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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Has anybody played this and Tiger Woods? Which ones best? I've played Woods and although it's really good, I have some major issues with it.
  2. I'mn so glad at all the postive buzz this game is getting, it IS the type of game Nintendo has been missing for years (Res Evil 4 excepted) and it will do really well, I sometimes feel games like this, Res Evil, Guitar Hero are the types of games that kick nintendo into realising there is a huge hardcore market on the Wii as well. Nothing frustrtaes me more hearing devleopers talk at how the Wii's audience is the casual gamers and expanded audience so they're trying to make their game "pick-up and play", and hearing that Nintendo are saying similar things (Re: HAMMER cancellation rumour) it was very disheartening!! I only want the Wii - and I want every god damn game on the machine!!!
  3. The game looked shit, but if the reason is true then that is very worrying - I love the expanded audience games, but I also love huge involving games too. Nintendo always said it was the 'and' company - it better not be getting yen signs in its eyes and going for the big sales.
  4. This game looks awful, truly, truly awful! Why oh why it aint a bongo game I dont know, but even that wouldnt save this I dont think!
  5. Theres a few people here who clearly havent played loads of Wii games and love a good bitch. What I must say about this get a 360 bullshit is we did EXACTLY that, had 3 Wiis since launch in our house, played it all the time, have loads of games and loving the machine; decided to get a 360 about 2 months ago with Gears, Cracksown, Pro Evo, Table tennis, PGR 3, Arcade, Ghost Recon...... and we never play the thing!!!! Anyways each to their own. Wii games - Zelda is amazing Eledees is also amazing, if you can be "mature" enough to look past the 'childlike' presentation. SSX Blur probably comes in next (and yes Uber Tricks are relatively easy to pull off after only a small time with it - did you give it a go?). Excite Truck is a great if basic arcade racer. Madden is surprisingly brilliant (and I HATE American Football). Mario Strikers is also awesome - when the servers arent playing up is a brilliant online title. Only good with freinds or online connection though. Tiger Woods seems pretty good, has some problems but still good fun. Not played it much though. Sonic is the best 3d sonic by a mile, not played through it all yet, but I really like it Kororinpa is a great game IF you like simple puzzlers, which I do. It's worth £20 (what I paid) Wario Ware - not much too it, but a guarnteed hit with friends For me, thats an awesome set of games, I really don't understand all this whining about the games library. If you expect loads of AAA games then I suppose thats disappointing, but if you expected that then you must be pretty niave. And I havent got started on Cube games and VC games you could get!
  6. Thanks for all yourhelp guys, I'm pretty flexible where to be honest, though the places near Oxford street sound perfect. Thanks again, Darren
  7. Hi, just wondered if anyone knew of any great game shops in london that are pretty cheap and also sell retro games. Cheers, Darren
  8. What score did it get in ONM? What ere the pros and cons? I'm still undecided about this, have it and finished it on the cube. It sounds amazing, but.....
  9. Anyone fancy typing that up? I'll time you =)
  10. What is pro mode? Just a harder setting? I still don't know whether or not I want this game, have it on the Cube. I really enjoyed it though and could easily play through it again.... Don't know, maybe if I see it as a bargain! Or sell the cube version for roughly the same price as the Wii version brand new (are they still selling well?)
  11. IGN are pretty good, but I also HATE the new system of having Australian and Uk scores for the games - its such a shit way of doing it - have ONE score!!!! This game will be the sleeper hit of 2007 =) Not even halo 3 will be able to stop it
  12. I think he means 2 armies - with 4 players on each earmy (I think). I'm really looking forward to this game - outside of the big 3 and Super paper mario, this is my next anticipated game; loved the first one (though still haven't finished it) and they seem to have improved everything about the game
  13. I think Red steel and (especially) Rayman are great little games for launch personally. The other games may not be great but I won't compain to a little software filler this early on. I cant complain too much, though they really have to start producing quality in 2008 or there really will be trouble - Red Steel 2 could save the day for them I feel, they'll learn from their own mistakes and take valuable tips from Metroid and No More heroes/Dragon Quest/Lightsaber game - here's hoping anyway!
  14. I really realy like this game, but why, and this is a criticism of nintendo in gerneral, do they leave out really obvious customisation in the multiplayer? Why can't I organise a cup with my friends and play through it, or a league - and determine how many games etc etc.? It's so easy and obvous and Nintendo ALWAYS miss out stuff like this!! ARgh!!! So annoying because the game is so good!!!
  15. No, completely different audience, it'll do just fine. I wonder how many online it will be - probably two but would be great to have 8!
  16. Who cares of they've been banging on about Smash not having motion controls, doesn't mean a thing, they did exactly the same thing with twilight princess, look what happened there Also Viper, I think metroid 3 has had a MAJOR facelift on the visual front - the fact it uses the same engine don't mean shit - it will be modified and enhanced. Saying that it clearly is bullshit!
  17. I'm more excited about the LAN personally, we have three Wiis in our house in three rooms, we can just shout at each other!! It's gonne be awesome!!! Calling all developers, please include LAN in every Wii online game!!! AND Split screen!!
  18. Surprised noone's commented on the front page news that this has LAN (Thank God) and online play for all multiplayer modes!! Awesome news, I love the first one and this should improve on it in every way!!!
  19. Yeah, sounded 'possible' until the Zelda thing at the end - Nintendo simply won't have any info on that for a whie, and if it did it certainly would wait for a big concention, whether E3 or Leizpig (sp). As for E3, it will al be about metroid, Mario and Smash - and Nintendo would be very sensible to confirm all 3 for all regions before 2008 (except maybe Metroid in JPN). If any slips for us it will be Mario and thats the one I want the most! E3 also needs to see nintendo really pushing its online stuff and showing more games coming soon for 2008. And it will. I dont expect any major surprises, but just a solid, enticing showing. Wouldn't mind a hardrive too as the system memory is stupidly low - also an update to play VC games from SD card would be great!
  20. Where abouts in north lincolnshire are you based Link64uk? I live in Lincoln, recently moved from grimby and have offices based in Barton.
  21. Hi guys, great to see people making films, watched most in this thread. I run a video production company making shorts - we get funding from the lottery and The Film Council (which is actually Lottery oney as well). I've just got back from Cannes Film Festival where my last short film played - Invisible - you can see a clip of it at our website http://www.blueprintfilm.co.uk My first short LINK also played on BBC and Sky, in fact it is currently playing on Propeller - SKY Channel 169 (I think). Anyways, here are 2 short films on YOUTUBE. They were both made for a bit of fun and nowhere the production of our main films, I am in both of these films too, so unfortunately you get to see what I look like - well, in one of them anyway Bon Appetit This is a film me and my friends devised and created on a week long holiday in France - we were drunk for the most part =) Key Bowl A young couple go to a swingers party and get a surprise. This was made as part of a 48 hour film challenge. Would appreciate any feedback. Cheers guys and look forward to seeing more of your films. Darren
  22. Yeah I preordered and its shipped. I'm really excited about this game still
  23. Eledees is DEFINITELY out on Friday, why isn't it on the release schedule? Cant wait for this game - even though I havent played through Excite Truck, Sonic, Kororinpa or SSX Blur!!!! Argh!! Need to get playing again.
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