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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Hopefully it won't be another touchpad and PS5 games will actually start using the HD rumble too, apart from Astro's Tech Demo
  2. Not played in a while but will try and join!
  3. Damned if they do damned if they don't I guess. Explain the delay and PC players get annoyed. Don't explain and everyone gets annoyed.
  4. Need to get back to the AWE expansion, I'd put an hour or so in and haven't gone back since. The Alan Wake connection means nothing to me
  5. Quick and dirty predictions for season 2...
  6. Cloud streaming could be their way of keeping pace with next gen mutltiplatform games.
  7. Animal Crossing will be up there too for sure. Valhalla or Watch Dogs potentially. Maybe Hades or Origami King (ok that last one is just my vote). Tough one cause I thought Last of Us was very divisive. As for Cyberpunk, let them take all the time they need imo. I’ll wait a couple months till there’s a few patches up.
  8. Good to hear impressions. I'm a bit bored of Ubisoft openworld games full of busiwork but this looks a bit more imaginative than most so I'm looking forward to it. I don't think a lot of people will crucify the game for the BOTW connection, I posted a gif recently that showed Fenyx using a Magnesis rune like ability but it was meant more as a joke than a criticism. A game as immensely popular will and should inspire other game creators, that's how the industry has always worked. Obviously you can take it a bit too far (*cough*Genshin Impact*cough*) but Fenyx's interpretation seems a good compromise.
  9. Great to see them sent out to press, I listen to Kinda Funny a lot and Greg was expecting Sony to send them out the week of release. Also great that the box design is as ugly as the console itself consistency!
  10. Pachter's hit a new low. That's a terrible take.
  11. Watched Coco for the first time a couple days ago. WOW. Just incredible.
  12. Brave man asking that particular question on the internet It's tough for me to separate what Disney has done vs what Lucasfilm has done so I'll just speak in general terms... For me, Disney Star Wars has re-invigorated my love for the franchise after I found the prequels so disappointing. They've obviously made some mistakes and I think if they could go back in time they'd have planned the sequel trilogy to be a bit more cohesive (though I still maintain The Last Jedi follows on from the Force Awakens perfectly well, it's only IX that throws things out the window). Obviously it's hard to talk about the production issues on a lot of films without knowing all the details. Drawing parallels with video games, it's funny to me that people praise Nintendo for looking at Metroid Prime 4's original development, seeing that it wasn't good enough, stepping in and starting over... but when Lucasfilm does similar with Star Wars films, they get criticised. That said I do think they could stand to be a tad less control-freak-y. Sequel trilogy: Loved The Force Awakens, adored The Last Jedi, liked The Rise of Skywalker. Ok the story-telling overall wasn't the best/most original, but most everything else about the productions were top notch and it's given me some amazing iconic moments that I'll always remember fondly. Rogue One / Solo: Loved them, Solo especially, and I'd love to see Gareth Edwards direct another film. I really hope we see more spin offs in future. The Mandalorian: Fantastic, so excited for season 2. Rebels: Resistance: I enjoyed it, but it was a huge step down from Rebels (and I assume Clone Wars) Other stuff: People seem to have a great time at Galaxy's Edge, and EA have finally gotten their act together with Battlefront II, Fallen Order and Squadrons being really popular. Lucasfilm have done a nice job of growing the canon with books/tv series/games all inter-connecting with each other and filling in gaps. So yeah overall, I've had a great time the last 8 years. If you look at Marvel, their Phase 1 didn't get everything right either and it's not until the later years that things really took off and the quality was more consistently high. I'm confident Lucasfilm are in a much better position now moving forward with the last 8 years under their belt. Exciting!
  13. Really, I can't stand Burnham. Especially crazy Burnham where she has an excuse to over-act even more than usual.
  14. Not into Fire Emblem myself, but that's a really cool looking Collector's Edition!
  15. I hope it's a good game, and not just another excuse for Kojima to Kojima.
  16. YES PLEASE!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1162110258/darkest-dungeon-the-board-game?ref=section-homepage-view-more-discovery-p1
  17. New trailer Looks great as expected, and I love how little they're really showing. I think the internet is getting annoyed the trailer didn't show enough new material a big reason season 1 was so popular was that people went in pretty much blind and not knowing what to expect.
  18. Fair enough, but it's just weird they didn't show it. Surely more useful to the average person than being able to watch someone else's stream. I'll assume it's in there and put it down to Sony's usual confusing messaging. Destruction All Stars was a cold boot, so they could have easily shown it. But they didn't fill the screen is my point, there's nothing in the above screenshot except empty space. It could be seen as clean, but the way everything is tucked into each corner I actually find just looks messy. And why is the game box on it twice? I love UI design but not much of a fan of this. The in-game one is a little better though but from the reaction I'm reading online, a lot of people are asking if you can just disable the cards, so I'm not sure how much of success those will be in practise.
  19. Weird how they didn't talk about their version of Quick Resume, which doesn't bode well...
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