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Everything posted by SPAMBOT4000

  1. Sorry guys, I'm gonna have to be epicly lame and pass this on to Danny Boy. Bit lame to say that I don't have time to do a 2 minute scribble but I've got bigger things on my mind right now. LOVE LOVE.
  2. Yo homie! No worries. ***NINJA EDITS!*** Oh yeah deffo coming for the Sat, gonna see if I can megabus or train it Sat morning. What timeish is the meet scheduled for? RAPE AS ALWAYS.

  3. Well if you think THAT was uncalled for then you should have seen some of the comments Rez got when he uploaded the latest Comedy Rainbow... Oh. < 'THE POINT' > < DYSON'S HEAD >
  4. No offense but... actually, scratch that, the offense is intended if you're offended. It's kinda become 'cool' round these parts to diss Rez's humour and I think it's getting more than a little harsh. If you don't like it then that's all fair and well but I can 100% guarantee these comments wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if another forumer had posted exactly the same video. Rez has kept this up on a regular basis for 14 episodes now and I challenge any of you to come up with anything anywhere near as good for that kind of timescale. I know I struggle to come up with even 1 sketch every two weeks, nevermind a full show load. Also remember that this is not a fucking terrestrial show with a budget, it's built on nothing. I agree the Big Brother bit was too long but at the same time, given more time it could have been better fleshed out. Maybe having it as a running joke throughout the show for example, having a related clip played every now and then instead of all bundled together. Jay, Eevil's video is more interesting to watch? Seriously, feck off! No offense at all to Eevil because the vid is entertaining (to a point) but it wouldn't even exist without Comedy Rainbow. To all moaning that it's not funny? Fair enough but we're 14 * 10 minute episodes in now. Why the fuck are you still watching? Twisted friend logic? Yeah that excuse would hold up if we were at the first few episodes but not now. If anyone but my best friend in the entire universe had produced 14 episodes of a show I hated I would have stopped watching long ago. Okay, you may not be laughing your arse off but to still be watching at this point you're all getting some sort of entertainment from it. *cue a 'yeah but only to laugh at how bad it is!!' response* Okay, true, most, if not all, randomers probably wouldn't sit through 10 minutes of it if they came across it randomly but at the same time, so what? That's not really the point. Rant over!
  5. Random Thoughts: I actually love how lo-fi the new intro is. Tis Ace. Your Dad (?) should be in every single episode for sure. Windows bit was awesome, those ads piss me off so much! Awesome fun with a pun artwork as usual. My bit wasn't that good. Quite liked the big brother bit but yeah prob could have done with a bit more of you between me and Phil. Damn youtube's 10 minute limit! Lol'd so hard though at the end! Wasn't expecting that! Haha! Love how you didn't need to even do anything for Scare Claire! Really liked Phil's iPhone bit. I shouldn't find 'foods that you can fuck' as funny as I do but it's one of my favourite bits of CR! Comedy Testing lab was great, especially the failed slinky. Awesome!
  6. Ah no way dude! Saw that at teh weekend but couldn't jusitify buying it this week. What's it like? Is the banned episode any good!?

  7. Woah. Best. Episode. Ever. Really loving the longer sketches Rez. Particularly the first one, found it really funny. The multi you special effect in Dr Wu-Man is really good too. I need to get in on that, some sketches I've thought of are really difficult to pull off solo ad there's not really anyone around to lend a hand. Also thanks everyone for the kind comments about my bit. Kinda unexpected really. I thought it was a decent idea but poorly executed as I was trying to get it done as quick as I could.
  8. I turned on my home internets connection today for the first time in about a week. Been major busy lately but it's mainly all boring shite. Bulletpoints are the way forward. This month I have been mostly... Starting my new job in a Costa store which I'm enjoying way more than I should be. Been for a couple of really amazing, fun dates with a chick I've known for about a year but always considered out of my league. Getting ANGRY at the man in Boots who seems to shout my medication out whenever I collect it so the whole store can hear. Fapping. Dreaming. Flat hunting with a friend.
  9. YEAH SUPERGRUNCH. It's your go.
  10. Oh yeah I'll blates play if you'll let me join on the end. Just been a little busy for t'internet lately.
  11. I loved but then, I would. I'll give some DETAILED IMPRESSIONS in a bit, twas probably the best so far though.
  12. They're usually up by about 4 am I find. Though.... as it's an extra long episode it'll probably be later than that. The previous Lost finales have always been up much, much later than the normal episodes.
  13. And I love you. In a friends way. And in a sexual way. I think you'll like it. If not then umm... well, shitcakes.
  14. La La Land Episode 3 & 4 Only just started watching this after I saw an article about it on the Guardian website the other day. It really is just awesome. So, so funny. Marc Wootton is a character comedy genius. Very much like a darker Sacha Baron Cohen in places. Really, get yourselves on iPlayer on quick. Just wish I could have caught the first two episodes before they were removed.
  15. Great episode. Very much looking forward to the finale. I'm really enjoying how the sideways timeline seems to be coming together now.
  16. Not had chance to see last night's FlashForward yet but it's just been officially cancelled... http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2010/05/13/abc-cancels-romantically-challenged-scrubs-ted-flashforward/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+entertainmentweekly%2Fausiellofiles+%28Entertainment+Weekly%27s+The+Ausiello+Files%29 And as the season finale will have already been filmed and with them writing it in hope of a second series, it looks like we won't get a proper ending to the show either. Laaaaame.
  17. Ahh awesome! Do me a favour and remind my spazzy ass on Monday if I aint done anything? Don't think I'm gonna have chance to do owt til then and there's a 99% chance I'll have forgotton by then. TA BABE! :D

  18. http://www.hitfix.com/blogs/whats-alan-watching/posts/exclusive-interview-lost-producers-damon-lindelof-and-carlton-cuse-talk-across-the-sea Pretty interesting interview with Damon and Carlton regarding the latest ep. Though it's a shame as they really come off as pretty over-defensive and self important in it. Lots of "Get over that, you aint getting an answer" type answers. Cannot believe that it looks like we're not getting an answer to...
  19. It was alreet.
  20. Woah. Penumbra is freaking awesome from the little I've played of it so far. Pretty decent graphics for an indie game and the atmosphere is thrilling... Now I just need to find a non mac mouse to play it with. Not being able to press left and right mouse buttons simultaneously = epix fail when it comes to games.
  21. They're okay. Bit lame as they're the three starters. The fakes Rez posted earlier were loads better. Yeah. I know...
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR GRUNCH! Oops three days late but I've not been on the interwebs very much lately...
  23. JimBob. Place your bottom upon my lips and tell me that you hear beautiful music when you see my face.
  24. This might have just sold the PS3 to me. DO WANT.
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