Smackdown, Endless Ocean, Links Crossbow training, guiatr Hero 3, Zack and Wicki, Star Wars Saga, Simpsons..... Dependent on reviews - Nitro Bikes, Word Coach, Tomb Raider That is stupid!!! I would think it would be okay if there wasn't games after xmas - but theres Nights, BWii, Mario Kart, Wii Fit, Smash Bros...... Then in the spring Bully, Okami and who knows what!!! Ive never Gaming to be this good!!!! I have to start making some serious sacrifices in my gaming choices!!!
  25. I think the game looks good in a lot of ways and I LOVE Excitebike 64; but the signs arent brilliant - not much about it, no platest, low price....... I would really like it to be amazing as I have a little softspot for alternative motoracing games - well, excitbike and waverace!
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