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Everything posted by SPAMBOT4000

  1. I uploaded some video for j00! If it's err 'too much' and you don't wanna use it then feel free to get a sketch from Sorreh Mommeh.

  3. Most Happying Returns to you sir!
  4. Yeah sure br0, go for it what's mine is yours innit. I'll try and do something mebbi now though. Wooo!

  5. Thanks folks, kinda surprised by all the positive comments Roostophe, totally agree about Fake Plastic Trees not being right for the sketch. I knew at the time, I was just starting to get bored of editing and couldn't be arsed hunting for the perfect song.
  6. Ahh awesome sauce, thanks a lot and thanks for the invite! I might need a regular poke occasionally but I shall STRIVE TO DO MY BEST.

  7. I'd be delighted to! It'd give me more of a reason to be less lazy with regards to making shit anyway.

  8. I was a little bored last night and this morning. Criticism welcome please. I'd rather someone watch and give a scathing review than someone watch and not comment at all.
  9. The duly noted joke was farb. I liked the idea of the DVD but it mighta been better with punch noises/screams? I dunno. I LIKE.
  10. Arghhh! SPOILARRRR!!! Umm I know he was guaranteed to come back at some point but knowing exactly when kinda ruins the surprise.
  11. WHAT NO CAVE STORY TODAY?! *slits wrists*
  12. Anyone catch the double episode return of flashforward? Has it improved at all? Is it worth my bandwidth?
  13. Surprisingly no, he's usually a normal Daily Mail hating person.
  14. Best title evar... HAPPY BIRTHDAY HADEN!
  15. THAT is crazy. My mind is in pieces. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. XOMG.
  16. Ta to those who replied. I totally forgot it was my Granddad's Birthday last weekend so went up to see him instead. I'll probably be buying Bioshock 2 this weekend though. Whooop!
  17. I wish that's what she said Supergrunch, I left a sloppy surprise for you under your pillow. LIKE YOUR MUM?
  18. Sorry peeps, been away this weekend as it was my GRANDAD'S BIRTHDAY. Zzz fest. WORKING ON THIS RIGHT NOW.
  19. Yeah, definite filler this week. Was hoping to come back to a better episode after the gap really. Yeah, totally noticed Chase and 13 too. Definite chemistry there. Would certainly be interesting if they did get it on. House would fucking love it. Tons of potential there for him to piss the lot of them off.
  20. Yo peeps, quick question... I have a free weekend ahead of me and a new game to buy. Final Fantasy XIII Bioshock 2 Sega All Stars Racing The only time I properly played a Final Fantasy was with VII and I don't have EPIC amounts of time to put into an RPG outside of this weekend. (though obviously some.) Loved Bioshock 1 but found it a bit samey & repetitive as I got nearer the end. I love me a kart game but not completely convinced by this. I can see me getting bored too quickly. HELLLP!
  21. This week I have mostly been listening to Gorillaz: Plastic Beach. It's great. Probably their best album. Lots of GROWERS. It all goes downhill a bit after 'On Melancholy Hill' though.
  22. Yeah, I've not heard many arguments that really hold up too well against Google Street View and I'm one of the biggest whiners about the Big Brother SURVEILLANCE STATE direction this country is taking. Okay, it gives potential burglars a look at the front of your house without them having to leave their seats but as I said before, they could just walk over and take a look and also... who burgles from the front of a house anyway? Pr0 burglars would still come and check a place out first. Also, not like the images are live or even recent (looks like before last summer to me) so it doesn't help with seeing whether people are in or not... I just think this is a fun, helpful little tool. It's nice checking out a place you're planning to go before you go there. It'll also make Google's GPS app fucking awesome tbh.
  23. Wow my tiny little hamlet in the middle of nowhere is on this thing! Annoyingly, the picture is pre my car My Dad is NOT fucking happy (ZOMG BURGLARS CAN SEE OUR HOUSE!!!(err dad, a map + EYES are practically the same thing...)) but then took over my computer for half an hour having a look at friend's houses... rather hypocritically.
  24. This is probably the worst television show resurrection idea EVER. It was of its time and shit. Let it rest in peace.
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