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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Looks good. Nice musical flourish at the end. I hope that (unlike Discovery), this show actually has likeaable characters, memorable action sequences and above all, HEART. Emotions that are earned, not forced.
  2. I forgot about In the Valley of Gods, that was such a slick trailer. Definitely hyped for that one.
  3. Hoping we hear more from Playdead at E3, it’s been a while since Inside came out.
  4. Oh and I forgot Labo VR, I dunno I think this could be one of Nintendo's strongest year's ever in terms of quantity (and hopefully quality).
  5. Woahhh... "J.J. Abrams, alongside Stunt Coordinator Eunice Huthart, directs the Knights of Ren; elite fearsome enforcers of Kylo Ren’s dark will." "Vanity Fair reveals Keri Russell as the masked scoundrel Zorri Bliss, seen in the Thieves’ Quarter of the snow-dusted world Kijimi." "First Order leaders General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) and Allegiant General Pryde (Richard E. Grant) on the bridge of Kylo Ren’s destroyer." "In a historic reunion, Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) retakes the helm of the Millennium Falcon, joined by Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), Chewbacca, D-O, and BB-8. “He’s a survivor,” Williams says of Lando." "Finn and new ally Jannah (Naomi Ackie), atop hardy orbaks, lead the charge against the mechanized forces of the First Order. “It’s extremely surreal to be in it,” says Ackie, “and see how it works from the inside.”" "Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Rey battle it out with lightsabers in a stormy confrontation. Their Force-connection—what Driver calls their “maybe-bond”—will turn out to run even deeper than previously revealed." More stunning pics here: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/photos/2019/05/star-wars-the-rise-of-skywalker-exclusive-photos
  6. It really is. Horrible place. Trouble is once you wade through the angry mob crusading and endless identity/SJW politics it's a good place to keep up with what's going on in the industry. While I agree it's been slow so far, 2019 is still - NSMBUDX - Yoshi - Mario Maker 2 - Link's Awakening - Animal Crossing - Luigi's Mansion 2 - Astral Chain - Fire Emblem Three Houses - Tetris 99 - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Marvel Ultime Alliance and whatever else E3 brings. That's a crazy twelve months, given most of that is first party output, even if the bulk of it is in the second half of the year. They definitely need to try and balance releases out a bit more though that's for sure.
  7. I don't mind the portrait mode, I figured they would go that way with the whole "one handed" commuter-style gameplay ethos they like so much. The gacha system is really disappointing though, I imagine they'll pick and choose depending on the game but I hoped Mario Kart wouldn't stoop that low. How much resources do you honestly think this is taking up? Barely anything in the grand scheme of things and if their job is to push people into the Nintendo ecosystem, Mario Kart on mobile is a good way to do that.
  8. Be interesting to see what financial model they use, and whether they want to make a ton of money or not lol
  9. It doesn't feel quite as chocolatey as the SNES game but I'll take it!
  10. DRM/not being able to play used games = stupid + plausible Not being able to own your own games in 2020 = catastrophic + utterly implausible. Strange shit does happen. Playstation 5 being streaming-only is in the next universe to strange.
  11. Nothing you mention there is on the same level of implausbility as a home console being streaming only. It's not even within the realm of possibility at this point in time. Hence the well duh, of course the next Playstation is going to play discs. DRM and needing an internet connection are totally plausible decisions these companies could have made, but no retail games at all from next year? That was NEVER going to happen.
  12. It is "well duh" because there is no way that in 2020 Sony and Microsoft would totally and utterly cripple themselves by releasing streaming-only consoles. It would just be idiotic, and makes no sense, for many reasons. In a decade when online infrastructure around the world has caught up, sure maybe, next year? No way. And I'd be very surprised if anyone genuinely thought Stadia meant Xbox 2 and PS5 would be streaming only.
  13. They're not doing this for "player choice", they're doing it because it makes most business sense for them. Is this really news that the next Playstation will play purchased, retail games? Obviously it's going to. Don't get me wrong, let them say it, but it's hardly noteworthy.
  14. I think it's easy to overthink things like this, no solution is ever going to be watertight.
  15. I'd recommend maybe looking through a guide and getting the proper ending before you're done with the game (it has nothing to do with the DLC stuff). If I'd seen the normal ending I would have found it a really anticlimactic finish.
  16. I've been a tad disappointed by the writing this season, and have said as much in previous posts... but I really loved the finale. I thought it was fantastic and satisfying enough, given the short timescale. I even teared up a couple of times towards the end, and yes one of them was... I was waiting for this episode before properly judging season 8, and this redeemed what's come before a bit somewhat. I wish it were at least 4 episodes longer, sure, but what we ended up with was a satisfying conclusion I think. Beautifully shot too, episode 6 was just stunning from start to finish.
  17. I was tempted by a Quest but I'll just wait for PSVR v2, hopefully that won't be too long. Nothing on the Quest really appealed apart from Vadar Immortal.
  18. Just read up on the host, wow what an idiot, and weirdly obtuse given the event he's hosting!
  19. £10 for what they were offering seemed steep so makes sense to offer a second bit of DLC later in the year too.
  20. The internet in a nutshell. Everything is either the greatest thing since sliced bread... or the lowest humanity could possibly sink.
  21. £84 for two digital games? That’s even better value than I thought, assuming they were 60 digital to begin with.
  22. Reading reactions online, we're veering into the OTT, ridiculous Last Jedi style "THIS IS THE WORST THING MANKIND HAS EVER CREATED" nonsense hyperbole again. The downside of social media and the echo chamber of online I guess. Whenever something disappoints people try and outdo each other to shout louder about how DISGUSTINGLY AWFUL it is. I'm not a fan of season 8 at all, and it's really sad the series has to whimper out like this, but in no way was the last episode "the absolute pinnacle of crap". Come on. (For the record, the first paragraph of this post, wasn't referring to anyone here/this place)
  23. Handy for getting games like Mario Maker 2 and Animal Crossing, games that are suited to digital downloads, and saving £20 in the process.
  24. I think the 3D World art style looks great! It’s U that bland and flavourless, 3D World actually uses nice backgrounds and 3D geometry. Better lighting too. It being a separate style is a shame but it opens up the possibilities for other styles in the future like 64, Land etc. Ones that function just that little bit too differently to the others.
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