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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Nintendo are running out of time to tell us about next year. Is there any more events this year? What happened to their specific Smash bros event? Why arent Nintendo teasing us with future products? I dont understand!
  2. True, but they dont produce it as proficently as nintendo do in such varied styles and genres and for so long! Nintendo reinvented the indutray, evolved and revolutionised it. With the DS and Wii they are truly changing it again. Nintendo do it in both hardware and software and true innovators. They're pretty fucking inspiring wichever way you look it at it.
  3. This game is awesome, I;m on 6-3 on Normal. The game is hard. I just love it, the control is utter perfection, and I love the Wii missions too! I can't wait for the sequel - see what they do when they concentrate on the Wii. Also interested to see how they can add variety and freshness into the operations - I mean there can't be that many things to do!
  4. Mario Galaxy WILL outsell Halo 3. And my Wii is broken now because of said sexual relations I have 360 and Wii and I think the Wii is better FOR ME as a gamer - I am one of those people who really does find normal controllers a little boring (I was getting VERY bored of gaming and thinking of stopping until the DS came out and reignited the fire - and funnily that was in the first year which people say was when the DS was SHIT! I had the foresight then telling everyone it was the future of gaming! It revolutionised it and made gaming fun and fresh again! And look what happened, to me its so obvous the Wii is going to do the same, so blatantly obvious I find it baffling that people can't see it and moan about no games!!!!); Gears of War is very very good, but I honestly have much more fun on Trauma Center! People say there arent any great games, I think theres a lot of great games, but people are expecting too much! And to say Nintendo is a shit piblisher is simply the most ridiculous thing in this whole thread, nay, board! Nintendo can only be outdone by themselves - the only thing that beats Zelda is another Zelda; the only thing that could be better than mario 64 is Mario Galaxy (hell, Sunshine is better than ANY other 3d platformer and we slate it!!) even when they try there hand at motorbikes, trucks, jet skis, snowboards, tennis, golf anything and they produce absolute class 90% of the time - NO ONE can say the same. People may say but camelot made this, Leftfield made that, Sega made Fzero - yes yes, but if you think Nintendo had no involvment in their own franchises, helped in no way, didnt give them that added bit of magic that only Nintendo has then you are very cynical!
  5. Argh! For a while now I have lots of pixelation on my games (started when Strikers came out), at first I thought it was my RGB cable so I changed it and it was still playing up so I thought it may have been my socket so used the cable that came with the Wii and it was still like it; I then thought I needed a new tele, its an old one and I was looking for an xcuse to get a shit hot tele as theres a sale on the panasonic shop. But tonight I decided to check on downstairs tele and it is still effed up! Its my Wii!!! I dont understand but its awful - dots all over the screen, its getting worse. Has anyone else had this? Anyone know what it is? Is the best thing for me to call Nintendo or email? Whats going to happent to my VC games? How long will i take? So many questions!!!! I'm really pissed off!!! Ive never had anything break on my like this before, ever!
  6. "For most sports gamers, the Wii is little more than a novelty; an amusing yet insubstantial distraction that can't keep pace with the big new-gen hitters. The latest version of Madden is further evidence." 1up review God I fucking HATE 1up. They speak so much bullshit. On topic its a shame this hasn't lived up to the potential as last years Madden was awesome!!
  7. USA Cards DO work with UK Cubes and Wii's. All accesories are region free.
  8. I wasnt on about this thread mate, the thread is great; I knew you were joking, I was just saying 'gernerally', people who say some games are for casuals and some are for serious gamers, and that bothers me.
  9. That says it all Fair enough, but my main greavance is people saying Wii isnt the right console for hardcore games, which I think is ridiculous. Wii is home to both, surly thats the best thing - we get the casual games to sell lots of Wiis meaning more companies will make games for it, AND we get some really great "hardcore" games. Ubisoft are wankers but Konami, Capcom, obviously Nintendo, Take 2/Rockstar, EA, Sega etc etc they're still making quality, innovative games for the Wii!!! We DONT (or at least shouldnt) need a 360 as well, though great if you can afford both. Wii should and will provide everything!........Except halo............ And GTA4, MGS 4, GT and a few other over rated franchises
  10. Yeah I HATE all this casual game, hardcore game bull; is it really dirty to like Brain Training or Rayman Raving Rabbids? Am I not a serious gamer because I have more fun playing Kororinpa than I did playing Crackdown? PS Id say the DS invented it if anything
  11. How is Pilotinwgs a casual game? Any creation software would be fine with me - Stage Debut anyone? Yeah music makers. Brain Training Wii? But if you mean casual like minigames collection the a Wii version of 42 games in 1 would be good!
  12. I'm not upset really, but I can't believe what you posted! Compare the games 360 in its first year and I bet it didn't lok as rosy as the Wii'd catalogue now! I've followed Nintendo since the beginning, and I think the software library looks very healthy and varied. It seems to me that people think that the casual games mean they're replacing the "hardcore" (god I hate that phrase); when i think we're getting both! I mean, does hardcore really mean amazing graphics and online play? No it doesn't! For me Zack and Wicki 'looks' more hardcore than say Gears of War - when it comes to VIDEOGAMES it shouldnt be about how it looks, or how emmersive the story is (though they certainly help) its how they PLAY! Zacki and Wicki seems to be doing more in ternms of play than they extremely derivative Gears of War! I mean its like saying Transformers (or replace with other hollywood bullshit) is better than Fight Club because its had more money spent on it, it looks amazing and has a really believable alternative world!
  13. I'm sorry but this is bullshit! Red Steel is one of the most popuar 3rd party games and Zelda, surely is the most popular 1st party (and dont even TRY to say its Wii Play!!). Thats the kind of narrowminded viewpoint Ubisoft has! I thought of all people, someone with the name hero-of-time wouldn't think something like that. Its ridiculous! This may have already been said as I replied as soon as I read this post; but if it IS made for minigames why, in the first year will we see such games Zelda, mario, Metroid, Smash Bros, Resident Evil, Scarface, Godfather, manhunt 2, Call of Duty 3 etc etc. And as if FPS NEED online, what a sack of shit! And the Wii can't do great visuals?
  14. I got the game for my brthday, really enjoying it, but one thing I dont get it saving? Do you only save when youve accompalished something? If so how long is it between each save as I can see it getting a little annoying waiting to save!
  15. The prpblem is that Nintendo catn make enough consoles to supply the demand, they could advertise like crazy but what is the point when they'll sell the consoles anyway?!?! I suppose making people aware what games are out so people dont buy a rival console instead, but its a tricky situation for Nintendo!
  16. metroid, I guess you meant rarely! Using really changes the meaning of you post completely, confused me at first. I'm hoping this game is going to be awesome, I have doubts, but still hoping and excited!
  17. Whens this out in the UK, it doesnt seem to be on the official release list. Theres around 20 Wii games I want before xmas, I need to start prioritising! This will surely be purchased though.
  18. Brilliant news. Though is now added to the 14 MUST BUYS on ~Wii before xmas and the 10 possiblys! I need to get saving!!! What would be great if they listed all of the cuts they have had to make!
  19. Yeah I loved that - well its obviously not human mate, its loads of fucking leeches forming together This game looks awesome, especially with the Wii Zapper! I dont understand peoples probelms with it!
  20. Games I NEED on Wii: Pilotwings, Punchout, Waverace, Pikmin, Castlevania, Starfox (64 style), Eternal Darkness, Virtua Tennis Games I would LIKE: Fzero, Excitbike, Luigis Mansion 2, Lots of lightgun games, lots of point and click style adventure games, lts of rythm games, more killer FPS Obviously I would love lots of new IP - I would like a gmes like the DS's Dimentium on Wii where you control just the flashlight in first person - would be terryifying, and loads of awesome adventure games, RPGS, platformers etc.
  21. Phew!!! There are 3 control schemes and the one shown is th emost basic and for the casuals. There are two advanced settings, the latter of which gets you controlling the character and the direction, andgle, spin, power of the shot with the wiimote!! Please nail it rockstar and show everyone the Wii is where games shoudl be!!!
  22. But Wii Tennis was part of a package with 5 other games, and it was FREE!!!! If you dont control the players in this its fucking ridiculous! And all swinging does is hit it, with spin done on the dpad and power done on buttons - thats the stupidist thing ive ever fucking heard! So how do you pit spoin and do a soft shot! Would love to try that A button and Dpad at the same time! Well done Rockstar!!! Well done!!!! Is this control confirmed?
  23. We've recently bought a 360, after the footy season ended i stopped playing the only game I seriously played (Pro Evo), Gears of War never grabbed me and it just doesnt excite me in the same way the Wii does - seriously, the controls just feel so boring after the Wii! They really do. I look forward to Bioshock, but I know Metroid will blow it our of the water! I have fun playing the Wii - I can play average games and still have more fun with it because of the controls!! So there is no dilema, I just dont play 360 really, my hosuemate does, but the WIi is still the console of choice in our house!
  24. I hate to say I told you so...... I REALLy want this game, but to be honest it'll probably do the game some good - now they better give us a good reason for it, and announce the best god damn headset weve ever seen!!! Unless the delay is to make it more accesible for the casual gamer!! I'm kidding...... I think!
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