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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. How.come.I.cant.see.the.vids?
  2. But Borat ISN'T just a very funny film, it's an extremely clever satire and the writing and direction and editing ARE amazing!!!!!!!
  3. I agree completely with the guy who said games should be compared with other games not neccesarily of the same genre, in film reviews it's how good is this film, not how good is this horror-comedy or epic, they're all judged equally, a film may be a great spoof but only the spoofs which do a hell of a lot more would get a great mark as the genre is too shallow to warrant a great film, same with pure kids films, they'll never get a good review, ever, only the 'family' films can - aka Pixar, Disney etc. Burnout 3 does NOT deserve a 10 in any way in my eyes, same way Mario Kart wouldn't desrve a ten - the form doesn't allow it to even compete with the Zeldas, marios, halos etc. It would have to do a HELL of a lot more, something which Gran Tourismo tries to do. Now as a disclaimer I much prefer Mario Kart, Fzero and Burnout to Gran Tourismo but I understand how they are great fun and GT is doing something well above that, I just find GT boring and not my thing, same way people prefer Scary movie to Citizen Kane...
  4. I'm gutted too, but in the long run it will be best, there's already so many games coming out, the trickle of Trauma Centre, Pangya Golf and Excite Truck after xmas will be awesome!!!
  5. Nintendodrk are you joking? If you've been paying as much attention to IGN's coverage as you make out you'll find that they HAVE mastered bowling, so much in fact they can get a strike every time as they've found the 'cheat'!! I think this game will be good fun for a while, good in multiplayer and an absolute cert for getting non-gamers to play Wii - genius freebie by Nintendo!
  6. Why shouldn't we? For some of us we are only getting one console - the Wii, the more succesful Nintendo is the more support the Wii will get. Also, some people have brand loyalty; some people really don't like what Sony has done (and is doing) to the industry; some uf us morally want certain companies to not be as successful. You don't care? Fine, but don't say no one should........
  7. Me and housemates are all chipping in: 2 x Wii's + Wii Sports 4 x extra controllers and nuchuks (1 of which from wii play) 2 x Zelda Wii Play Red Steel Monkey Ball Far Cry CoD3 Marvel Alliance Rayman Possibly GT Series pro and Tony hawks Get a few thousand Wii points and a selection of VC games Classic controller Lots of beer and shit food and won't stop playing, there's going to be 8 if us that weekend and we've all taken the time off work!!! Its going to be awesome. It better be good!! As a side note, anyone know when Pangya golf is coming out - it would be up there with Zelda for must get if it was at launch!!!
  8. I thought it looked really good, yeah the graphics are average at best, but that's fine with me - if its funvto play, which it looks like then that'll do me!!
  9. I never liked target anyway, bowling and monkey fight all the way for me. Though ive heard nothing about monkey fight in this version This is 100% coming my way on launch day!
  10. WHat I find funny is that he says Micro machnes got a good review 71% and micro machines a bad one at 84% I'm very happy with those scores, would love to read what they say though. Hope they haven't given 90% cause they got the exclusive. That would be depressing as I really want the game to be great.
  11. Chuckie Egg is one of my all time favourtie games!! I had it on the Spectrum!! Now I'd love if they had spectrum games on there - Chuckie Egg, Bomb Jack, Jest Set Willy, Jet Pack, Attic Attack, Treasure island..... Amiga would also be awesome - cannon fodder, syndicate, pirates...... The potential for the VC is amazing game wise and frightening money wise!!! And clown like pennywise......... .....Sorry......
  12. Saracsm can be written. I really really like Sony!!! See...... Do people actually believe there is something we don't know of significant scale? Bloomin eck!! Roll on for the Wii to be finally out, 1. Because I really want the damn thing, and 2. So we can talk about games rather than megatons!!!!
  13. This made me laugh! Not many (if any) games make it to Zeldas level on any console throughout the entire span of its life nevermind just at launch!! The launch is awesome - astonishing one player adventure, lots of multiplayer goodness (sports, rayman and Monkey Ball) a selection of high quality FPS (Red Steel, CoD3, Far Cry) the Cube couldn't match in its entire life, a Splinter Cell some are calling the best in the series and a collection of other games that may not be amaizng but fun little titles. And I haven't even mentioned the Virtual Console!!! It baffles me that anyone can complain about it - disappointed Excite Truck, Trauma Centre, Pangya Golf aren't there but it is awesome! And the packaging is awesome too......
  14. I'm really lloking forward to this game, i think it'll be awesome. Need to know when this and Trauma Centre are coming out here....Or a freeloader-esque device!!!
  15. I think it's a really strong lineup - how many games do people want? I REALLY want Trauma Centre and Excite Truck but there's good 5-8 games I'll be getting at launch!! Isn't that enough? Remember Far Cry and CoD3 are getting some awesome playtests. I'm just happy Marvel Alliance and CoD3 haven't been delayed....
  16. Guys are you insane, do you actually believe the wiimote exploded? If you can't see this as a piss take then.... Well I don't know, but it's clear as day to me.
  17. James, I agree completely and something I think of a lot, LAN play. The only time I ever did it wa on F1 and Destruction Derby on the PS1 - awesome. It all being wireless means it should be even easier. Also, my housemate is getting one too se we could LAN play all the time! Surely its relatively easy to implement.
  18. Thats not the launch list is it? Wheres Marvel Alliance? Trauma Centre? Excite Truck?
  19. So components best, then Svideo then composit? What connection is component? We're moving house and getting all HD'd up - tele, Sky, possibly a 360 with Pro Evo. Do I need to ask if it will work with 460p or will it undoubtedly, Wii is the main console and I want it to look as good as it can - how do I do this? Thanks
  20. 1up talk shit - who do you believe rests on one comment made by their amnazing previewer "It feels a lot more intuitive to press a button to throw a grenade than to press a button, pull your arm back, and throw your wrist forward in a straight line, after all." This is one of the most ridiculous things I've read with regards to the Wii and a classic example of missing the point. If you agree with this statement then you shouldn't get a Wii, of on the other hand throwing the grande with the wiimote sounds brilliant then ignore everything 1up has to say!!
  21. Some games being delayed is fine with me, over 20 launch games is a lot ( I was happy with N64's 3!!!) and it's goot to spread them out. The reason we're getting a lot is mainly for the multiplayer aspect - marvel alliance wouldn't usually be a game I'm interested in but the fact its multiplayer co-op got me interested, though saying that the game does actually look really good, and great use of the wii-mote.
  22. Aaah, that explains it. I'm planning on buying quite a few: Zelda, Monkey Ball, Red Steel, Marvel Alliance, CoD 3, Wii Play, Wario Ware, Excite Truck, Trauma Centre, Rayman... God help us if there's some sleeper hits - Far Cry, Splinter, Cell, Blazing Squadrons, GT Pro....... There's 4 of us at my house though and we're sharing the cost (as well as two wii's) so that aint too bad. What is the USA launch lineup? Surely ours will be pretty much identical?
  23. I didn't know where to put this, maybe their should be a thread on it. But what are the official launch games? And what are people getting? There's loads I want but I'm not actually sure what is coming out. Sorry if there's already a thread!
  24. - me and my housemates (4 of us) along with another friend and a mates girlfriend will all get 2 at midnight along with every half decent game and 4 controllers - get home create mii's and play wii sports 'til we're bored and then monkey ball multiplayer likely. People will start dropping off till a hardcore 4 of us, likely to play Marvel Alliance 4 player until we all need sleep - Next day play around with channels, connect 24 etc Try out Zelda and more one players - Red Steel etc. - That night same as before, loads of Wii mutliplayer craziness
  25. I think the price is great, I think it's a little higher so they have room to drop when the PS3 comes out or for an extra incentive next year sometime. I think it's a bargain, especially with Wii Sports bundled in which could be avgreat little game. The controllers are very expensive though and I'm sure most if us here will want 4 so that's a lot of money, but there's some serious tech in there so it's understandable. I'm lucky, there's going to be me and 3 other housemates, two of us are buying one, we're getting wii play and my housemates will be etting their own controllers - also means we'll be able to get a ridiculous amount of launch games!!!
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