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Everything posted by SPAMBOT4000

  1. LOVE! The current single has been stuck in my head so I thought it'd be worth a punt. The album is just stunning. However much I love the single it's almost doing her an injustice by judging her purely on it. It's by far the most commercial thing on the cd and there're much better tracks to be found. One of those cds that you have to listen to again immediately after your first play through. Disappointed. The albums might grow on me but after a single run through there's not much here that's catching my attention aside from the singles which in the most part I seem to be bored of already.
  2. Yeah not sure why I put an x instead of an n. My only defence is that I was pretty tired when I posted! Anyway imagining breaking various small sizes of chocolate bar in my head it seems to be mn - 1 ? IF that's right this time I can sorta appreciate why but would probably have trouble explaining it!
  3. Thanks for your help chaps. I need to get into the micromanagement and long term strategy business of this game a bit more me thinks.
  4. Before I embarrass myself by trying to explain an incorrect answer is it m-1 * x-1 ?
  5. Yeah I'm doing terribly on purpose. It's what the cool kids do yo.
  6. 10: Soleil? I don't think it is but it reminds me of it and I'll kick myself if I withhold a correct guess again because I wasn't sure.
  7. Ooo stick me at the end. That's generally where I like to be.
  8. Canand, I love you. May we go to the pub sometime?
  9. Haha! Me too. BTW. Chicks dig the Scribblenauts hat on here.
  10. I have no idea why I'm doing so dreadfully this season.
  11. I be up for some XBL L4D2 fun as I've barely played it online since getting it. SPAMBOT4000 is the tag. Obvs.
  12. ... I just saw a fat naked guy humping a huge toy racoon. I am NOT joking. Tried to print screen but got there too late. ... ... ... THIS THING IS AWESOME!
  13. Nuts n Bolts was way underrated in my opinion. Really loved that game. The handling is only shit if you build a shit car.
  14. BSG: Season 4 & Final. Epic. Stunning. Wonderful. Loved the finale, one of the best TV show finales I've seen. Now to watch The Plan (though I hear it isn't very good?) and begin watching Caprica, woo! EDIT: Urgh...
  15. Happy Birthday Rez! Hope you have a goodun Sir.
  16. Haha what, do you mean even though you'd not been up long, looked a state and practically dragged yourself in? Then a definite yes!
  17. Maybe just get her a card and give it to her in a semi-jokingly way? "Ahh seen as though we're spending the evening together I had to get you a card lawwl" Interested or not if you play it right she'll probably think it's sweet. Whoop! Congrats! Just got offered one too. FINALLY OUT OF THE DOLESCUM! Ironically, now I'm going to have a lot less time on my hands I feel 200% more productive. Guess there was just no motivation before.
  18. Oh my god this was probably the most boring episode of television I've watched in a while. ZzzzZzzzZzzz... I thought the pace was going to be picked up now we're reaching the end? Seems not.
  19. I'd like to see the guy he was shacked up with in the institute make a reappearance at the least. But yeah, last ep was awesome. Showed signs that all may not be well with Lucas/Cuddy which is good in my eyes. Also showed that although House is a dick, he seems to be there for her a lot in this ep albeit in an assy way. Heroes Season 4 Finale: Didn't even realise it WAS the finale. Doesn't feel like there's enough drama been built up for it to be the finale yet. It was pretty meh anyway. Kinda disappointed at just how easily they defeated Samuel in the end.
  20. Holy shit, where do I get my signed limited edition print?
  21. COMPLETELY annihilated.
  22. 1. is Wiz and Liz fo SHO. Freakin' loved that game. Went so far as to create and complete a huge list of all the possible veg/fruit combos and their effects.
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