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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Yeah Ubisoft had a shocker. Really surprising given their last few years have been so good. Ridiculous amount of Tom Clancy and very little else. First and last segments the highlight for me. Come on Nintendo.... salvage the show Watch Dogs genuinely bringing something new to the table, which is nice to see.
  2. But, but, it’s a “comment on the industry” so that instantly makes it amazing and hilarious, I hear. (sorry to take the mick @Glen-i I’m glad you like it but I just don’t get it.)
  3. Next year is shaping up to be pretty amazing, and that's just the stuff we know about. Heard a couple of reports the next 3D Zelda is 2020 too. For Playstation 5, it feels like Sony are going to do a Switch and go big on their first year. Wouldn't be surprised to see Horizon 2 and God of War 2 out in the first twelve months. Oh and Dreams
  4. So, play at release or wait 6-12 months for the inevitable next gen port?
  5. The action looked pretty generic, which I know is Marvel's thing, but I had hoped the gameplay might be a bit more interesting. Didn't look particualrly polished either. Oh well.
  6. I thought the game looked incredibly cool, I just don't find their shtick funny at all. Too obvious, in your face, try too hard, for me at least.
  7. Hated the Devolver thing again. I just don’t find it funny. I feel like that’s just Americans in general tbh. Their crowds love their overlong clapping, cheering and whooping.
  8. Erm. Never mind. ENOUGH with this shooter obsession in the industry. Jeeze. Please salvage this E3 Nintendo...
  9. Thankfully nowhere to be seen.
  10. I’m one of the few that loved the first but hated the second. I didn’t like the aggressive AI and preference of hacking over combat. Looks like the third is a mix of both.
  11. Well done Ubisoft. Going straight into gameplay. Makes this show instantly better than 90% of E3 so far.
  12. This looks great. I’ve managed to ignore all the leaks regarding the main character(s), what a clever idea! Don’t see it that often for games like this. Hope it plays more like the first game though.
  13. I love the Kinda Funny guys but I was a little disappointed in their first Showcase. Now of course, what they managed was amazing and well done them, but content wise I didn't think the vast majority of games were up to much. Hoping for a bit better this time. Again though, a big achievement for them, regardless. Also, Greg did a great job hosting EA Play, and Tim's insight into the industry has doubled in recent years. He used to just be the host when Colin was around but now is very interesting to listen to.
  14. I'm really looking forward to Ubisoft. They usually put on a great show with tons of diverse genres on dispaly. Bethesda games just aren't for me, and after sitting through them and MS I'm getting a little bored of the whole "murder simulator set in a dystopian wasteland" thing that seems to account for a third of the games shown so far. Also bored of CG trailers. It's getting ridiculous now.
  15. Sony don't have anything to show, and Microsoft had lots to show... but nothing particularly great? Definitely in that lull before a new gen. Felt like they were killing time before next year's show.
  16. It's funny, I feel the exact same thing about Japanese games. The same aesthetic and style over and over. I wasn't necessarily talking about aesthetics though, more just technical prowess and, frankly, quality and polish. Fair enough. There are certainly exceptions. Nintendo too obviously, for the most part.
  17. Not a big fan of Keanu Reeves being in the game, just seems a bit wtf and will pull me out of the experience. The male protaganist seems a bit annoying, might go for the woman instead. Shame no gameplay but otherwise looks good. The release date is awkward with the next Xbox coming 6 months later.
  18. The difference is becoming really obvious.
  19. Japanese games look so dated behind the west. Their trailers are awful too.
  20. IGN guys really confused why the livestream showed such a small low-key segment of the game. Apparently there's tons more stuff in the demo stations, including piloting an AT-AT and a hub world/space travel! Quote from Duggan: "This looks like it could be Game of the Show material"
  21. Wow, tough crowd. That's EA for you I guess. Loved it, looked beautfiul, plenty of fun mechanics on show. The music felt very Star Wars too. Hopefully like God of War there are more open areas you can explore a bit, not quite to that scale obviously but something that takes you off the beaten path. Overall though it feels great to have a game like this in a sea of openworld/mulitplayer titles.
  22. Mario Maker 2 Invitational is amazing so far. The levels are so fun and creative. The co-op challenge was fantastic. Final, 1 v 1 coming up next...
  23. When they revealed the timeframe this takes place in i was really down on the game. Even as a huge SW guy I just don’t cars about the prequel era. Now that it’s closer to the original trilogy than I thought... it’s probably my most hyped game this year. I think it looks great. Hopefully gameplay holds up, revealed later today... also: full 14 (print) page feature coming soon on Game Informer soon https://www.gameinformer.com/cover-reveal/2019/06/07/july-cover-revealed-star-wars-jedi-fallen-order
  24. It's a good job Nintendo didn't rigidly stick to "what Zelda games set out to do" on the NES, or else we wouldn't have had wildly different experiences like OOT (3D, time travel), MM (weird Groundhog Day mechanics), Wind Waker (world flooded, travel by boat, cel shaded animation), Skyward Sword (linear, story heavy), BOTW (openworld, make your own adventure, chemistry, physics engines), ALBW (dimension hopping), Spirit Tracks (touch screen sylus based input)... Change and evolution ARE ok. Doing the same thing over and over and throwing in 100 new Pokemon and saying "yep, that'll do for this gen", isn't. I get that creating 800 different creature designs isn't easy, but simply adding more creatures into the franchise isn't ambitious. Running through rigid Routes with absolutely nothing in them but characters spotting you and starting a training battle for the ten millionth time just gets boring after a while.
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