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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Lovely job looks really great. Cool posters too
  2. Yes I get that, but retail always went far lower than the RRP, averaging £45 on Amazon at release, so it's a big jump to 70. Like @Julius says, hopefully it's only temporary.
  3. I always considered AAA games last gen to be £45 on Amazon (£60 in the digital stores), so to me I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around a £25 increase at retail. Hopefully like you say it's a temporary thing. Bluepoint do fantastic work but it still seems excessive. I'm tempted to just wait a few months for the usual price plummet on PS/Xbox games and pick them up 50/75% off, but then I want something to play on my PS5 this weekend I wish there was a huge must-play BOTW type game at launch.
  4. How is this 70 quid on Amazon? I thought game prices were going up by $10/£10, not 20 or 25! Having played so much on Game Pass I'm really struggling to justify paying 60 quid on Sack Boy and 50 on Miles Morales. 70 is just ridiculous, especially for a remake, I don't care how good it looks.
  5. I think I was too harsh on the episode, watching it again it was much more enjoyable than first viewing and there were some fantastic bits throughout. I think one thing that's pretty clear is this season is a big step up from last year.
  6. Not opened mine yet, I'm still rocking my original iPhone SE, love that one. Glad they've gone smaller + back to square edges
  7. Got one too. Finally they release a phone that isn't like a small tablet!
  8. Chapter 11. It's funny how this is the second episode title of the season to completely give away who'll be showing up (only thanks to leaks tbf). Enjoyed this one but probably not as much as the first two, though I suspect a lot of people will really love it. It was the same with Chapter 3 last year, everyone kept saying how great that one was, when it was probably the one I enjoyed least.
  9. Really struggling to justify spending 50 quid on this, given the reviews are good but nothing special. I liked the original game on PS4 but I thought the openworld stuff was pretty cookie cutter and dated, and I'm not a Marvel fan to care much about the story. The game I am looking forward to is Sack Boy, but the 60 quid price tag on that stings a bit.
  10. Nice to hear some positive impressions It's something I really hope PS5 implements at some point down the line. I'd read it would have it on here (without the fancy name) but seems not
  11. Oh, I've not read what the battery life is going to be. I was hoping for 40 hours like the Switch Pro. As long as it's better than the ridiculous 6 hours on the DS4. I wouldn't say Nintendo simplify their controllers, they innovate all the time. Rumble and analog sticks on the N64, analog triggers on the Gamecube, speakers and motion control on the Wii, the whole Gamepad as a concept on Wii U, and now removable joy cons with HD rumble, an IR camera on the Switch. Great to see both new consoles getting good reviews though, exciting!
  12. Wow, that's insane. Also I knew Animal Crossing would be BIG but I didn't think it'd sell more than Mario Kart! It's getting very close.
  13. It's good to hear views like this because I couldn't disagree more, I personally can't stand Culber. It genuinely felt like his inclusion in season 1 was for the sole reason of grabbing headlines, and it still feels that way. Even three seasons in I barely know anything about the guy except that he likes opera. Great? Such a bland personality too, like most of the crew, and especially compared to the likes of Phlox, the EMH, McCoy... I think Culber was never meant to be a regular character, they just assumed they would kill him off and that was the end of that, but then got so terrified of the potential backlash of killing a gay character and so told everyone in the literal after-show that he would be coming back
  14. They certainly seem intent on telling us this crew is a family, with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. I just don't buy it. It's the same as them course correcting in season 2 and having Saru deliver endless "We are Starfleet!" feelgood speeches, it just doesn't seem earned. Might just be me though, I don't care much for Detmer, or Owo, or Nhan, or Burnham, or Stamets, or Culber. I think Picard got it right by focusing on the crew first, the action second. The first season of Discovery was the opposite, so they're playing catch-up (imo).
  15. Just watched Chapter 10 too. I think I loved it even more than the last episode! Felt much more tightly directed, with some stunning CGI (agree with you @Julius, nothing dodgy this time!), brilliant audio design and some beautiful shots and pacing. It's also great to have self contained stories, with plenty of continuity thrown into the mix at the same time. Also, and I think this was pretty needed, I grew to love Din a lot more thanks to those 40 minutes. Mostly just thanks to subtle touches, bits of humour etc. He had plenty to do and say this episode and it made his character all the more likeable because of it. Personally thought the length of the episode was perfect, I don't need 50+ minutes every week. The Marshal could have been trimmed a tad I think. Reviews seem good, but the main complaint seems to be that this doesn't advance the larger narrative enough. I just don't get it. I know almost every series these days is one long storyline, but that doesn't mean Mando has to be. Why can't people just enjoy a fun 40 minutes. Do we need answers every week? No. (imo)
  16. Looks fun but what a shame about the voice cast, that would have really pulled it together. They should have at least gotten Ridley and McDiarmid I like Finn's yellow lightsaber, looks like Rey hooked him up.
  17. I like to see the best in people too*. *. = except when it comes to Trump. The man is a disgusting, vile, child.
  18. Went into last night optimistic about Biden, went to bed at 4am depressed assuming the vile creature had pulled it out of the bag, now the bookies have flipped a second time and Biden's getting short odds and Trump is 3 or 4 to 1. Madness.
  19. D'oh! I'm kind of obsessed with it now, subtle but masterfully done at just the right moment. As usual with a SW thing, the more I see it the more I love it. Just need that first 'processing' watch out the way.
  20. Sony shuts down PS5 face plate company Annoying as I was planning on getting one to make the console a tad less of an eyesore, but oh well.
  21. Has anyone ever experienced their Switch not recognising either split joy cons or the Pro controller? I hadn't used it for 2-3 weeks, and the past couple of days I've been doing my usual pressing the home button on the Pro controller thing to wake it while in the dock. The lights flash for a while on the controller but the Switch doesn't wake up. I separate the joy con and same thing. Going into Controllers it doesn't seem able to find either of them.
  22. Sorry guys, can't make it tonight. Shame cause I would have loved to. Have fun though!
  23. That was a LONG day of avoiding the internet!! Just finished watching it, loved it overall. Even more of a space western than season 1! Felt a bit like a bottle episode, but I enjoyed it 10x more than the Gunslinger episode. It's loads of fun going into something Star Wars having no idea where the story will go. Sure there had been rumours and casting leaks but everything on screen was pretty much a complete surprise, maybe apart from the sequence before the title card. Some of the CG looked rough and you could 100% tell they were in the Volume, I'm thinking of the close-up shots of the speeder bike sequences, but those are inherently pretty goofy looking so it must be tough to make them look good. Conversely though some of the other shots were stunning... Edit: Also, did you spot this @Julius ?? I noticed it shifting back afterwards, but didn't realise it did during the fight. That explains the enormous sense of scale at the time!!
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